Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1817: The Watcher in the Dark (33)

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The two blazing fireballs rapidly expanded to several kilometers in diameter, before they began to collapse from the inside, and then completely disintegrated in a blink of an eye. The spherical high-temperature impact spread, and a large area of ​​depression appeared at this moment along with the rain cloud layer above. The high-temperature air flow dissipated everywhere, the air was completely distorted, and the rain curtain was evaporated into invisible at this moment.

Several flares of different colors exploded behind him, and Cassia, who was about to move forward, stopped immediately. The melted gap on the rain cloud layer began to close, and Cassiehei immediately unfolded his wings and turned into a darker shadow, folded at a right angle, and rushed into the round gap.

Dark clouds rolled in the gap, and tiny electric lights were visible shining in it. The gap is like a huge shaft, and rain clouds form a circular cloud wall, with huge pressure, rotating and closing, squeezing the beam of light formed by the real noon light. The cloud wall shaft became narrower and narrower, and the beam of light shrank rapidly. The black shadow of Cassiehei's countercurrent is like a shooting star that wants to return to the sky, smashing this beam of light. In the blink of an eye, the cloud wall closed, and darkness fell immediately. The cold rain cloud is like dry and cold dust, without any moisture, constantly sucking the heat from the body.

But the cold energy in the clouds at this moment is also like finding a catharsis, without Cassia's active guidance, his body is like a whirlpool, constantly sucking cold energy into his body. In the blink of an eye, the darkness above his head turned into a gray state.

There was a blast of air current among the rain clouds, and a huge bulge appeared on the golden-white rain cloud layer that was irradiated by the sun at high altitude, and then burst open. Cassiehei's wings were closed, and his whole body was almost covered by a thick layer of ice. It rushed above the black clouds, and there was a gleaming visual experience under the sun. In the sound of "boom", the ice collapsed into a large number of spattering pieces, and Cassiehei re-opened his wings, and then rushed forward. The large amount of airflow generated plowed the rain cloud into a ravine.

Cassia took a deep breath, her cross pupils contracted, and instantly adapted to the bright light above the rain cloud—ahead, two giant dragons were flapping their wings to evacuate backwards, and around Cassia, the red tube plane dragging the dark red hui tail seemed to know in advance After his arrival, a dome was intertwined in a hemispherical formation, which firmly fixed him in the center.

Only after rushing out of the rain clouds, a dozen points of bright light suddenly burst out of the intertwined sphere in the sight of Cassiehei who was connected. The bright light turned into a thick current and traversed the twisted trajectory, and when it intersects, it converges into a stream of light with a "crack" sound. When it connects to Cassia in an instant, he sees him holding up the second generation that emits gray fluorescence. Holy sword.

I don't know if it was attracted or captured by the second generation holy sword. The light stream with a diameter of more than three meters hit the second-generation holy sword, and suddenly disappeared completely. Immediately, the entire bodies of Cassia and Cassiehei glowed brilliantly with light blue light, and smoke came out from everywhere. Cassia clenched the right arm of the second-generation holy sword, and its scales instantly cracked, revealing the bright red proliferation tissue that was gradually turning into charred black.

The two are like a transfer station swimming in the air. After the electric light disappeared, the glowing Cassia swung a sword towards a dragon that was moving forward with great seriousness. The light on his body disappeared, and there was an invisible power that used the second-generation holy sword as a carrier to blast away. The black and bright clouds below began to collapse into a semi-circular gully from a kilometer away, as if they were annihilated out of thin air. It wasn't until two or three kilometers away that the beam of light that was only two meters in diameter finally revealed its round shape. It doesn't go through the twisted trajectory like the electric current of the "electric eel", and no longer dissipates a lot of energy every time. The beam of light that appeared suddenly was the same light blue light color on Cassia's body before, and the speed was nearly twice as fast as the current beam of the "Electric Eel". At this moment, it seemed to ignore the distance, and the moment it appeared in its own form, it had already caught up with a giant dragon and penetrated it without any hindrance.

A large amount of blood was spilled in the air, and the dragon failed to even make a call, and lost all its strength. Relying on its own weight and flying inertia, it fell obliquely into the rain clouds. An enemy took off early, but was caught by another dragon on the side.

At the same time, in the field of vision, more than 20 anti-aircraft bombs had already been launched, going so fast that they wanted to stop the momentum of Cassiehei's pursuit. Almost all walked through a straight line, and at several times the speed of sound, he caught up with Cassiehei in the blink of an eye. But before that, Cassia had already seen a hazy white light all over her body. The air is not distorted, but it seems to be completely cut out. Whether it is the flow of wind or the penetration of light, it has become different, with a state of incompatible with other places.

The air-to-air bomb predicted the advance of Cassiehei. When it continued to travel less than a kilometer, it had already approached within a kilometer of its surroundings and entered that piece of incompatible territory.

Without any signs, the dark tail flames of the twenty-odd anti-aircraft bombs flickered at an extremely fast speed several times, and then went out completely in the blink of an eye. The air seemed to be full of extremely viscous substances, and the huge kinetic energy of the air-to-air bombs could not break through their constraints, but the kilometer distance, which should have arrived in an instant, was passing through at a speed visible to the naked eye at this moment. Without power support, the anti-aircraft bomb was also covered with a layer of transparent ice behind it, becoming a free falling object, directly falling toward the rain cloud layer below.

Cassiehe tried his best to flap his wings, and misty ice crystals were scattered all over his body. The airflow surrounds its body, forming a layer of translucent protection, and it is also a smoother fairing, which makes it speed a bit faster and shortens the distance to the enemy in front in an orderly manner. What happened in a very short period of time was caught by the enemy. The "Electric Eel" red tube aircraft was still in the cooling period of the power generation mechanism, and Cassia's only move made them no longer dared to use the current beam to attack.

It seemed that after receiving the message of the formation in the air, the remaining dragon at UU reading suddenly accelerated. When the tail flames of nearly forty anti-aircraft bombs lit up in the second round, the dragon turned back 180 degrees and almost hovered ahead. The red lines suddenly lit up all over his chest instantly converged on his chest, and the blazing fire column distorted the space, cooperating with the anti-aircraft to lock Cassiehei and Cassia who continued to rush forward.

"Choose to rush directly into the rain clouds, maybe there will be a chance to survive." Facing the huge pillar of fire, Cassia narrowed his eyes slightly, and said to himself, completely blown away by the wind. The white light on his body became dim and imperceptible as he threw an extremely heavy punch forward.

The invisible and colorless frost separated from Cassia's body and rushed away like the wind.

The black rain clouds were frozen and collapsed into a gray strip with a width of about kilometers. The huge blazing white pillar of fire hit from the front in the blink of an eye, but was annihilated by the freezing air in the blink of an eye, like a candle in the wind, disappearing instantly from everyone's sight.

The gray striped belt continued to advance rapidly, but its width shrank to about three to four hundred meters. But the extremely fast speed has already made it catch up with the dragon, and the frost is mixed with ice, covering the entire body of the dragon.

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