Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1816: The Watcher in the Dark (32)

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Perceiving the number and density of the second-class creatures, and thinking that there are more behind the joint base, Norosca, instead of feeling a little relaxed, feels heavy.

"If this amount is in the usual tasks, I don't know who can make people like Mr. Cross spend such a lot of energy to prepare for it." Noroska glanced at the time, and the hour hand was at ten. A half-and-a-half position. The encounter with Chira Andy's ground team will probably be a little past twelve o'clock.

"Perhaps there is too much preparation, or maybe the preparation is not enough." Chilman said, anticipating the vibrations that will be transmitted next, and looking in a certain direction through the wooden house in advance. After one or two breaths, a huge shock came, and the shaking was even more severe than before, "Is the large-yield cruise bomber dealing with a certain five-stage surgeon?"

Seeing Hilary Li’s strange eyes looking at her, Chilman shrugged: "I only have this hobby. Now we can only stay here, and we have to stay for a while, not knowing how long. Instead of sitting. While talking about some heavy topics, it is better to let me introduce these things to you, which can be regarded as increasing your weak knowledge."


The positioning of the sensing subject gave Cassia a touch of sensing, but the speed did not decrease, and his alertness increased. Near noon in the air, and closer to the Joint Base, the white light of thunder and lightning becomes scarcer. It's just that the source of the light at this moment has not diminished. On the contrary, because of the full-scale offensive of the two sides, the light produced by various aerial bombs and main ship shells shines in two specific areas from time to time.

Calculating the approximate distance traveled in his mind, according to the conversion result, Cassia knew how far it was from the joint base at the moment. After another thirty kilometers or so, it will enter within a hundred kilometers. There will be the normal defensive range of the Joint Base, and the enemy's blockade will probably start from there. Through the perception of Cassie’s increase, it was found that under the influence of the heavy rain environment, the sound wave pulse could not spread out at all. After the feedback radius was about six or seven kilometers, it began to appear chaotic, and nothing could be seen on the image. Up.

At this moment, nearly twenty groups of orange light groups of varying sizes suddenly appeared behind him, but for half a minute, these various aerial bombs of different lengths and thicknesses overtake Cassia, passing by at a faster speed from above. , Leaving only the tail flames that quickly became blurred.

At this moment, the communicator shook: "After 20 kilometers, the enemy formed a formation in the air, and the number was close to eighty."

Cassia took a deep breath, and at the same time made Cassiehey ready. The preparation distance of 20 kilometers is only three or four minutes away. But I have not waited until this distance has been completely passed, but it is only a kilometer away. The air close to the rain cloud layer suddenly becomes distorted. In a moment, the dark rain cloud bulges downwards several huge spherical surfaces, and then the spherical surface. Broken, several circular holes with a radius of more than a few thousand meters were opened. Numerous dazzling sunlight and explosive fires condensed into a huge scattered light column, covering Cassia. At the same time, tangible waves spread from top to bottom. Wherever they pass, the raindrops in the air are completely shattered into fine mist, and are collected by the waves, forming a wall of water, carrying a huge impact force, and completely hitting the card the next moment West Asia's body.

Cassiehe's flight was immediately unstable and fell straight down. One person and one dragon rushed into the forest, breaking large pieces of ancient branches. Cassie Hei flapped his wings, leaving scratches on the ancient trees all the way, to completely offset the impact of the fluctuations.

Without daring to stop, Cassia seemed to have heard the sound of the giant anti-aircraft bomb breaking the rain and rubbing the air in his head. When one person and one dragon dived upwards, breaking the canopy and returning to mid-air, the huge holes in the rain cloud layer were connected together, tearing the cloud layer violently. The rain curtain temporarily disappeared here, the falling noon sun was fragmented, and several dark clouds of explosive smoke surged above the head, and there was a tendency to refill the clouds torn apart by the explosion.

"Aeronautical torpedoes placed in the clouds." Cassia took Cassiehee to the side and flew away. Several aerial bombs that impacted from the rear at several times the speed of sound went to the sky above his head, decomposing and blasting the metal fireworks. Spread away and burn all over the sky. A large swath of aerial bombs rushed out from behind the explosion smoke. Except for the several anti-aircraft bombs, all of them were detonated in advance under the action of these interfering aerial bombs.

Afterwards, the air bomb of the giant anti-aircraft fell, and several mushroom clouds suddenly lifted into the air, impacting beyond the speed of sound. Cassie Hei's body is unstable, and only after shaking for a few times did she find her balance. But with the help of the impact of the giant anti-aircraft bomb, it rushed out of this area faster.

The huge torn hole of the rain cloud was healing, and after a few breaths, the last beam of bright sunlight left a little shadow, and this large area returned to dimness. "Buzzing,,," the turbulent air flow was smoothed by the violent wind, regaining self-order. The gray-black rain curtain became a canopy and fell again. The brief scene just now was being eroded by the heavy rain, and then all traces disappeared invisible.

"Aw..." Cassiehey felt the pain and roared. Before Cassia's order, it rushed to the sky by itself. Several clusters of round ballistic lines pierced through the rain screen, and the speed was extremely fast. It was judged that most of them hit Cassie Hei's body, some of them threw out canopy sparks on the scales, and some directly caused its black scales to collapse. , A very small number of warheads are embedded in its body, and the flesh and blood are blooming.

