Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1782: People from all sides (part one)

But looking at the two giant dragons surrounding him and the three dragon knights, even if he had many ideas in his mind, Li Suman could only veto him at this moment. In a short period of time, the surrounding enemies cannot be completely solved. In total, they are five high-level surgeons, and there are two giant dragons. They can't be defeated and killed simply and quickly.

The three dragon knights also noticed the gray-black energy signal that exploded, and they had no spare energy to support it. Thousands of meters away, the corpse of the giant dragon with a body length of more than two hundred meters was lying quietly, and the frosted white ice that had condensed on the surface showed no sign of melting.

The dragon's corpse told their situation and state at the moment. The three wanted to evacuate, and did not want to stay here at all. The request for support had been sent out a long time ago, and soon there was an answer that someone would come over for reinforcements. Only a few days passed like this, but reinforcements have never appeared.

"The reinforcements were intercepted halfway." This is the final reply given by the communication. As for whether they were intercepted, the three dragon riders did not have time to verify. They know that what they can do is to delay time as long as possible without dying. The longer it takes, the fighting in other places will end, and only then will people rush here to provide support.

However, when procrastination became an extravagant hope at a certain moment, the three dragon knights finally recognized the facts before them. The enemy he faced was a powerful reinforcement with unknown information among the enemies. Based on the information collected during the battle, this enemy has already levelled McGerry and Satrik. Even the female enemy in front of him is even stronger.

Already trying to think about various countermeasures, and trying to search for clues about this enemy in his brain memory. Using the power of the giant whale, to a certain extent, indicates that the opponent may be a member of the Flame Alliance's own country. But the three dragon knights had no impression of it at all, because such a powerful stranger, even if he lived more than a hundred years old, was a person before the last war. As a female member, there were not many eligible. But none of them can match the enemy in front of them.

The gray-black energy group that exploded was still in the air. It was a giant cloud-like thing. It was impossible to be ignored if it met its own conditions and looked up to the sky. Because of this energy cloud, the three dragon knights and Li Suman temporarily entered a tacit conditioning state. There are big things happening in other places, but they have not received any information, so that there are more things to consider at a time.

On a fleet of airships high in the sky, McGerry, who received the news, was standing by the observation platform, and his pupils reflected the small reflection of the gray-black energy cloud in the distance. Holding the communicator in his hand, he stood straight in front of the glass window, his face covered with seriousness, his thoughts running wildly in his head.

Unexpectedly, Macquarie only waited for more than a minute, when the communicator in his hand vibrated. Picking it up and putting it in his ear, McGlyn pressed the answer button, and McOnnis's voice immediately reached his ears.

"What's the matter? Your side acted one step earlier?" In McOnnis's voice, doubts and anger coexist. "It doesn't matter to his own life, Otto will not send out this kind of distress signal. Church country Eleven people are in this forest. They contacted the Holy Father directly, and I don’t even have their location information. Otto is very likely to have a communication connection with them. I told this on the day of the discussion. You are here. If Otto cannot be killed in a short time, the next thing he will face is the powerful reinforcements of the eleven members of the Patriarchate. Among them are the two deputies of the Holy See, and the threat is no less than that of Otto."

"I'm on the airship right now, and I'm still thinking about the staffing, and how to limit Otto, try my best to shorten the kill, or make him completely lose combat effectiveness during this period of time and plans. If it wasn't the airship The person above told me that there is an emergency in the sky outside. Maybe I won’t notice this happening until you communicate with me.” McGerry answered calmly, “It’s because someone else came in here. Something is happening, the third-party members on my side. It's just that they have no contact with me, so they don't know that you and I are already planning around Otto."

McOnnis knew that McGerry, it was impossible, and there was no need to lie about such a serious matter. Because this thing continues in this way, the one who suffers the most in the end is Macquarie.

"I'm still in the original position, you quickly land on the ground, and now as many people as you can gather, let them rush towards Otto's position as much as possible. If time permits, you and I will rush to cooperate with you, and the sudden appearance Third-party personnel may have the opportunity to solve Otto before the eleven members of the Church are gathered. If not, at least you can guarantee that you will not suffer a huge loss."

"I'm doing this." When McGree spoke, he went to the apron inside the airship and got on a small airship. "We need to anticipate the situation there while we are on the road. . Taking the eleven people from the church as a clear demarcation line, we first consider the situation where they did not arrive. Otto does not know your plan yet, so your identity as his teammate can play a huge role. At that time, I will use one-third of the power of the Holy Spear to block all the energy transmission channels in that area, cut off any means by which Otto can transmit information, and you can safely attack him as a teammate. Once If successful, the time can theoretically be shortened by at least 90%."

"I have the same idea, but I have to remind one thing here. As a priest of the Far Frontiers, Otto will discuss with the Fathers every time he returns to Manoma. He is approaching the age of senescence, and he has lived for nearly one hundred. At the age of sixty, his head must not be shrewd. Whether he will trust me because of his teammates, I have never promised you. I can only say that I will create opportunities as much as possible. After all, the Holy Royal Hall does not. Fortunately, it is a huge benefit to you, and it is also a situation that I hope to see for me and the patriarch."

After a small airship was thrown out, the entire fleet also reversed its direction and approached toward the direction of the gray-black energy cloud.

And a little later, UU read at a location in the southern forest. A wisp of smoke filled the forest, and the air even smelled of barbecue.

At the foot of an ancient tree, a pile of fire was burning vigorously. Above the fire, an unknown second-class creature glowed golden in the flames, making a sizzling oily sound. The three of them sat around the fire, looking dryly at the nearly two-meter-long meat roasting on the fire, waiting for the moment when they could be eaten. The three of them took it very seriously, because it took a lot longer than normal beasts to fully roast them.

Just as the three of them were waiting for the moment to come, they turned their heads at the same time, looking in the same direction.

"After waiting for so long, the early time won't come, the later time won't come, but it is now. And the energy cloud also." One of them complained, and while sighing, he directly pulled out the four that was plugged into the ground. The prismatic army stab said, "You can't eat it, let's bake it again next time. After waiting for so long, if you don't make any results, it will not be easy to explain to the adults after returning."

"We are not only good at grilling things, we are also good at fighting." The other person stood up and looked at the barbecue beside him with some reluctance. When he shook his head, the fire, including the fire, was instantly evaporated. , Leaving only a small black trace on the ground.

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