Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1833: The **** knight (4)

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! Because of the freezing air, the field of vision stretched out extremely quickly in the rain clouds, replacing the sound pulses that were not used much in the current environment, and the range was wider. Cassia doesn't care about her body at all, it is special enough that it doesn't need Cassia to worry about mentally.

The mental body almost left the body, like an oil film on the water, spreading as far as possible. Information is still a key and important thing in various operations. When the ground team attracts attention in the front and can get as close as possible to the joint base, Cassia needs to know its structure and prepare for rescue afterwards.

The spread of vision showed a fan-shaped surface spreading towards the joint base, and soon it touched the enemy's aviation torpedo hidden in the clouds. They are separated by no more than a kilometer, one next to each other, if they are connected in a line, an arc can be obtained.

"Do you circle the entire joint base? I don't know if there are more of these things inside the circle." Among the rain clouds, Cassia is most worried about these very powerful aviation torpedoes. . Its power is far greater than that of giant anti-aircraft bombs, and they can directly blast through the rain clouds, creating holes as large as kilometers.

While thinking, Cassia added the positions of the aviation torpedoes one by one to a newly created blank drawing in his head. It is difficult to gather and guide freezing gas remotely. These aerial torpedoes can only be eliminated in batches one by one with the ability to freeze until they are closer.

Soon after, the increasing speed of Cassie quickly allowed Cassia to surpass the position of the ground team. During the period, the only sound that could be transmitted into the rain clouds was the explosion of the main artillery shells of the airship flagship, and even the shock of vibrations could be completely absorbed by the rain clouds.

Arriving near the aviation torpedo, there was a relatively evenly spaced dot on the map in Cassia's head out of thin air. With the joint base as the center divergence point, within a circular range of nearly 30 kilometers spreading over the clouds, dozens of circles of aerial torpedoes have been arranged by the enemy, silently guarding the safety of its high altitude.

Cassia is now five to six kilometers away from the outermost torpedo. Attempts have been made to gather frozen air around aerial torpedoes and freeze them to no effect, but Cassia did not immediately begin to eliminate them in large quantities. The ground team is not advancing fast. It is still a problem whether they can get to the joint base. Without the help of the ground team, Cassia doesn't think that he can carry out his rescue plan to the end by rashly landing around the joint base.

After leaving here, Cassia remained at a position about ten kilometers in front of the ground team, quietly waiting for the time to mature. Your team does not need your own help yet. Because the enemy no longer has the Dragon Knights, there is a high probability that Number Zero has also left the Joint Base in a short time. People who can rely on their personal ability to change the situation in a small area will no longer have it.

And Cassia knew that compared to the fact that he actually appeared somewhere, was observed by the enemy, hidden in the rain clouds, and couldn't be caught in any trace, he could make the enemy feel the greatest deterrence and pressure.

During the period, Cassia calmed Cassiehei from time to time because of being in the clouds. When I met again two years later, although he was given solid red mercury as compensation, and the uneaten dragon corpse as an additional gift, the danger of exchanging it with it had exceeded the corresponding value in Cassia's mind.

"After this incident is over, there will be a long period of quiet. At that time, a large amount of delicious food will be continuously transported from within the empire. You only need to grow your body and practice the swordsmanship I gave you. Something like that will do." Cassia laughed. He feels like a black-hearted boss who is looking forward to a good future for honest employees, picking up on the benefits that he does not know whether he can realize it later, and saying that the current danger will not be mentioned a word.

But it doesn't matter, Cassia knows that Cassiehe who doesn't understand anything doesn't care about these things.

When the veins on the huge tornado storm gradually spread to the hidden position of Cassia, he lowered his height slightly to observe the conditions of the forest below. The advancement of the ground team was much better than expected, and while relaxing in his heart, it made Cassia more vigilant.

The enemy seemed to have deliberately given up resistance, and they hoped that the ground team would approach the Joint Base as soon as possible. The counterattack looks pretty good, but how much killing effect it really has, the result is blurred.

"The goal is always oneself." Knowing that this may be deliberately done by the enemy, they want to accelerate the event through themselves, attracting themselves away from the rain clouds as soon as possible, and appearing in the actual field of vision. Although this is in line with Cassia's idea, relying on the offense of the ground team to attract the attention of a part of the enemy, causing chaos, so that he can find opportunities.

Cassia’s goal has never been to wipe out the enemies of the Joint Base. Although this is also a method, the difficulty of execution is the highest of all plans. Just rescue Ye Jielin, there are no restrictions, the remaining thing is to escape as much as possible, and the enemy behind him can be handed over to others.

But in this case, the number of enemies that the smoothly advancing ground team will face when approaching the joint base will also exceed the theoretical value calculated during the plan. After a real battle, how long the ground team can last will also be a problem. Cassia does not know how to judge the current situation. The huge number of Type II creatures behind the joint base also need to be cleaned up. Under the cover of the enemy's air defense firepower net, the fire support provided by the airship fleet will also be hindered. UU reading www.uukanshu. Once the com-type second-type creatures are encircled and suppressed, they are not afraid of death and pain, they can absolutely rely on their numbers to break through the defense circle of the ground team. By then, it is only a matter of time before the ground team is annihilated.

The entire front has been pressed for more than ten kilometers. After the rain curtain turned into heavy snow mixed with small hail, the forest fire between the two could not be extinguished and was burning violently. The fire light illuminates the sky, coating the clouds and the huge tornado storm that has always remained in shape with a dark red.

At the current rate, it may not take a few hours before the ground team will directly engage the enemy guarding the joint base in a battle of offensive and defensive positions. Observing this, Cassia returned to the clouds and began to freeze the aviation torpedoes one by one, as a safety guarantee for guiding the freezing gas by himself in the future.


"It will take about three hours." Noroska, who had been calm, looked nervous at this time. I usually practice fighting with Chilman and Hilary Li to prevent my body from forgetting the feeling of fighting. But compared with actual combat, practice lacks the necessary atmosphere.

"Don't worry, everything can be carried out according to the plan. It has reached this level, and no amount of worry is useless." Hilary Li comforted as she put down the full wine in front of Nonoska. She opened the window and sighed, "It's snowing again."

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