Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1772: 1 know nothing (10)

Cassiehei roared, but he didn't have any deterrent power. On the contrary, he seemed to hit his own claws. It does not need to roar to deter prey in order to obtain food on a daily basis.

A strong blow directly caused the rocks on its claws to break apart, blasting the surrounding air with explosive air, and tossing away with a few pieces of deformed armor. The dragon's head swung to one side under this power, and its body also tilted a little towards that side. Before Foster and his giant dragon could react, Cassiehei had completely crawled out of the hole, and the huge body that stood upright was like a moving black shadow reflecting cold light. It walked a few steps, without giving the dragon any time to react, and another forelimb clutching the rock hit the **** head again.

The other party seemed to look a lot like himself. Cassiehe knew what he looked like, because from time to time it would go to the river in the forest to hunt some fish to eat. Through the water, it still knew what it looked like. But the dangerous aura radiating from the opponent didn't make it think much. The opponent is about the same size as himself, so far, it is the most dangerous prey that Cassiehe thinks.

The dragon's head hit the ground under the second impact of the rock, causing the large chunks of mud at the mouth of the cave to collapse. The dragon twisted his body and wanted to run to the side, his head pulled out directly from the ground under the lead of his neck. It opened its mouth and roared, but Cassiehei's claws holding the rock had already patted it, making the roar cut off midway.

Seeing that the dragon was about to leave, Cassiehei, who was a little bigger than it, stepped directly on it. In addition, the empty forelimbs took another piece of rock hanging around his body, followed by the third piece of rock, just like that. Hit the dragon's head severely.

In less than two or three seconds, more than a dozen rock fragments that had broken apart on the dragon's head shattered, producing countless broken stones flying towards the surrounding area, and the dust of the canopy was also carried around by the explosion of the air.

"Boom,,," didn't stop at all. Cassiehei had obviously practiced this kind of action of picking up rocks and smashing prey, because it was extremely smooth, like a magazine for changing guns, without any extra movements, accurate in place. The dragon’s head, along with a neck, has been sunk in the mud in the center of the pit. Seeing that its body is still struggling, Cassie’s claws are clenched into the shape of a fist, and the dark **** body is secreted rapidly, foamy mold. Normally, he wrapped his fist in the blink of an eye, and then completely solidified, causing the size of the fist to expand by nearly half a circle.

The huge body leaned forward slightly, and his huge fist was raised back, with a tearing atmosphere when he swung it out. The air made multiple explosions layered on top of each other, and the dull sound spread with vibrations, and the pit expanded again, but at the edge of the hole, a large piece of soil collapsed and fell into the hole.

The dust was dissipated by the impact of this fist, and the dragon's struggling amplitude was instantly reduced, like a checkmate body that moved unconsciously after receiving a fatal injury.

High-frequency sound waves swayed over again, and Cassiehei, who received the signal, roared, then turned to look to the side, and ran over.

"All members retreat!" On the other side, Mishur had already made a judgment. Less than two or three breaths, what happened at a time made her receive too much information, and she didn't have enough time to analyze the relationship. Only after seeing Foster who jumped off the dragon’s back and escaped early, and the strange dragon who stood up and smashed Foster’s dragon onto the ground with a dozen of rocks, Ke Mishu You really didn't have the idea of ​​continuing to fight.

There is also a red mercury bomb in his hand, something that can slightly change the situation on the battlefield. But Mishur knew that as early as in the belt of mountains, the seven-man team formed by knight attendants and family elites had used this powerful bomb in advance. Whether the target is aware of the existence of the red mercury bomb will cause a huge deviation in its use effect. But Mishur didn't think it would be successful, and the composition of this three-nation mixed team was destined that everyone would be paid special attention to their lives, instead of thinking about the final result of the team. That is, no one is willing to stay and take risks.

Furthermore, Sasir, who was the first to perceive something wrong, had no idea of ​​rushing to support him. After the gravel erupted at the entrance of the local cave and the breath came out, he knew that the thing in the cave was a wild dragon species. Based on the diameter of the entrance and exit of the cave in my memory, it was only a momentary thing to calculate the body size of this wild dragon species.

After reminding Foster to be careful, Sasir actually had the idea of ​​letting Henoy rush to support him. Wild dragons are indeed stronger than dragons of the same size, and they have an advantage in all aspects. But Sasir was only thinking about the two captive breeding dragons, how could he delay a little time so that he could think of a way to deal with it.

I just saw the dragon crawling out of the cave standing like a human being, as well as the huge sword on its back and the rocks hanging around it, as well as the offensive action of the giant dragon holding the rocks. If Sasir wanted Henoy to rush to support him, he immediately asked the people around him to evacuate here with all his strength, and then gathered to discuss countermeasures.

At this time, the three-headed dragon no longer had the desire to continue the siege, and each evacuated backwards, ready to find a suitable opportunity at any time, and immediately flap their wings and go to high altitude. But at this moment, high altitude is no longer a safe place. And it takes a while to raise the height to more than six kilometers.

Jeremy and the others, who rushed to the entrance of the cave to support, also turned and evacuated after seeing Cassiehei's figure. UU read, but Mishur could not help it. Seeing Foster who abandoned the dragon escaped, and the actions of Sasir and others, he could only move away from this area immediately.

The remaining ten or so subjects are still running wildly following Cassia’s liuying, but in Mishur’s perception, the dazzling light quickly approached the evacuated Heinoy, representing that the light of number zero also escaped at this time and ran. To one side. But Mishur could only remind repeatedly in the communication.

"Get out of here!" Sasir's words quickly occupied the communication. But Mishur looked to the side when he heard the sound, only to see that Heinoy's dragon only flew up to a height of less than ten meters, and the spread wings were already frozen and crashed down. The dragon was struggling, as if something had gotten into its body, and its movements after landing looked strange to them.

Amidst the stomping sound, it was the wild dragon species that had rushed past without any extra action. Amidst the surprised eyes of a group of people, the giant dragon suddenly stood up from its rapid crawling state, and while leaping forward, it pulled out. The huge long sword on the back, raised high above the hideous head, and smashed it down!

"You can attack!" At the same time, Heinoy's voice sounded in the communication, "The target is also a dragon knight, he can have a huge influence on the control of the dragon itself!" Sasir and another dragon knight When the dazzling light on the dragon's body began to shine, Heinoy gave an important message.

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