Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1806: The Watcher in the Dark (22)

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! So far, most of the information sources in Cassia's head come from the military school library. During the time spent studying in the military school, I had to thank the coach Bo Qi for opening up the second level of authority for him, so that he would have the opportunity to carry this information into his head.

The first and second floors of the military school library are completely different in nature and data types. Although in the Samsung Academy where Cassia is located, almost all the students come from various major forces and families, there is no need for them, and there will be no shortage of corresponding information. But for one-star and two-star colleges, this kind of authority is particularly important. Cassia remembers that one and two star academies are different from three stars. The students of the One and Two Star College also need to follow a set of credits system, the grades and the excellent level of training, surviving in the practice tasks outside, and the performance in them, etc., can get the corresponding credits. Among the redemption and rewards of credits, there is an option to exchange information materials from the second floor of the library.

It's just that the military school is very far away from Cassija. He is now comparable to the ordinary faculty, and in actual combat and battlefield experience, he may have achieved some aspects of overtaking.

As for the "Electric Eel" red-tube aircraft, it is a model that has a relatively important biological side. Seeing it as a second-class creature cultivated by human technology may be able to properly understand the meaning of this model. It is a kind of bionics, but in the research of the Empire, it directly selects the most aggressive type from the second type of biological species of the electric eel, dissects its structure, cultivates it in a special way, and finally interacts with it. The red tube planes are combined with each other to produce an "electric eel" model body.

For special training, don’t over-guess—it’s to be as dragon-like as possible within the controllable range. This is the same as the tissues and organs of the second-class creatures inside the battle armor. The purely mechanical combination is only a war machine such as an airship, and most of the other mechanical bodies have a biological shadow inside.

The distance of several kilometers is only a few seconds at both speeds. When Cassia stopped the expansion of his thoughts, the six red-tube planes in front had already lit up several red lights at the same time. The red glow rapidly expanded and became the appearance of a meteor falling and crashing. The speed of the red tube plane suddenly increased, and in the blink of an eye, the six-pointed star intertwined with the six red tube planes had already come close.

The eight-point fuzzy red fluorescence was separated from four of the red tube planes, and the tail flame quickly went several meters in length, and its speed exceeded three times the speed of sound, which was only a second. These eight aerial bombs are only about four meters in length and nearly half a meter in diameter. The six tail fins are being adjusted at any time. They were separated after being launched, and the trajectory could vaguely form a hemispherical shape, surrounding the impact.

At the same time, the two "electric eels" were separated at the opposite ends of the six-pointed star formation, flying trajectories like fallen leaves dancing with the violent wind, showing terrifying maneuverability, with no trajectory to follow.

Cassiehei's body has been illuminated with large red lines, converging towards her chest, like a lamp illuminating the darkness in the rain. The eight anti-aircraft bombs did not approach Cassia for the first time, and the fuel they carried was enough to sustain them traveling tens of kilometers away. Their power is smaller than that of giant anti-aircraft bombs, so they need to be closer in order to have an effective effect on the target.

The eight anti-aircraft missiles under control at the moment are still hovering at supersonic speeds, and the heat tracking guidance has not yet been activated. The six-pointed star formation intertwined with the six red tube planes also turned backward at this moment, forcing a little distance from Cassia.

The light on her chest continued, and Cassia counted the time silently in her heart. The location of the two "Electric Eels" made Cassia worried, and had not moved, and it was all because of this.

After two breaths, most of the fuel of the eight anti-aircraft bombs has been used up. The time count in Cassia's heart also happened to be at the right moment. The eight anti-aircraft bombs that were about to run out of fuel finally came in at this moment.

The next moment, Cassiehei's wings were fully unfolded, and under the sound of creaking bone rubbing, its black scales tremble, and the muscles at the roots of the wings also appeared torn. A layer of gray-black foam immediately oozes from under the scales, and the wound is treated and strengthened urgently. After that, the wings suddenly flapped, and the violent wind that drove it shattered the rain curtain in front of him with great force. Cassiehei's huge body was directly erected and hovered in the air. Ten degrees, completely changed the direction.

At the same time, when Cassie’s black spine also lit up near his neck, the two shining electric lights crossed thousands of meters out of thin air, cutting the position just now with a cross force, and the spreading current also reduced eight. An aerial bomb detonated.

"Buzzing..." One big and one small two bright white pillars of fire illuminate the rainy night sky. A line of aerial bombs swept across the rear group of aerial bombs, pulling out a horizontal exploding line of fire, and a line of electric and optical and exploding eight anti-aircraft bombs were opposed to each other, and the impact and electric current were also instantly evaporated by the high temperature.

The big impact unfolded, and the surroundings reappeared empty. Except for the turbulent airflow and heat waves, the rain curtain was temporarily isolated.

Visible air currents entangled around Cassiehei's body. When the white pillar of fire dispersed, he had completely folded his wings, rotated and fell, circled an arc over the forest, and accelerated toward the front again. The aerial bomb behind it was almost split into two pieces from the middle. The number has decreased, but there are still thousands of pieces.

The other eight anti-aircraft bombs lit up with red dots again, and Cassia quickly rose to high altitude. In this very short period of time, the two red tube planes had already reached their position behind them.

"Boom,,," the rain curtain crashed down at this moment, covering the area again.

The trajectories of the two machine guns with tracers were like bright colored silk threads in mid-air, fluttering in the wind. The eight aerial bombs in the second wave have accelerated, and two exploded first in front of Cassiehei.

Covered with **** body, Cassia chose to hit the explosion directly. The sound of "Boom,,," was transmitted through the bones to the ears, but Cassiehei's body with her wings folded was stagnant, as if entering a vacuum buffer area, the speed suddenly canceled out. However, the other six aerial bombs exploded on the upper and lower sides, where the enemy judged that they would avoid the past.

The two electric beams intersected and sheared again, and Cassiehei's body rolled away, avoiding the junction of the current pillars. It's just that the distance is less than 100 meters at the moment, the junction exploded, the electric light dissipated, and the current spread to Cassia and Cassiehei. The communicator exploded on Cassia's waist, and smoke came out of his body and Cassiehei, but was blown away by the wind in an instant.

There was still a sense of numbness in his body, and Cassia didn't stop much, changing direction to dive toward the forest on the ground. At the current speed of Cassie Black, it can't catch up with the red tube aircraft that can cruise at more than three times the speed of sound after using solid red mercury fuel. With their mobility, it is not difficult to make the movements of falling leaves. If they want to attack with breath, they can't find suitable opportunities. And the other party has been controlling the distance, presumably breathing six or seven kilometers of attack range, this information has long been known to all enemies.

And another important message is the reason why Cassia never used the giant whale method to counterattack-until the red tube plane appeared in front, within this huge area, no more roaring thunder came from the rain clouds. The lightning that appeared around from time to time not long ago, at this moment, only shined in the distance.

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