Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1807: The Watcher in the Dark (23)

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! There are powers that Cassia doesn't know, and it has been affecting this huge area. In other words, it is not a bad thing to say that a man-made substance is thrown into the rain clouds to prevent the formation of thunder and lightning, causing unnecessary trouble to the metal-carrying aerial bombs and red-tube aircraft.

The enemy's preparations seem to be sufficient, but in fact, because of the mutual checks and balances, there are many helplessness in it. An entire fleet of airships is in the distance, perhaps because there is really not enough time, or perhaps because of the fleet where the Ato Ring is located in the distance. The distance is very wide, and currently it can only rely on a large number of aerial bombs as an auxiliary means of attack.

It's just that all parties have their own concerns. Because of the disappearance of thunder and lightning, Cassia will not use the giant whale method to counter the red tube plane and the group of aerial bombs behind him. He has not been injured yet, even if he feels the danger, he is still within the scope of coping.

The more he comes into contact with such mixed forces and the large-scale battlefield with a large number of people, the more he becomes aware of his position, and the more clearly he knows when and where to do things. On the surface of this large-scale war, it seemed that only this group of people came to the southern forest. But within the empire, from logistics to information analysis, there are a larger number of people specializing in different fields that support both parties here elsewhere.

Only absolute power can change the situation, or benefits that people cannot refuse. Cassia also thinks about whether to disclose uranium gold information from time to time. What needs to be considered is not only the present, but also the changes in the future. It involves all aspects. As the focus of Cassia's thinking, after the disclosure of uranium gold information, as the current Avalon institution that controls uranium gold and uranium gold bombs in the empire, its deterrence will also drop to a level. And Avalon is Norr’s shield, providing a lot of help...

In addition, one of the reasons for the confusion in Cassia's thinking is what happened to Ye Jielin. In the knight attendant assessment, before implementing the "Death Plan", he would go to get a knight attendant quota for Ye Jielin, and by the way, help form an alliance between knight attendants, the purpose is to avoid such things from happening now.

The result was no different. The identity of the knight attendant of the twelve knights of the round table, and the knight attendant assessment and the shadow of the imperial council behind him, still failed to prevent this incident from happening. Looking back at the self at that time, Cassia now believes that she was not mature enough at that time, and she thinks things too simple. In this vast forest, except for himself and Atohuan, how many people really care about Ye Jielin's life and death?

The sigh seemed helpless and powerless in the strong wind. Two red-tube planes followed behind. Four red-tube planes circled in front. The distance was kept under control. Cassia had no intention of attacking. He just wanted to delay time until Atto. Ring led the fleet to arrive.

The third wave of anti-aircraft bombs with a red wit tail shuttled through the rain, and flanked back and forth. Only this time, Cassia, who was diving, entered the forest smoothly, and two "electric eels" were no longer blocked in the process. The general attack methods in fantasy novels really have some limitations. At least for now, even if the "Electric Eel" carries sufficient high-grade glow tubes as auxiliary power reserves, the strength of the biological structure that stimulates the current column does not support continuous attacks. This is very similar to the dragon's breath. Cassia's own breath is the same. Even if there is red mercury in the body to provide enough energy, after three or four times, the entire throat will feel interference and numbness. It takes a little time to rest, just like the overheating of the barrel of a heavy machine gun, forced use is the result of explosion.

The interior of the forest was illuminated by the breath of Cassia who had just swooped down, and a large invisible steam rose up with the impact of the heat wave, interfering within a few seconds and detonating the eight anti-aircraft bombs. Going to the ground, Cassie ran wildly on the ground, away from here, Cassia covered its body with ice and frost to reduce the temperature response.

Still calculating the time in his heart, Cassia did not dare to stay in the forest forever. The flight between the ancient trees was hindered, and Cassiehe's running speed did not exceed 100 meters per second. Compared with the short-time supersonic flight that can be carried out at high altitude, a speed that drops more than four times will make the air bomb group gradually catch up with itself. If the six red-tube planes use giant anti-aircraft bombs, if the opponent has a method to lock their approximate position, the speed of 100 meters per second can only prevent themselves from being accurately hit by the enemy. But the dissipated current of the current column, the huge impact of the explosion of the aerial bomb, etc., will all get closer to itself because of its slow speed.

Can withstand several shocks, but think of the ammunition storage capacity of an entire fleet...

The ground had already accumulated water, and the ground where Cassiehe ran was covered with ice. The red light from the aerial bombs behind him could still pass through the canopy and rain curtain, and was caught by Cassia. Always pay attention to the trends in perception and the increase of danger signs in the body. In this way, after Cassia successfully dodged the two current pillars that blasted the ground with more than ten meters of pits, he and Cassie took off again.

The time before and after did not exceed one minute. Seeing that the group of aerial bombs became brighter behind him, Cassia understood that it was not easy to wait until the aerial bombs ran out of fuel.

Cassia looked forward, but there were four faint bright lights flashing there. However, in a breathing time, the faintly bright light of UU reading has completely turned into a dark red halo coming from a prismatic formation, directly impacting here.

In the next moment, several anti-aircraft bombs were immediately launched by the red tube aircraft, and they were intercepted quickly. The two electric eels went to the right position a few seconds later, and when the two electric lights crossed again and passed, the four dark red light spots split up at the same time in advance.

Current pillars and anti-aircraft bombs set off a huge explosion area there, but when the rain screen suppressed the smoke and explosive fireballs, a large, star-like, large, small spot of light was scattered in the rain screen, although the speed did not slow down. It is close to the speed of sound, but the range and quantity of the fugitives left after being intercepted by the enemy's red tube aircraft are also huge.

These light spots are like spreading an intertwined net in the front, and all six red tube planes accelerate to the front for a while to clear them. A ball of fireball exploded in the front, but nearly half a minute later, most of the remaining light points were left.

When these light spots swiftly passed by, Cassia was able to see the bullet body that was no more than the thickness of an adult's thigh, and the bullet head logo of the Webley Army Corps on it.

"There is our own team in the forest below, and the front fleet is giving support." This is Cassia's first reaction, otherwise the information of this area will not be transmitted to Ato Ring or the hackers.

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