Cassia is trying to forcefully control Cassie's body. The attack just now made all his attention in the midair, because beyond the distance, the dark red color of the fluorescence had already appeared, and the number was nearly half more than the information conveyed by the communicator. But in perception, Cassiehe's injury has not gone to the serious degree. Cassia just gave a hint later, how to judge and let Cassie choose.

There is no time to teach Cassie something to black. In this environment, it is the time for him to improve himself.

As a wild species of Cassie Black, there are concentrated dragon blood and solid red mercury to help it grow in advance. It should be a monster in the current age group. It's just that there is nothing in its head about how to survive in the cruel environment, how to fight, and how to deal with the most threatening human surgeon. Cassia is afraid that in the future, if she doesn't have herself by her side, how should Cassich respond to this situation again?

While giving instructions, Cassia comforted Cassiehei. The high-frequency sound waves fan-shaped towards the source of the ballistic line, but at the edge of the detectable range, in addition to dozens of enemies with heavy sniper guns staying on the old trees and shooting, there are hundreds of people on the ground guarding each other. In the position, waiting for the order of the next round of attack.

Cassiehe also made the right choice at this time, rushing to the sky in a serpentine path. It was about to move forward, but was stopped by Cassia and changed to circling irregularly in this area.

The enemy's ground team seemed to be no more than a few kilometers away from itself, moving forward at the speed of sound, which was only fifteen or six seconds. Cassia knows that the enemy is equally aware, and when he rushes into that area, there are absolutely few enemies that can escape. But at such a distance, the enemy is still calm.

What's on the ground? Cassia did not move rashly, until half a minute later, when a vague dark red and orange red intersecting light and shadow appeared behind him, this allowed Cassie Hei to stop circling and tentatively move forward, but the speed has slowed down, and he is ready to avoid it at any time. ready.

The light behind him was getting closer and closer, and when the distance was approaching within a few thousand meters, Cassiehei suddenly accelerated and moved forward in a serpentine shape.

Ahead, the dark red shadow that represented the enemy formation in the air also began to brighten. The concentration of danger signals in his body is gradually rising, and Cassia is vigilant in all directions of his body, waiting for the moment when the melee in this space breaks out.

The distance to the enemy's ground team is in breathing, shortening at a visible speed. Cassia on Cassie's black back changed from lying on his stomach to standing. He and Cassie secreted a large amount of **** body at the same time, and his feet were fixed there as if they were frozen. At this speed, the wind was like countless walls, one by one, it was knocked to pieces by Cassia.

When the distance from the enemy ground team approached three kilometers, the familiar danger signal concentration returned to Cassia's body. This concentration actually made him feel slightly excited. It's a normal state now, otherwise Cassia will always worry about whether the enemy still hides other means, and has not released it.

There is no need anymore, the enemy is not necessary, nor is it necessary for himself. Except for those things used to deal with Tier 4, Cassia will no longer hide anything. He needs to be the vortex that attracts the enemy's attention in the following and later periods. Just like this incident, it is the best result to be the center and involve everyone in it.

After the distance of three kilometers, the air in the rain curtain became more solemn. This is a special field formed by the enemy, with power, and the environment seems to have changed accordingly.

The light flickered in the corner of the eye, and the quiet rain cloud layer without thunder and lightning suddenly rioted. In the blink of an eye, a dazzling light net made up of more than two dozen sturdy electric beams was formed in the front. Huge energy is dissipated at all times, and the optical network does not move regularly, but it can maintain the basic shape. The rain curtain evaporates directly out of thin air and becomes invisible high-temperature water vapor.

After the appearance of the electric current optical net, it quickly twisted, enclosing it into a hemispherical net, and wrapped it directly. Cassia and Cassiehei had red lines on their bodies at the same time, and when they gathered on their chests, they felt huge senses from above the rain clouds and in the forest below.

The darkness was simply scorched into a huge crack, and a blazing pillar of fire ignited the blockade of the forest canopy, surrounding several thick and snake-like electric currents, hitting it. At the same time, two dragon's breaths with huge diameters melted the rain clouds and opened gaps. They were substantive bright white cylinders that couldn't be seen. They fell straight from the sky, like a solemn and solemn punishment in theology, with a taste of majesty.

The second-generation holy sword that Cassia held tightly in his hand was covered with a layer of gray fluorescence that was completely covered. UU Reading, he and Cassie Black changed their goals, and their chests have become the only spot of light that can compete with the blazing pillar of fire. Then Cassiehei's dragon's breath hit the breath that entangled the current head-on, and Cassie raised his head and received the sacred baptism, and the black scales all over his body seemed to be illuminated bright white.

There is almost no time gap, and the three breaths are completed in an instant. They present a triangular trend, merged suddenly, supporting the two dragon's breaths and stopping them abruptly in the mid-air under the rain clouds.

At the same time, several warheads that burned against the air rushed from behind. When they arrived around Cassia, there was no explosion. Like a visual illusion, they suddenly disintegrated, and countless small things quickly spread into this space.

The four breaths and the dragon's breath that collided up and down swelled at the intersection at this moment, becoming two huge white fireballs. The current light net surrounding Cassia began to tremble at this moment, and then it could no longer maintain its shape, and it exploded with a thunderous "crack". Affected by the interferences all over this area, the current optical network quickly dissipated into countless fine lines, which seemed to depict the essence of the space, and then disintegrated and disappeared.

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