Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1771: 1 know nothing (9)

After taking a deep breath, there was a long and heavy exhalation. When there was a thought in the consciousness, many commands automatically entered the body from the brain, and began to forcibly adjust the situation of various tissues and organs.

"The ripple attack just now must have hurt the dragon's throat. I didn't use the compressed air cannon to attack because of this situation. But the impact on me was not great, and the injury was almost recovered by the self-healing ability." Quickly enter a calm mood, no mood swings, and always maintain a rational judgment of the battlefield situation is extremely important for Cassia, because he often does not have too much fault tolerance.

His thoughts were moving to the utmost, and the scene of the battle with Nichols was repeated several times in his head quickly. After the information summarized at that time about the dragon knight was recalled by Cassia, Cassia no longer hesitated. For a while, he looked up and glanced at the top of his head. It was a canopy that gradually lost its color in the faint smoke.

"After passing through the obstacles of the current group of enemies, what will be waiting for me in the future?" The question flashed across Cassia's head, and the armored dragon claws slanted from the side and looked indifferently. At a glance, Cassia "lightly" walked a few steps, stepping into the ground with each foot, sinking into the ankle, and exploding the ground.

The claws of the dragon fell, the earth and gravel splashed, and the impact air of a huge force stronger than the explosion hit Cassia who was sideways. It's just that it can't be shot directly. This range of spreading attacks has no effect at all. At best, it will only make Cassia sideways, reducing the effective area hit by gravel and impact.

In Cassia's head, the dragon's attack is already familiar, and he has even built a small data model for it. With this claw shot, how large an area of ​​the ground can be hit, how powerful the air impact can produce, how the splashed dirt and gravel will be distributed, how powerful are they, and what level of firearm bullet power is equivalent to. After that, there are detailed data and models for how to respond to this kind of attack, how to avoid it, and so on. These data and familiarity make this slap attack seem powerful and extremely fast, but in the eyes of Cassia it appears slow, like pictures that are constantly changing. You want the details and appearance at any moment. Just look for the picture at that moment.

The sharp claws fell. When the gravel and the air hit him, Cassia received the signal calmly and indifferently. He turned to face the sharp claw that slapped the ground for two or three meters. At this moment, Cassia stretched out his right hand and grabbed beside him, but the thorny tail had already dragged the second-generation holy sword into place in advance, like a shelf for placing weapons.

Holding the second-generation holy sword in his right hand, when Cassia raised it above his head, his left hand also naturally held the hilt of the sword, and immediately slashed the sword against the claw that was about to withdraw. Alloy armor is just a layer of metal blocks that increase the total amount. It does not have any defensive effect against the second-generation holy sword entirely made of ultra-metal.

The splash of blood also appeared to be slow, Cassia thought about it when he slashed with a sword, it seemed that there was time to swing a second sword. As a result, the silver-white Liuying once again pulled out a circular section, and a huge cross-shaped mark appeared on the wrist of the claw. The blood with huge pressure only then opened the wound and splashed out, but at this moment, Cassia has already "Gently" ran away, avoiding the coordinated attack of the other dragon.

"Boom!" A huge clapping sound spread, Cassia's flowing shadow was solid, but a silver-white flowing shadow disappeared at the same time, and blood spurted from the claws of another giant dragon at the same time. The dragon roared, as if expressing anger. Cassia just kept moving around in order to interfere with their judgment of the offensive location.

The change took place in a short instant. While Sasir and others were still digesting the sudden occurrence, the continuous superimposed high-frequency sound waves broke out from Cassia again. The intensity was stronger than before, and the dusty air around Cassia trembled. In the next moment, the high-frequency sound waves disappeared, but Cassia's roar was immediately followed by a huge explosion, as well as the roar of a dragon.

"It's the dragon language!" Needless to remind, after a short time, Mishuer and others immediately understood the meaning of the roar, which represented "come out".

"Captain Sasir, attack now! Use the red mercury bomb whenever necessary!" At this moment, Mishur realized that the blue light on Cassia's body suddenly increased, and she hardly thought about it, and she would do it again in the next moment. Remind the zero to pay attention.

Intuition made Ko Mishur's mind more tense, and the sudden expansion of light in the image of perception made the pressure suddenly multiplied.

There was another roar next to him, but Mishur looked at the sound source, but only saw a stream of shadows flying fast, avoiding the attack, and the blood mist of the canopy dispersed not far behind him. That is the effect of the extremely high pressure blood in the dragon's blood vessels finding the pressure relief port and splashing out. At this time, number zero has rushed over, but Mishur hurriedly stated the abnormal situation he observed in the communication at this time, and immediately reminded Foster, and the two hundred or three kilometers away from the entrance and exit of the cave. Members.

"It is very likely that something will come out of the hole! It may also come from other places. Be careful to watch your surroundings!"

"Received, there is no..." at the entrance of the hole," Foster replied immediately.

"Boom! Boom,,," But Foster hadn't finished speaking, and he didn't need to tell him in the communication that the slight vibration of the ground and the dull sound had been completely captured by Komishuer and others. It was like an explosion, but it was also like a huge impact. The frequency of vibrations and dull sounds quickly accelerated in the next moment. At the same time, high-frequency sound waves were again emitted from Cassia and swayed around.

"Jeremy, take someone to support!" But Mishur roared out in the communication, and then Sasr connected to it, "Foster, directly prepare for the dragon's breath attack! You are sure of the timing! I don't know. What's in the hole, but the movement is absolutely abnormal. You can't let the contents come out!"

"The hole in the ground has been cracked!" The voice fell, the frequency of the vibration became faster, and the sound changed from dull to crisp. When Foster spoke in the communication, the dragon under him had already spread its wings, and bright red lines appeared on the scales visible under his armor. The lines converged towards his chest, where the light became more and more shining, and the armor was insufficiently shielded.

"Pay attention to the target!" But Mishur saw that the piece suddenly swelled, like the blue light at the moment of the explosion, and felt it became difficult to breathe. At the same time, Sasir and Zero roared at the same time, but they couldn't stop them. In the gap between the two dragons' attack, Cassia, which was spinning at high speed, fell, and the ground under his feet instantly melted and exploded into a deep pit.

"Boom!" There was no sound after the piercing sound, and a silver-white streamer was released by the thorny tail. The streamer cuts through the air with its own sharpness, without any resistance, pulling out a vague silver-white trajectory, as if it had traveled a distance of less than two kilometers in a flash. Even if it is obstructed by ancient trees, the circular channel is evaporated by the streamer and allowed to fly by at high speed. UU reading

"Be careful! Foster!" Various voices erupted in the communication, and Foster himself felt it. When seeing the silvery white streamer, he had already stopped the attack and immediately twisted his head, thinking. To avoid this fast flying sword with great danger.

There was no sound, the dragon raised his head, and the silvery white streamer flew directly from its lower jaw, where the armor suddenly evaporated and disappeared with a large piece of flesh and blood, leaving only a semi-circular channel-like charred trace.

"Boom!" Amid the huge shaking, a huge explosion occurred in the cave entrance at the same time.

"Ah..." a loud roar spread from the entrance of the cave, directly covering up the explosion-like sound. A large number of crushed rocks with mud, like a volcanic eruption, rushed out from the mouth of the cave and splashed into the sky several hundred meters. The next moment, the inexplicable violent aura suddenly dispersed and swept all around.

"Foster, run!" Sasir, who reacted first, yelled, but a huge figure had already rushed to the entrance of the cave along with the gravel, and a **** claw had already grasped a huge piece of roughness. The brick-shaped rock smashed hard at the head of the giant dragon wrapped in armor.


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