Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1787: The Watcher in the Dark (3)

The body entered a short-term downtime. After a few breaths after the horror, Cassia who was lying down showed obvious movements.

After drowning, he finally broke through the water. The long and powerful breath caused Cassia's chest to rise and fall violently, and the thick and rough gasp reverberated around. Seeing this, the two doctors beside him immediately reached out and helped Cassia up and placed it in a sitting position. Afterwards, the doctor pulled the alloy box next to him and started to shoot a new round of medicine.

A tingling sensation appeared on the skin, and until this moment, Cassia knew that his perception was slowly returning to this body. The brain has always been empty, and all kinds of information are converging towards it at this time, making Cassia finally have the real sense of waking up.

In addition, the hand that hadn't received the injection subconsciously touched her stomach, and Cassia was sure that the high-energy fat that was consumed before she fell into this state was a real fact. The waist circle sank a little more, it was all bulging and hard muscles, and the high-energy fat was consumed again. Cassia estimated that there was only less than two-fifths of the original.

"Mr. Cassia?" Seeing Cassia's follow-up actions, I understood what was going on. When the doctor finished injecting the medicine, he waved his hand to let him out of the tent, and asked Lyle to prepare a large amount of food and water, which was something that Cassia would inevitably need next.

Cassia didn't want to talk much, he was still taking back the body from the strangeness. During this period of time without knowing the length, he was completely disconnected from the body. Or, the connection between the two is unilateral transmission, with only input and no necessary feedback.

Hae waited patiently. Although there was a lot of information and many questions, he was not in a hurry for this time. He also believes that Cassia will give him a complete answer, because in his opinion, this situation will never be a voluntary matter for Cassia. It was originally a special individual, and something special and unexplainable suddenly appeared on his body. It was a natural phenomenon and did not appear abrupt.

During the waiting time, he remembered something, took out his cane sword, and hung the mirrored slender sword body in front of Cassia. A pale face was printed on the sword, like an aluminum plate. But it did not appear too rough and dry, and the situation was not as bad as imagined.

"How long has it been?" Cassia asked, his voice was normal, not dry, nor hoarse, indicating that his condition was only inferior to the epidermis of his body, and the inner core was not affected. "The temperature has dropped, approaching ten degrees Celsius. The wind outside the black cloth dome is also very strong, listen carefully, there is wind everywhere."

After speaking, Cassia raised her head, and he just retracted the cane and sword.

"Lyle has gone to get food, how long will it take to recover?"

Facing the question, Cassia took a deep breath. In the sound of bones crackling all over, Cassia stood up and stretched his body, a posture to deeply feel the surrounding air and environment: "As long as there is enough food, you can recover most of it by eating for a few hours without interruption. Worry about my digestive system."

Cassia turned his head and looked around the middle of the tent, his eyes finally falling on the entrance and exit where the tent was slightly cracked. There is light, natural light: "It seems that there will be at least one day."

"To be exact, it's a day and a half. You slept here the night before, and you didn't wake up until this morning." He continued, "At first I thought it was because the internal injuries of your body worsened. Do you know this paragraph? In time, how severe your fever is. If the surgeon can also have various troublesome diseases like ordinary people, Mr. Cassia, your body is probably the first case of observable nature in the surgeon’s circle. Has a fever."

The surrounding area was indeed dry. After listening to the horrible words, Cassia automatically felt the airflow around him, and the temperature of the outside air was indeed colder. But fortunately, the heavy rain did not fall, and he still had some time to recover and prepare, Cassia thought inwardly.

At this time, Lyle brought four people and brought a lot of food. They are all compressed meats. As long as the digestive system allows it, it will not be a problem to replenish a lot of energy in a short time.

"There must be a lot of news? It's more important recently than before." After stretching, Cassia sat down and swallowed food when he didn't speak.

"Compared with these news, I want to confirm your situation with Mr. Cassia first." He started, and just like Cassia, he sat down opposite him and put the cane and sword on his crossed legs.

"Unexpected situations, in short, are the short release of long-term fatigue and stress during rest, which makes me unexpectedly come into contact with things that should not be actively contacted. A better understanding explanation is that as a The initiator of the dinner, that is, as a host, I invited a guest with a very distinguished status and status. Even this dinner alone consumed most of my money savings." Xiang Hai asked if he could understand this metaphor with his eyes.

"The guest's words..." He squinted his eyes, almost a thin opaque line, "It is the main body of the southern forest, which is the world tree in the central area, right?"

Cassia's eyes were slightly condensed, but he relaxed after his thoughts moved. Cassia nodded: "It seems that for you, Mr. Hack, what I think'knowledge about you' is too simple."

"No, this is just my information advantage as the heir to the Hill family. There are many other forces who have roughly the same situation as mine." Hae expressed his politeness.

"That's all about you, Mr. Cassia." Ji continued his words, then took out a few photos from his clothes pocket and handed them over.

After taking it, Cassia didn't look at it, but placed it directly on the ground and pressed it with a bag of compressed food. An unexpected smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, he immediately understood, and the words continued.

"Ms. Ye Jielin can choose the plan I gave before, and then choose between training and mechanical body. The time is yesterday evening, and the additional information is-we don't have much patience to accompany you in this unnecessary exercise. , The entire forest has become a battlefield, and all of us have temporary permissions to use it. You also have the right to choose, you can choose not to involve unrelated members. Just choose the right time and not It is not infinite, please pay special attention to this."

"I don't think there is a trustworthy possibility on the enemy's side." Cassia responded with cold words.

"But the fact is, as Mr. Cassia who cares about Miss Ye Jielin's life, you must believe that this possibility exists in your heart, even in the form of self-deception. They are willing to enter a trap before you After the middle, let go of Miss Ye Jielin who was the bait."

"Mr. McGerry's..." Cassia changed the subject himself. Perhaps he himself didn't realize that this behavior was a fear of being unconfident and unsure, and he could only choose to leave the problem to himself in a few minutes or a few hours.

"In this day and a half, both us and the enemy, including the empire, are changing rapidly because of it." He made a simple summary, "Otto has been confirmed by all parties as completely dead."

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