Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1754: Dragon Knight vs Dragon Knight (13)

"Steel Steam and Flame (!

From the very beginning, everyone's eyes have paid attention to this suitcase, consciously or unconsciously, because the storage state and the things in other boxes around it are too different. It was its turn at the moment, and everyone showed interest.

Regarding the description of the suitcase, Mishur was as straightforward as it was not doped with super alloy weapons. She walked over and picked up the instruction manual without saying a word. After opening the suitcase, there was a sound of airtightness, and its internal structure seemed to be used to store artworks, exquisite and elegant.

Six baby fist-sized ellipsoids are placed neatly in it, all with silver-white alloy shells, like the eggs of large birds, without a trace of gaps. Its surface is very smooth, mapping all surrounding scenery on it.

But Mishur didn't move these six things, but took away half of the shock-absorbing cushion and took out the three color photos behind it.

"A little test." But Mishur got up, stood next to the suitcase and looked at the people around him, "The upper class means, because this kind of thing needs to have an understanding of it, so that you can judge when and where to go. The ability to use it. I think everyone should have no opinion.” No one answered, and the last sentence has blocked all other opinions.

As he said, Mishur spread out three photos with both hands, centered on himself, and slowly turned around in a circle to make sure that the surrounding Saint Guard members, Sawyer and Sasser, etc. could know the content of the photos. In the end, Mishur looked at the photos for himself—all three photos described the same thing. There is nothing in the first picture, only a bright red color. The second shot was taken from a distance. It was a blood-red mushroom cloud rising up in an open area. The third one is a huge deep pit caused by an explosion, with a glass-like substance in the center, surrounded by a circle of molten standard post-explosion appearance. But even though Mishur was clear, his expression changed slightly. But the reason is more the significance of the impact brought by the photos, rather than the content above.

As a member of the Saint Guard, before entering the prison, Mishul's work was mostly related to obtaining necessary intelligence information from various characters in his own way. Therefore, work reasons let her know many things.

"Then, let's start with the members of our Holy Guard." But Mishur set the order.

"Something from the Three Primary Colors Group," Jeremy said first, "let him add the rest."

"You count one." But Mishur nodded and looked at the eight remaining members of the Saint Guard. Waiting for no more than a breath, but one person struggled a little on his face, and then he said, "A month or two ago, someone in the belt-shaped mountain used this thing."

It’s Weir, in the entire team, as a team that connects the three countries: "But the effect does not seem to be very good, because you also know that all the people in that team are dead, and their strength... To be honest, those few people can replace most of us." Weir didn't want to speak, the power of this thing was enough to blow him to ashes thousands of times. He understands Ke Mishuer's intention. This kind of thing is either not used until death, or he has the determination to detonate with his own life.

"You count one too." But shortly after Mishur walked out of the prison, information about Mevis and others in the Banded Mountains came to her for reference.

"Among the Saint Guards..." But Mishur glanced at the rest of the people, and saw that no one had the desire to speak, so he looked at Saoya.

"Red mercury bomb, I've heard about this from my grandfather. The military's control products and the people who use it have strict military rank restrictions, and they have to be screened and investigated. Because the wartime environment is too chaotic, The consequences of losing one will be infinitely magnified after the end of the war." Saoya said, "By the way, during the war, this thing was used to deal with the empire's battle armor, the Flame Alliance,... ,"

Sawyer threw the words to Sasl.

"Used to deal with dragon knights and giant beast cavalry. Dealing with dragon knights is because the defense of scales can prevent the main firearms on the battlefield, and artillery is not a threat to the dragon knight. But it is more used to Deal with giant beast cavalry. Some second-class creatures have a huge size, like the iconic crocodile tribe, beast cavalry-the crocodile iron knight. Adult crocodile can be more than one hundred and fifty meters long and have scales. Not comparable to dragons, but defensive shells and artillery are not a problem at all. Coupled with the excessive load-bearing capacity, each crocodile is a fortress of firepower that moves on the ground. For ground air defense, there is a lot of one on the crocodile body. To annihilate this kind of beast cavalry, our tribes use dragon knights to exercise restraint. The words of the Saint Dorag Empire and the Common Country of Far Seas..." Sasir stopped here when he said that he also knew the existence of this kind of thing.

"Our teacher told us about this. Just like Mr. Soya said, the extremely strict control products, each with a specific number, from the manufacturing to the final use, there will be a process and detailed records." In the end, Heinuoyi answered, but it was just a sentence.

Sasir glanced at the suitcase again at this time, "Hinoy and I can each one, Captain Saoya one, and the rest, Miss Mishur..."

"That's the decision." But Mishur opened his mouth, and handed the ellipsoidal solid red water bombs of the suitcase to Sasir and the others one by one. She probably scanned the instructions and then handed them to several other people, "The central compressed high temperature zone is less than ten meters, but it may be defended by Cassia with a bio-inductive stress field."

"That's why it is six." Jeremy said, he put the red mercury bomb in his trouser pocket, "There is no induction force field, I want to use the intensity of the scaled state of Cassia and Mr. Zero, within 20 meters. The external power can be defended, but the result will be severe injuries. In this case, let’s set the effective damage radius to forty meters. Remember, forty meters is for Cassia and Mr. Zero. Among them, If Cassia does not use the induction force field to resist, then please seize the opportunity in the future. After all, in the subsequent battles, every red mercury bomb explodes, there is a 70-80% chance that it means a few of us. One of them died,"

"Others, please take two to three hundred meters away as your acceptable safety range. Only outside of this can you possibly survive." Jeremy added. When he finished speaking, he went to a few other boxes and took a 30-millimeter gun, which looked like a blunderbuss, but its size and strength could fully serve as a long strip of shield.

The remaining weapons were quickly allocated and completed, without exception, the people who could take things from the alloy boxes were almost all arranged from top to bottom according to their overall strength. Because only those gun-like weapons, the weight brought about by their weight and the huge recoil when used, UU Reading is not something that ordinary members can bear.

At this time, Sasir explained the situation at number zero and Cassia behind him. The addition of the second batch of experimental subjects was effective, but it did not slow down its progress again. Cassia still walked steadily in one direction at this moment.

"We continue to move forward, waiting for Foster and the others, and all the surrounding members to converge." But Mishur said at this time to give the next step, "but we also have to consider another point, why the goal is heading here. Maybe it's just a simple deceitful action, or maybe I want to get close to something... In short, for the target Cassia, with his head and experience, it is best not to ignore every movement and detail of him. Besides, everyone should be clear. The target, Cassia, is the same as us, not alone. There are other enemies behind him, but they have not yet appeared in front of us."

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