Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1831: The **** knight (2)

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Then go to the rain clouds, Cassia will not waste the natural shielding tape.

Although it was expected, Cassia was relieved a lot after he was told that the enemy was confirmed dead more than ten hours ago. The large group of second-class creatures then ran away, some of them regained their sense and thinking, but let the group of second-class creatures disperse, causing more serious trouble to the enemy's defense line than expected.

The reason for not taking the opportunity to counterattack, most of the reason lies in this. The clearing and dispersing of the second-class creatures did disperse the enemy's strength and energy.

In the newsletter, Cassia asked in detail the relevant information of the second group of creatures, and wanted to find out the answer he wanted. Counted as a mental attack, as a self who currently has no obvious shortcomings, Cassie Black has become a breakthrough in the eyes of the enemy.

Cassia needs to determine whether there are people with similar abilities in the enemy. Although he and Cassiehei are at the edge of the rain clouds, the shielding effect has a greater attenuation, but the distance between them and the ground will not change. If Cassia wants to take full control of Cassiehei's body, even if he encounters obstacles and resistance, and wants this kind of control to take effect, he can only rely on the forced takeover of the nerve bundle. But the premise is also harsh, requiring contact with each other.

Comparing the enemy's abilities, Cassia felt a huge threat. Cassie Heiben is the key part of the plan. As a surgeon who can hardly fly, the sky is a forbidden area that can only be looked up. Many offensive methods will lose their threat and destructive effects in the sky.

After the enemy dragon knights died one after another, this forbidden area was exclusively owned by Cassia for a period of time. So I had to be careful, the second-class biota did indeed disperse afterwards, but in the eyes of Cassia, this information did not dispel his doubts, but made him more cautious.

Thinking from the perspective of the worst results, it is impossible for the enemy not to analyze his own movements during this period of time and his situation after using his spiritual guidance at that time. Cassia naturally thinks this is a trap, and the observation results of the situation behind the joint base given after the hack have become evidence of Cassia’s conjecture to a certain extent.

There was no change in the rear of the joint base, and it seemed unusually quiet, just like in other directions. It is not easy to keep the huge number of Class II creatures stable. This is also one of the main reasons for Cassia's doubts.

"After Cassie was under control, he was close to the forest for a while. But no other enemy cooperated in an orderly manner. Does it mean that it was just a temporary trial, and the enemy did not expect to get huge positive feedback." Dang You Energy Looking back and analyzing again, Cassia found a lot of information worth thinking about.

Most of the information was not of substantive help, but in the more than an hour after waking up, apart from supplementing the necessary food, Cassia did not do a single thing. Actively communicated with the four-stage surgeons around him, and negotiated with the Ato Ring on the tactical design.

According to the results of Cassia's current analysis, there was no movement behind the joint base, which convinced him that there was also an enemy who was proficient in "control" capabilities there, and he had not left. As the final destination of the route, Cassia thought carefully, but in the end did not change the entry point into the joint base.

Cassie Black is indeed a current gap, but the death of the enemy who is trying to control Cassie Black will become an inevitable threat. Furthermore, the enemy knows that Cassia must be wary of this control ability, and will not easily try again. The double-thinking of insurance made Cassia let go of some worries.

During the coma, the ground team advanced tens of kilometers, and the closest distance to the joint base at this moment was only about 60 kilometers. Because he was already in the range of the enemy's near-ground defense weapons, his advancement immediately became extremely slow. The ground team chose to stop, and the logistics team began to become active on a large scale. Small airships travel back and forth to the material base in the rear. They fly close to the forest, maintain concealment, and at the same time supplement medium and long-range weapons to the greatest extent, and prepare for firepower for the next re-advance.

Air defense weapons are also transported on a small scale. Cassia and the others are not aware of the material reserves in the joint base, but everyone believes that the enemy will not be short of all kinds of weapons and ammunition that are overflowing at any time.

Cassia stopped at a distance of about 70 kilometers from the Joint Joint Base. He hid in the rain clouds, constantly gathering freezing air, and practicing guiding the freezing air. Recalling the moment after the coma that both Hae and Atuohuan described to themselves, Cassia had a good idea.

The deterrence from the environment may affect the enemy's emotions to a certain extent, and cooperate with the offensive of the ground team, so that they can disintegrate themselves under pressure. Cassia thought about recreating the scene described by Hae and Atuohuan, it is completely feasible to have only the body. Even if it can't be as magnificent and huge as the giant whale mobilizes the frozen air force, it is not difficult to create a tornado storm that covers all the joint base and has only appearance and no power.

The supplies were still transported steadily, and the immersion of the two parties did not end because of Cassia's waking up. The torrential rain is getting bigger and bigger, and there is a feeling of going to a "land waterfall".

Time moved back several hours in silence, during which Cassia gradually picked up her mood and became calm on the surface. At this moment, waiting is no longer a torment, it has become a state of acquiescence, and the pressure on both sides is gradually increasing, but it is still within a reasonable range.

It was waiting for a reasonable and obvious opportunity to appear. It used to be Cassia to make it, but this time, it was Macquarie who had a risky plan. U U Reading www.uukanshu.cóm

Cassia doesn't know how long it is, but the time has not yet reached the point of time when the enemies are scattered in the black market of Manoma. Continuously suppressing the mental fatigue, Cassia continued to practice the guidance of the cold air.

When time went back about two hours again, Cassia, who was guiding the freezing air, stopped and looked to his side.

The cloud gas moved regularly, and Cassia, who had a foreboding that, immediately connected to the vision of the bio-inductive stress field. It was only a short moment, but it was enough to let him know that it was not only cloud gas, but also gray fluorescent frozen gas. More quickly. They all face the same direction, and there is a stronger spirit guiding them there.

Cassiehei sank immediately, leaving the rain clouds and coming into the rain curtain. When Cassia looked to the side, the communicator felt a slight vibration as expected.

"Will it be the final battle?" Cassia murmured before connecting.

"Mr. Cassia, when the light illuminates the entire sky, it is the beginning of the action." A horrified voice sounded, "Good luck, Mr. Cassia, communication in the future may become extremely difficult. I hope to hear it again next time. When your voice is heard, Miss Ye Jielin is by your side."

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