Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1770: 1 know nothing (8)

In the darkness was pungent smoke, and the temperature increased, quickly exceeding Cassie Hei's body temperature. After a few kilometers, Cassiehe became more cautious with every step. There is not too much stuff in that huge head. Once you start thinking, you can achieve powerful results. It began to remember, and began to think with the head that hadn't thought for a long time.

Thinking of the scene when he was hunting, Cassiehe immediately shook his head. At the beginning of the hunt, he would be cautious, but later he chased the prey directly and didn't need to think about it. The memory moved forward again, and Cassiehe quickly remembered his own performance when there was a "buzzing" sound in the sky. Every time I hid, I was not found by anything in the sky. This can be used as a reference, because Cassie Black has found that there is always vibration on the ground, which is certainly not a normal phenomenon. As for why it is abnormal, it is the experience of the past few years that tells him that where he is, the environment has always been very quiet, and there will only be wind.

Finally, I recalled the scene when I was studying behind Cassia. Many things have only been remembered since then. Cassiehe tried to keep these memories running repeatedly in that huge head, until there was a "ding" in his head, and then it stopped.

The huge body moving forward was therefore soft and flexible, and the sound it made was covered by the vibration. Cassiehei was cautious, her eyes wide open, and from time to time, when some soil and gravel fell due to the vibration, she blinked symbolically to protect her. However, there is a transparent coating on his eyes, which is tough and thick, and the rubble that falls will not hurt his eyes at all.

The temperature in the cave has risen to the highest, and Cassiehei breathes heavily at this moment, turning back in the dark, looking at the great sword tied to her body with vines, and the roughness of the vines around her body. The polished rocks—this is also what I learned from Cassia—but Cassia often hangs steel bombs and flash bombs around his waist, while Cassie black hangs all over his body. This load is equivalent to no weight for it. In Cassiehei's head, more is equal to good, just like food; stool is equal to strong, such as himself in front of her prey.

It can be described as moving forward silently. Not long after, a lot of rubble appeared in front of him, and some caves have collapsed. Cassiehe thought for a while and listened carefully to the vibrations from the ground. Every time a vibration came, it quickly used its claws to shovel the crushed rocks from the cave behind him. The movements appear fluent and fast, and Cassie is very good at mastering the rhythm, and can only plan a little bit at a time, so that the movement does not look too big.

After walking through this section of the tunnel collapsed, finally, there is no road ahead.

Cassiehe was forced to stop, and he fumbled around, making sure that this should be the entrance and exit. After being blocked, with one or two breathing thoughts, Cassiehei understood the current situation. Using sharp claws to determine the gravel in front of him, Cassiehe tried to plan carefully when the vibration came, only to find that due to the high temperature, even the falling soil was ablated hard. Not to mention that some places have merged together, like solidified iron blocks.

It is impossible to dig without movement. Cassiehe still has his own judgment, just like when it usually digs a hole, it will try to avoid some rock layers or where the roots of ancient trees gather. There was no way for a while, and Cassie stopped here. It wanted to make a sound so that Cassia above could hear it. It was trapped in the entrance and there was no way to get out. But thinking of what Cassia said to herself when she left, Cassiehe could only stay at the mouth of the cave. But no matter how the huge head moves, Cassiehe really can't think of a way to dig the hole again without any sound.

There were no more thoughts in Cassiehe's head. It can be smashed with sharp claws, but this goes against Cassia's words. Regarding the use of breath to melt it directly, it seems that in the period since Cassie Black's birth, it seems that he has never really used dragon's breath by his own reason, and it has no such concept at all.

Stopping in place, Cassiehe didn't know how to do it, but when the shock came, it would still throw away a bit of rubble. Judging by its experience of digging a hole for nearly two years, combined with the hardness of the stuff blocking the entrance and exit, combined with the expected depth, Cassiehei judged that it would take at least half a day to plan it this way.

Casey Black has experience in dealing with this situation. Under the ground, he will encounter large boulders or rocks at any time. Not every time will be bypassed. The way to deal with it is to let the sharp claws attach to the stratum corneum and just smash it open.

At this moment, raising his head, Cassiehe looked upward, always feeling that there was something above looking at his position, which made it feel very uneasy. I wanted to make a sound, but my mouth was closed tightly, afraid of making a noise if I didn't pay attention.

I still had to wait. Whenever there was a vibration, he would scrape a bit of gravel. Cassiehe could only passively wait for the next sound wave to come, or a clear instruction. The current situation is completely different from what Cassia said.

At the same time, above the ground.

Sasir and the three dragon riders seemed to have firmly locked Cassia in an area. Three giant dragons in a triangle shape held the main direction, and at least two giant dragons acted at the same time for every attack, accompanied by the shooting of Komisul and others. But everyone knew in their hearts that Sasir and others did not use their full strength, or that they could not use their lives as a bargaining chip for this mission. I have seen Nichols fight with Cassia, but Mishur feels most about it.

It’s just not important. It’s good news for them to hold Cassia a little longer. UU reading

But as a woman's intuition tells Kamishul at this time, a huge danger has been lurking near the entrance of the cave. She has divided her half of her attention to Foster, and has been paying attention to the movement there. It was still quiet, nothing happened. I had to remind in the communication that she believed that Cassia also felt something. But on Cassia, Mishur couldn't find any useful traces.

"It should be a little time." Cassia sighed lightly at this moment, and had a guess about the situation of Cassiehe at the moment in her heart, "You still need to give a signal by yourself before Cassiehe can act. But there is a dragon rider. Staying on the side, during the time when Cassie black rushed out, I needed to attract attention and limit the attack of the dragoon at the entrance of the hole."

"It's impossible to expect it, but what comes out of the hole, it will definitely surprise the enemy."

"The dragon knight at the mouth of the cave is one, and the remaining one..." At this moment, Cassia looked around, "This enemy like the captain can only see if there is a chance to deal with it later. One of them has to be selected from the other two dragon knights."

Taking a deep breath, Cassia's throat was gathering strength, ready to let Cassiehei rush out.

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