Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1808: The Watcher in the Dark (24)

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! Although there is not much pressure on the body-at the moment high in the air, Cassia and the red tube plane are in a delicate balance. Neither of them has a way to win the other in a short time, and they want to break this balance. , Is not a simple matter.

The offensive method of the red tube aircraft is deadly enough for other surgeons. The air-to-air ammunition at several times the speed of sound is deadly enough; the giant air-to-air ammunition is a very threatening weapon that can make teams or individuals Will not take the initiative to show up.

But Cassia had to watch out for it because of the disappearance of lightning around. Furthermore, he has no reason to destroy the six red tube planes. One is that he will expose his important information and methods, and the other is that it is too early to get out of it by destroying them.

A sense of relaxation radiates from the body to the outside. Carefully explore and verify. This may be the first time in a very long time that Cassia felt the strong support of his team for him. There was a complex emotion in it, but when Cassia felt a little relaxed, he thought it was enough.

The scattered warheads that were connected into a net like stars continued to sail backward at subsonic speed. The Red Tube Aircraft has notified this information to the enemy fleet, and the group of thousands of aerial bombs behind him spontaneously shattered at this moment, became fragmented, and became several pieces that changed directions in an attempt to bypass this interception network. Fragments.

But as the Weber Arms Company, which can **** business with the Empire and the military's own factories, if the Empire and the military are excluded, the total guns, weapons and ammunition of all surgeons in the Empire can account for close to 5% of the total. Ten huge things. Compared with this kind of professional company, the weapons research institutions of the major forces and family selves are already far behind in terms of quality and technological level. For those who have important tasks, or who have identities and assets, the products of Weber Arms are always their first choice.

As for why the total amount of weapons and ammunition accounts for only nearly half, the main reason is the pyramid structure of the surgeons—there are too many surgeons in the first and second stages. Compared with the expensive products of the Weber Army Corps, the products of the small workshop, and the products sold by the more powerful black-market arms supplier such as Cassia, are completely sufficient for the first and second stage surgeons. Perhaps there is not so much money to buy, or perhaps there is no need to use more advanced and sophisticated weapons.

The star-like warheads that make up the interception net accelerate at the same time, and also become scattered fragments like a group of aerial bombs, chasing the fragmented group of aerial bombs. The six red tube planes have already turned their directions, with the intention of chasing the interception net, as far as possible to clear part of it again in the last time.

Cassia let out an unknown grin in the rain: "It seems that I am not the only one who thinks of the problem simply."

Returning the control of Cassiehei's body, without intercepting the four standard red tube planes, Cassia asked Cassiehei to hover on the interception route of one of the "Electric Eels", and then, a breath crossed nearly seven thousand. The distance of meters slowed the flight trajectory of another "Electric Eel" incidentally.

The two "Electric Eels" had fallen behind by two to three kilometers in a short period of time. The electric eel plane whose return route was blocked by Cassia could only hover in front of it, but although the other one was disturbed, there was still electric light shining out of its gray-cyan shell. Red lines flashed on Cassia's body instantly, and the communication with Cassiehei was all invisible.

After calculating the advance, the second breath precedes the electric beam of the other electric eel, with a slight flaw, but it is also blasted away with extremely high temperature when it is about to detonate an intercepting warhead. The dozens of warheads nearby turned into scattered fireballs, but more warheads moved away from that area, getting closer and closer to the scattered groups of aerial bombs.

Twenty seconds later, the four standard red tube planes evacuated first and turned directly into red meteors, slowing down and rushing into the rain clouds, disappearing. The remaining two electric eels flew to a horizontal line with Cassia as the center point, and attacked at the same time. Two sturdy electro-optical beams oppose each other and merge into a bright and irregular electro-optical sphere with a diameter of tens of meters at the junction. It explodes suddenly, and countless scattered electric currents are like the tiny roots of plants, which are also spread over a larger area. space.

Black smoke came out of his body again, this time the numbness was much stronger, and even made Cassia feel a faint glare. But the damage caused stopped here. Behind, the fragmented group of aerial bombs resembled sparks rushed up in a fire, and began to explode one by one. In less than ten seconds before and after, the group of aerial bombs illuminating a sky all turned into inflating fireballs. In these ten seconds, the rain became fuel, and the entire sky behind was burning blazingly. The surging ink-colored rain clouds were plated with bright red, but in one or two breaths, all the light disappeared, and even the smell of gunpowder only existed in the strong wind for a short time.

Soon after, a hot wind caught up with Cassia, but it was only a few seconds. The impact of the entire group of aerial bombs was so completely swallowed up by the majestic power of nature. With the disappearance of the fire, the two electric eels also disappeared in the rain clouds. There is still no lightning and thunder around. Compared to the big explosion just now, the space with only the sound of rain and wind is particularly quiet, and UU reading is also darker.

Let Cassiehee lower his height so as not to be suddenly attacked by things that exist higher in the sky. Close to the tree canopy, Cassia did not forget to explore the surroundings and found no obvious traces of the ground team. After less than four or five minutes of excitement, he returned to the boringness of not long ago.

This is the second temptation, compared to the first in the afternoon. The enemy's preparations and plans are constantly being adequate and perfected. Cassia doesn't know when the next time will be, but as he continues to shorten the distance with the joint base, this kind of temptation will eventually become a large-scale melee that will not end immediately.

Continue to fly towards the front, the ring of Ato and the fleet are in front. The red tube plane retreated, and the trouble there should have disappeared voluntarily. It should be converged, just make some analysis and temporary response plans for these two trials.

At almost the same time, the almost solid air inside the forest loosened with the evacuation of Cassia and the red tube plane, and quickly became softer, until the tense atmosphere was dissolved by the rain. Dozens of members of different camps in various positions left here one after another and disappeared.

Just before leaving, two enemy members squatted down and squeezed the piece of ice on the ground that had been frozen by Cassia and had not melted completely. With a solemn aura, the two looked up at the top of their heads before they quickly disappeared into the darkness of the forest.

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