Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1786: The Watcher in the Dark (2)

Cassia went to the edge of the camp, asked for a small camping tent alone, sat cross-legged on the ground, and used Cassie's scales to make simple armor. Having something to do in his hands can slowly cool Cassia's emotions and return to normal conditions, without further fermenting those impulsive thoughts, which will then occupy his head and affect his own rational judgment.

Cassia was breathing deeply and sighed several times in the middle. Suppressing the mood is not an easy task. It is the collision of the two sides of one's own will, which makes Cassia's face extremely complicated. The work of making armor was also interrupted several times, and had to rely on continuous long breathing, inhaling a large amount of cold air, and physically reducing the temperature that the body cannot remove.

Within a few hours, a pure black armor completely connected with alloy wires was completed. Relying on the support of the cut branches, Cassia placed it in a corner of the tent and exhaled slowly, only then did he feel the depressive and stressful heat in his chest disappear.

Inserting the second-generation holy sword on the ground aside, Cassia lay down and closed his eyes. After an exhalation if the pressure valve was deflated, he finally relieved most of his pressure. With her back touching the ground, Cassia felt the vibrations coming from everywhere, thinking that this was the truth. A few hours in a trance, for him, is really a kind of tempering of will. I really want to go to Cassiehei and try to go to the enemy's joint base one person and one dragon. With her breath and Cassiehei's dragon's breath, after several rounds, he puts huge pressure on the enemy.

Psychologically disturbed, Cassia repeatedly believed that the plan was indeed feasible. It is no longer a matter of impulse or not, but an eager desire to rescue Ye Jielin. Taking advantage of the influence of photos and information on her photo, she broke through the defenses in her heart and fled.

The tiredness accumulated these days also broke out in the body at this time. With closed eyes, Cassia knew that he was tired, so he entered a state of rest with physical and mental sensations. It’s not completely sound asleep. Surgical patients like Cassia have long lost the ability to sleep. Unless drugs are used, it is the body’s instinct to be alert to the surroundings. Just like breathing and heartbeat, there has been a dedicated area in the brain to control it all the time. .

But this time the rest is a little deeper than the half-sleep state. Soon after, although Cassia kept his thoughts, he did not know when to forget the passing state of time. The fatigue of squeezing and the pressure of mental self-compression are naturally relieved and released at this moment, naturally, but also in the faint subconscious. In this state, Cassia’s perception touches the depth of the ground. Something under.

As if there was a resonance, or an accidental coincidence, when Cassia noticed it, she found that she had entered an environment similar to dreams and illusions. The camping tent has disappeared, and the surrounding large camp has become a piece of other scenery. This is like a place of dead silence, a world composed entirely of gray and black matter, full of decayed smell. Among the gray-black matter, Cassia even perceives life forms that resemble second-class creatures. Most of them are worm-like, but there are also different forms that resemble adults.

The gray-black substance is like a kind of culture medium, and a huge number of life forms are cultivated deep under the ground.

But Cassia felt a trace of vitality in the gray material, it was the feeling of a small green leaf in the corner of the dead wood. Immediately, the vitality of existence was like feeling Cassia's perception. The original sense of faintness had not been gradually strengthened at all, and it instantly became a giant in front of him, bringing tremendous pressure.

Cassia found that she had fear instinctively, and she didn't know the specific appearance of this behemoth with absolute power. After the fear was suppressed by Cassia's self, he then felt a sense of familiarity.

"Unexpectedly, you can take the initiative to let the spirit touch here, but it is too early for you, and it is also a great burden on the spirit. You do not have the power and authority to contact and use the world tree root network at all, so still You cannot take the initiative to create a spirit that ignores distance to connect to the world. For a long time in the future, you should not try this kind of thing again. I will send you back right away."

"But...I will look forward to meeting you next time. You have to work hard to find the key that exists in your body. At present, only you can connect with it. Make good use of your own characteristics. You are it, it will also It was you..." At the end, the voice became more and more blurred. After that, Cassia could no longer hear a lot of words. It was also at this moment that it became clear to Cassia that this familiarity came from those sights not long ago. This huge vitality, or huge spiritual body, is the world tree as the main body of the southern forest.

The moment I understood it, the surrounding scene suddenly changed. As if awakened by a nightmare, Cassia suddenly opened her eyes, and what was reflected in her pupils was a strange-looking camping tent. The armor was just like a display in the floor-to-ceiling window of a clothing store, not far away. .

"Huh,,," Cassia took a deep breath uncontrollably, and the pain came from his head. Sweat from the forehead flows through the corners of the eyes, making the eyes astringent. After blinking fiercely, Cassia realized that she was almost completely drenched, and the excessive loss of water made her mouth dry.

I have only supplemented enough food not long ago, but my stomach bag is full of hunger. Cassia touched her stomach, her waist which was originally relatively strong actually shrunk in a circle. Just by feeling it with her hands, Cassia also knew that during the time she was resting, nearly half of the high-energy fat she had stored had been completely consumed.

Cassia wanted to get up to find food and water, but more mental fatigue than before the rest made him lie down again. Drowsiness struck, Cassia did not have more time to sort out this sudden situation, UU reading can only repeat those words in his head a few times immediately, remember them firmly, and then go to a deeper level again. During the rest.

This time, there was no abnormal situation during the rest. Soon after Cassia turned from a deeper rest to a semi-sleep state, the sound of footsteps approaching here awakened him.

Cassia opened her eyes, but found that this movement was unusually slow. Obviously he was sure that the footsteps were still ten meters away from him, but when he opened his eyes, he had already seen Ji and stood in front of him. At the next moment, Cassia realized that there were people beside him, Lyle, his assistant and butler, and two other faces he hadn't seen before.

But judging from the needle inserted in his arm and the alloy box with various pharmacy bottles placed aside, the strange face should be the doctor or pharmacist following the team.

"Mr. Cassia, do you know how long you have been asleep?" asked horribly, looking at Cassia, it was a careful observation.

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