Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1830: The **** knight (1)

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"In this way, the forest where the World Tree is located is also one of the four largest known gateways to the underground world." A giant whale remembered some information. It and another giant whale emerged from the sea, connecting several beams of light from the huge mouth to the black clouds across the sky. After breathing out time, the conversation continued again.

"Under the new world tree, the huge remaining ancient world tree trunk and the ancient imprisonment of the polar sea vortex are all left in the endless sea. Although history is already history, they still affect the present moment by moment. , And the future direction."

"It's a good thing and a bad thing. Without these huge entrances and exits, the New World Tree had already accumulated its strength and completed its own growth in such a long period of time. Although until now, perhaps no one knows the will of the World Tree. What kind of thoughts do you have, but no matter who it is, until there is no absolute power or restriction, it is not hoped that the new world tree can once again master the root network left by the ancient history world tree."

"Under the world tree is a good thing, but under the vortex of the extreme sea..."

"There is no direct evidence that the continuous reduction of imprisonment is related to the endless underground creatures. At present, everyone believes that the greatest impact on imprisonment is because the existence of the red star has led to the continuous weakening of world restrictions, so that it will be here. It was caused by the disappearance of a red star when it came. We all understand that the operating mechanism of imprisonment does have a huge connection with the world's restrictions."

"Perhaps. This time, after the imprisonment disappears, do you think the other two continents will choose to let their own people guard the exit? In other words, the imprisoned head that existed in the age of the gods will be given after the imprisonment disappears. Destroy the entrance and exit completely, and can't use it in a short time?"

"Probably not, only for a short period of time. Because they all know that we just let it go, we giant whales will not let us leave it like an exit, causing the dead zone."

A giant whale once again uttered a long and deep sigh.

"Whether it’s in the age of the gods or in the ancient history, what’s the situation? Just the root network and the trunk fragments left after the collapse of the previous World Tree can create a huge underground under the ground. The world has produced almost endless underground creatures. I really don’t know what the scene would be if the world tree reappeared at that time."

"The world tree existed in the age of the gods. Later, after the blessing and cultivation of the so-called gods, it became connected and stabilized the existence of the continent group at that time. With such an effect, it is not impossible to think about it. That is the continent group, and The data in the ruins also said that the World Tree itself can be considered a continent in another sense. When converted, the World Tree at that time was almost equivalent to three continents. Think about this quantitative replacement, except for the so-called gods. Besides, the World Tree was the highest in the world at that time."

"That's why I wonder what the situation is. The gods disappeared, the age of gods ended, and the world tree finally collapsed. The ancient history announced that it has entered the extremely long chaotic era. From the current perspective, everything is It seems subtle and inconceivable. With our current senses and information, the world tree that the fragments can give birth to the underground world has disappeared in history like that, and I feel a sense of unknown shock from history."

"It doesn't take long for us to feel how the unknown history happened. The appearance of the six red stars is just a few years later, and it doesn't take long."

After the two giant whales fell into silence for a moment, they sent freezing air into the clouds several times, and the conversation returned to the forest.

"Eleanor is blocked, it's too late. Manicoroa will take action to prevent our transitional intervention. Next time, even if Cassia takes the risk again and uses spirit as a guide, our role will not be great. Fortunately, the agent The existence of, should relieve Cassia a lot of pressure, provided that the agent is indeed from the Cassia camp."

"We still can't break the game. We who don't know the specific situation can only do these things now."

"However, the priority is still not enough. After all, Cassia is a small branch of the plan. Before the potential is exchanged, it is only potential after all. The elders will not take huge risks for this potential."

At the same time, when the voice of Manicoroa rang through the brains of all high-level surgeons, most of them chose to give the other party tacitly, and also gave themselves a short time. It is an intermission with the same rules. The two sides did not open the distance, but they also warned the other side.

The signal is strengthened by the airship for communication. When the hole above the rain cloud layer has not healed, it is ensured that the connection is unblocked and not disturbed.

Manicoroa’s words are a kind of signal, and the interference of the giant whale coming here is also a piece of information that must be considered. For those who care, Macquarie and the others must delve into the reasons. For them who know the principle of interference, this is definitely a point worth taking advantage of. However, there are also people who don't care, although not many, just Li Suman alone. This is absolutely in line with her character, she will show a distorted interest in some things, and some very important things, but think that it has nothing to do with her.

"Do you want to give you a few more minutes?" On a chair made of frozen ice, the lazy Li Suman looked leisurely and boring. The ice chair is similar to a recliner, and Li Suman lying on it is enjoying the falling sun. The words were shouted to the sky, echoing far and wide in the surrounding area that was emptied by the aftermath of the battle.

"You don't seem to worry about anything." The four enemies were standing just over a hundred meters away, using the communicator to contact something. One of them spoke with a sense of calmness. Perhaps this contact gave them some favorable news.

"The big hole in the rain cloud layer will not affect you in any way, will it?"

"Of course it has an impact. That's the source of the freezing gas. If the distance is too far, the freezing gas cannot be guided. Just now the pillar of fire has offset almost all the giant whale freezing gas in this area, and it will have to wait until it recovers. The concentration not long ago is not enough for this hole to heal. It will take a while.” Li Suman said to the sky, without seeing the man directly, “So, the opportunity is already in front of you. I am. I have reminded you, whether you can seize this opportunity, the right is in your hands."

After speaking, Li Suman raised his head, the alloy mask flickered, and it seemed to be a kind smile, full of sarcasm.

At this time, another man patted the shoulder of the man who was talking to Li Suman, and motioned not to talk to this kind of enemy any more. The four people have nothing to do with each other. Talking more will only make them feel uncomfortable out of thin air, and there is no need to do these unnecessary things.

