Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1783: People from various parties (middle)

The gray-black energy cloud became a huge signal, and the two sides finally acted simultaneously at this moment after a stalemate for several days. The people hiding in the dark began to move, rushing towards the location of the energy cloud in an orderly manner. Soon after, compared to the four-stage surgeons and other large numbers of ground troops, they received far away information. Do your best to get as far as possible from the area in the information.

The battle of high-level surgeons is not that easy to control. Once it is affected, not only death is only a momentary thing, but it is very likely that the face and corpse will not be left behind, and it will be evaporated directly into a small poking dust.

In less than two or three minutes, the information had crossed a long distance, first to the city on the periphery of the southern forest. In the next moment, with these cities as the starting point for the launch, the information was divided into a large number of pieces, and after a simple summary, it was directly passed on to Manoma, the Flame Alliance and the Common Country of Far Seas.

However, within five minutes, the general information was in the hands of the various forces. Even if the fighting took place in the southern forest, the analysis by the intelligence personnel had already begun.

Soon, perhaps in less than ten minutes, the feedback from the various forces has begun to converge towards the cities outside the southern forest. Among these information are orders and guidelines for intelligence judgments formulated by various forces. When should help, what kind of situation should be observed only on the margins, must not participate in, etc., all forces have established strict and judgeable rules.

What happened in the southern forest was no small thing. In the eyes of the leaders of various forces at this moment, Otto's life is just a simple question of whether a famous high-level surgeon can survive. What they want to see is how the situation in the forest will change, so that they can get enough information in the first place and make rational adjustments to their plans and actual actions.

Six red stars are coming, and every major power has information about this red star, knowing its importance and predictability. Although it is still a few years before the real arrival of the red star, the war will start earlier. They need something to judge their position appropriately and rationally, because war is a curtain. Behind this, for at least ten years when the Red Star is located, the things they need to do are not as simple as one or two things. And each of them will have a close relationship with the future direction of the forces.

What the big powers fear is never that their own strength is not enough, but that their direction and stand are too far away from the times. This will mean that you will become the enemy of most forces as you walk. Even if it will not perish in the future, it will suffer losses and its own strength will be reduced.


Seeing Gabriel also in the ward, Weber's new patriarch was not surprised at all. When he went to the hospital bed, he threw a pile of materials to the old man, with the smell of fresh ink.

"Not only are the eleven members of the religious country, but the Fathers have used Satrik to connect, and they have also hired a few people who have been labeled dead or missing. The three primary colors and the imperial mineral resources are not mentioned. The king's faction is in Astus. , I think there is also "good news" waiting for McGerry to find out.

"At this time, if you don't go to the group of elders, it doesn't make sense to come to me." The old man naturally took the information, looked at it, and spoke leisurely, "Don't worry too much, although several people will die. In the southern forest, there will be no large-scale casualties. It depends on Otto. It is enough to live to the point of senescence, and he himself should have no regrets."

"What do you think about the third-party member who suddenly inserted? I heard that it was a four-person team and went straight to find Otto. If this confidence represents their strength, it is the best news at the moment. I also hope that you will do it. Those powers left over from the patriarch’s time can be effective at this moment. In my impression, the few members of the king’s faction Astus are not necessarily sensible. Facing the temptation of life, there are no longer a few people who are crazy about it."

"In the forest, as high-level surgeons, they should be smart people. Even if they are irrational, there must be sensible people on the side." The old man gave the answer, "Pay more attention to other trends, these days, except for Cassia’s. Outside of the information, there is no big news. As for other things, we here can only wait for the result, and cannot interfere with it. It may be the best way to watch it calmly."


Kingsley and Hongmang Amelia looked at each other and sighed after reading the brief information. They have a deep understanding of the power of surgeons in giant countries. Only in giant countries can this kind of large-scale melee between high-level surgeons take place. Although it hasn't happened yet, in the minds of the two, this battle will definitely take place in a period of time in the near future.

"I can only wait for the latest news here. I hope that your friend will provide his greatest help to let Li Suman get through." Hongmang picked up the cup and drank the black tea, "Xiaoguo and any one The gap between giant countries is too far away, the lighting plan is unsuccessful, and there will never be a chance to stand up."

"This time is our chance. Not only the red star, but also the clues in Li Suman's hands, as well as the key figure Cassia." Kingsley said, "The organization has gone through a long period of time, and ten more A few years is not a difficult task. My friend said that he has done his best. Please believe this."

"I'm just afraid that what happened in the empire will cut off all our clues and hopes at once. UU reading www.uukā is a few and important clues. At this moment, we can only wait by the communication machine. This is not It's a soothing situation." Hongmang said and looked out the window. In the afternoon, the sun was strong. "But we can only do these waiting things."


Although Cassia couldn't see the gray-black energy cloud in the sky, he always felt something floating there. After watching the sky for a long time, until the hacker informed the latest far away order, Cassia knew that he felt very right.

This confluence camp was directly abandoned. When everyone began to evacuate further away, Cassia stood alone in a corner of the camp. The line of sight has left the sky, looking in the direction of the enemy's joint base. For some reason, Cassia felt that the sense of danger at the bottom of her heart had increased a little.

"Mr. Cassia, this is not an opportunity." The horrified voice interrupted Cassia's thinking. He knew that Cassia was thinking about something dangerous at the moment.

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