Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1781: Turning point (below)

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"Be careful of the power contained in the dust, and do your own defense!" As an old man, Defoni's combat experience is extremely rich. If it is just an artificial smoke bomb, it will not have any effect on advanced surgeons. Detection and capture rely on extremely powerful perception, and eyes and vision have gradually become auxiliary means. Because advanced surgeons have many methods to deceive vision. Only paying attention to the changes in the position of induction electricity at all times is the safest and safest method in the battlefield.

The gray and black dust carries invisible power. When it spreads, it uses the dust as a carrier to create a dark room cage that can affect the perception of Defoni and others. It not only completely blocks the field of vision, but also affects it like electromagnetic interference. Capturing the dissipation energy of the induced force field.

But after all, because of the rush of time, what Otto can do at a time is very limited. In the end, the area covered by the gray mist did not exceed one kilometer. Such a short distance can only help him avoid the first wave of attacks.

Defoni and the four of them dispersed immediately, rushing out of the gray mist in the blink of an eye. Catching Otto who was rushing ahead, Defoni suddenly accelerated and chased him at super high speed. At the same time, the clothes on his back became fragments, and the skin there was covered with gray scales in the next moment. The moment the scales pierced the skin and emerged, they began to slap at a very high frequency, and some kind of interference centered on him, spreading in an instant, including Otto in front of him.

The kilometer distance between the two seems to be infinitely extended at this moment, neither shrinking nor magnifying. Defoni increased his speed again, and Otto felt in front of him. He also increased his speed, and he didn't dare to let himself be overtaken. But compared to Defoni, he is about to reach the limit of his own speed.

The two are the same old people, but there is also a gap between the old people.

Although Otto didn't know what was going on, but his years of experience as a sacrifice to Yuanjiang, in this case, he just needs to flee with his head. Just being a princess is as good as oneself and difficult to deal with. Now suddenly there were four more people. The other three members didn't seem to threaten much, but the enemy closest to him, Otto felt a huge danger from him.

As long as you hold it back, the people on your side will definitely arrive. Otto believed this, the only thing he wasn't sure about was the time of arrival. The arrival of these four people has already explained to him that there must be some problems somewhere in the forest, which caused a hole in the network that was laid down and leaked the four people in.

At the next moment, the space seemed to be still, and a dark red beam of light that was not as thick as a thumb suddenly traversed a long distance, as if the beam of light itself was a product of space, catching up with Otto, who was running at super high speed.

Feeling the danger, Otto didn’t hesitate at all. He turned around instantly, grabbing the dark cane with a sudden force, and lifted it straight up, unbiased, just when the sharp bottom of the cane was facing the dark red beam of light, and slammed into it. go with.

However, the dark red beam of light thick with the thumb was divided into two halves by Otto's cane, showing an angle of almost ninety degrees, and it continued to fly past Otto's body. Only where the dark red light passed, the ground was ploughed into a trench nearly two kilometers long, covered with glass-like material that would only be produced under ultra-high temperatures.

Although Otto blocked the dark red beam of light, his figure appeared irresistibly for a while. And it was this short pause that Defoni had already used it to get to the front of Otto, cutting off his retreat.

"Brother Bocha, good ability!" Defoni, who stopped, laughed and praised. On the opposite side, Bei Qi was standing a few hundred meters away, and all the obstacles between him and Otto were instantly evaporated by the red beam of light. As a price, one eye is mutated, twice the size of the other eye, and the pupils of the blood red cross are trembling. And around this eye, a ring of small suppression tubes protrudes the skin, always suppressing the terror activity of this eye.

At the same time, it was Otto who blocked the attack of Peaches and immediately raised his hand and his cane above his head. The squally wind around, the abrupt canopy of Otto's head was erased, and something was sent high into the sky by Otto.

In the perception of several people, it was a thick gray-black energy beam that could not be caught by the sight of the eyes. After rising into the sky, it exploded in the form of huge fireworks or flare bombs.

"Otto, do you think someone will be able to come and save you?" Defone said, relaxed, it didn't look like a fierce battle was about to begin.

"Who knows? This friend with a mask." Otto said, and looked back. "Why don't you take the mask off and speak? Don't you dare?"

"It doesn't matter if I take it off or not." Defoni laughed, "But well, I don’t take off the mask, and I will complete the plan if I crippled you. But if you take it off, you just can’t live anymore. ."

"I've heard the same thing many times." When Otto shook his head in response, the three of Morlock also rushed over and surrounded Otto with a triangle.

"Then try it. I didn't intend to completely let go of my body in this forest." Otto said, his tone of voice was so precise that he couldn't hear any mood swings at all. As he spoke, he pointed at the cane with the sharp bottom of his cane, narrowed his eyes and let out a soft snort. After that, it was Otto's wrist that turned, and the cane turned one hundred and eighty degrees in an instant, and the sharp bottom, accompanied by the movement of Otto's arm, pierced his own heart. UU reading

"Om,,," a low-pitched trill sound like the roar of the old wolf king, with a penetrating sound, spread through this huge space.

Almost at the same time, somewhere in the forest, Hilda and Satrik pulled away from each other, and after looking at the black-gray energy group that exploded in the sky, they both looked at each other with suspicious eyes.

On the other side, Li Suman was thinking about what interesting things were happening in the distance. Because of this black-gray energy signal, it looked like she was sent by Otto, who was in the same position as her. In other words, this is the signal sent by Otto on his own initiative. However, according to what Yili Suman knew about Otto, although he was an old man, he was approaching the age of aging, but his strength was also extremely powerful. If it was a battle between alone, Li Suman temporarily couldn't think of anyone besides herself, who could let Otto, who had strong self-esteem, send a signal. Because this represents a call for help, only when it is so urgent that Otto will have the courage to abandon everything.

"What is Macquarie planning again?" Li Suman did not forget to glance at the high sky on the side, but there were only patches of thick clouds. "Hurry up and let the things in your hands end, otherwise you will be dragged here. Not only is it boring, but also interesting things in other places, I can't participate in any of them."

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