The man took a deep breath, then turned around and focused on the communication. The helpless four people are doing helpless things here. After they came here, they learned that the team of three dragon knights had all been annihilated, and they already had a very high evaluation of the enemy in their hearts. It was only after actual contact that the death of the dragon knight was found within a reasonable range.

This made the two pope adjutants in the four-person team think a lot, and finally came to the conclusion that if there is enough time, this enemy will go to the stage of the pope, it may not be impossible.

"By the way, there is one thing that I haven't thought about and understood." The man turned around, focusing on the communication, and then turned around again, "With your strength, at the round table of the Saint Dorag Empire. In the Knights' resident, shouldn't you miss it?"

Li Suman sighed for a long time, "Yes, that girl hasn't been taken away, so there won't be so many things." After that, Li Suman sat up and looked at the man, "An old thing was dispatched in person. It's as simple as that. It is a group of people who cherish their lives. It is difficult to meet them at ordinary times, not to mention that one of them is wearing a good armor and is willing to fight us personally. Probably it was deterred by the other party's determination. , So I didn’t try my best. However, the staffing around that old thing is much richer and stronger than the four of you. I think even if a full-scale war goes on at that time, the result will still not change anything."

"However, there is no way for that old thing, but it is very easy to restrict the four of you here. The proposal will always be effective. It is a good choice for everyone to sit here peacefully and talk about it. "

"Do you think we will always be four?"

"Hey..." Li Suman sighed and returned to the lying position. The curves of her body are beautiful, but there is no allure in the eyes of men. The four people's will will not be so fragile, nor will they show this worldly desire at an untimely time.

"I am only afraid of the mad girls of the empire, and you are just a boring task that McGerry threw to me. If I have beaten the mad girls, I have nothing to fear in the whole post-phase continent. But a pity, I just can't beat..."

Li Suman's answer did not seem to be what the man had expected. After a brief silence, the man turned around again.

Li Suman certainly knew the man's movements, but did not express anything. The communicator he was carrying rang at this time, Li Suman pressed the answer button, the induction force field expanded, and the sound was isolated. There was Macquarie's voice, the five-stage surgeons were in roughly the same situation at the moment, and Manicoroa's words had a huge weight, enough to affect the tilt of the situation.


Before his thoughts remained in a coma, Cassia did see a surging sea and a huge giant whale under the sea. Then the picture turned, and something more profoundly connected squeezed out the picture of the giant whale. It is a dark image, but there is a sense of hierarchy in the dark. Cassia can only feel that this sense of hierarchy extends a very long distance, and is under a very deep ground, other than that, there is no more impression.

There was a sound in my ear, crackling. The stagnant thoughts recalled the scene before the coma and began to function normally. Cassia knew that he was about to wake up, and he had been mentally prepared for this side effect.

The first is to take a deep breath. The cold air stimulates the body. Immediately afterwards, Cassia rolled his eyes, and then opened them. The white light of the lime lamp made his pupils shrink rapidly. In a field tent, the background sound came from rain hitting a black cloth dome for shading.

The tent is very big, except for a temporary wooden bed, it is a pile of various high-energy foods on the wooden floor. At the entrance and exit of the tent, there is a mechanical watch and a wooden board hanging there. The wooden board is engraved with the date and day of the month.

"Are you horrified?" Seeing the food, Cassia knew who prepared it. Sitting up on the bed and maintaining the position for more than half a minute, Cassia got up and took the mechanical watch to determine the time.

"It's only for a long time, and it probably has something to do with the psychological hints I gave myself." It's not a head pain, Cassia will only feel tired, but this fatigue can still be suppressed by Cassia. While picking up the compressed food and eating it, Cassia opened the tent. The guards outside had noticed the movement and just rushed over.

"Mr. Cassia, at this moment, you have fallen asleep for seventeen hours and twenty minutes. As for the changes in the period, it is roughly..."

"The cold air guidance and the spiritual guidance have been exposed. The enemy did not move during his drowsiness. It should be an analysis of these two pieces of information. I don’t know if there will be another use of the spiritual guidance. On the freezing guidance, so The resulting effect will be reduced a lot because of the enemy's alertness." More than an hour later, Cassia and Cassie were once again in a rain curtain that seemed to have no gaps.

"Fortunately, the ground team took this opportunity to advance a lot of distance, and it is about to touch the final line of defense of the joint base, which is good news. Just..."

"It's just myself, it's almost reaching the limit." Cassia said to herself with some regrets, "Next time, either only one suppression tube will be removed, or all the suppression tubes will be removed. I hope this method will still work. The effect. Either,, or it is the piece of uranium in the body."

"The results of the two are not within the controllable range, and I don't know what will happen. Even if I have a little guess, considering the worst results, it is not what I want to see."

"The enemy spread the news in the black market of Manoma, and the time is not too much... But it’s good with Mr. Macquarie, UU reading, Atohuan, and Kira Andi’s team. Well, the members secretly assisted by other clan forces, the people who care about Ye Jielin’s life, after all, are just a few dozen people between me and Atohuan. Perhaps what Mr. Ha said in the contact not long ago was not wrong. Ye Jielin’s life is not equal to the cost of rescue this time, she is not worth it."

"However, whether something is worthwhile is not something that can be determined rationally, as long as I think it is enough."

"Fortunately, I am only twenty-two or three years old, and there is still a place in my heart to keep something. I have to thank Xiaocheng's self. At that time, Cassia hadn't been wiped out so quickly."

Exhale the last warm breath in the body. Although the information obtained from the hacker made Cassia's mood fluctuate, he was able to face the information squarely. Cassia has always believed that the enemy is very smart, can see the importance of Ye Jielin from various traces, and use it to intimidate herself. But Cassia also thinks that they are not very smart, because some things are better not to be touched. Death is indeed terrible, but it does not mean that it can stop everyone.

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