Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1834: The **** knight (5)

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! "I don't know how long that thing will last?" After drinking a glass of wine, Noroska got up and poured another glass. He was standing next to Hilary Li, whether it was the shock, the flames of the explosion, or the snow flakes that were brought into the tree house by the impact, all of them slammed on the faces of the two of them. The expressions of the two of them and the direction of their sights have not been changed. The tornado storm that connects the sky outside the window has kept the appearance they remembered. It has not increased, but there is no sign of shrinking.

"I can't wait for that time. The helper Kira Andi found was too powerful. She was able to fight three high-ranking dragon knights without resorting to the cold air of the giant whale, completely occupying the upper hand, and achieving good results. , It is enough to show the range of strength. Now there is the giant whale freezing gas blessing on the cloud layer, and the giant whale on the endless sea is continuously supplied. It is said that it can last for a month or two, but it will not make people feel that Surprised." Chilman's nose was heavy, and he felt heavy pressure at this moment. Talking between the three can indeed adjust the mood appropriately.

"It is mainly Magri and Hilda of the Kira Andi family. With the convenience of the contemporary knight king of the Saint Dorag Empire, each of them has one-third of the holy spear body in their hands. They are fully stimulated, directly with the giant whale Driven by the freezing energy of, the power increase will not be small. It feels troublesome, or this kind of excitation method is almost cost-free. It only needs to be manually activated at the beginning, and then it can be fully stocked. So the top power In terms of performance, there are probably one or two more in Chira Andi. If the Natural Association has also dispatched top powerhouses similar to the Pope’s adjutant, this gap can be made up."

The huge tornado storm has been analyzed by the high-level surgeons inside the forest. The tornado storms and the veins on the snow clouds are caused by the effect of the holy spear. Nonoska and the others don't know what the Holy Spear has changed, but most of the five-stage surgeons are forcibly locked in the storm tornado, which is already an established fact.

Communication, various perception abilities, etc. cannot penetrate it. It was originally formed by the gathering of the top powers in the five stages, and there was the blessing of the holy spear. As a result, among the four stages of surgery, roughly no one wanted to approach it. Some details were not well grasped, and were accidentally affected. It was the attack of the five-stage surgeon and the giant whale at the same time, and no one dared to try it yet.

In addition, there will be an interlock between the five-stage surgeons, which is the consensus of everyone. There can also be huge gaps between individuals due to differences and abilities between the four stages, but the five-stage evolution will make this individual gap very small. If you can't fight, in most cases, you can try your best to escape, and the success rate is very high.

There is a clear sound passing over the tree house, the bright ballistic line knocks out the translucent tunnel, the air blasts from roof to roof, "dongdongdada" is like an inferior band, no one is in the mood to appreciate it. These man-made noises. The vibration spread between the ground, shaking the tree house where Nonoska and the others were from time to time. It was swaying all the time, the wine swayed, making a rustling noise in the bottle.

"The explosion is getting closer and closer. According to the intensity of these few minutes, it doesn't take three hours. Um..." As Chilman calculated various data in his brain, he drank the bottle of wine that had been swaying by the way. "It's about two hours, maybe even earlier. Is it so powerful? It should have caused the ground team to resist a little bit?"

"Didn’t the plan clearly state that you want to'rout' so that you can conduct offensive and defensive battles around the base as soon as possible? The three-way fusion team is not on the same line of mind, so don’t expect this kind of life-threatening performance to have How wonderful. Even if the mission is completed after playing most of the bullets, the enemy's momentum is absolutely strong now. If he is caught up, it is not acting."

"Can it succeed? There is no trace of Cassia to report the result for an hour or two. Although we know that he is leaving, it is definitely after Ye Jielin is rescued. But it disappeared for so long without any traces to capture. , It always makes people feel more inexplicable pressure out of thin air.” Going to the corner of the tree house, Chilman took out the wine and drank it to the mouth of the bottle, but did not forget to throw a bottle to Noroska and Hilaryly. "There are two more boxes, both of which are high-end goods of the Santorage Empire. They are of the white sailing boat brand. I heard that one bottle costs more than 10,000 yuan. Drink them as soon as possible and don't waste them."

"Where else can I be? It must be in the rain clouds. Just like us, waiting for the time to pass. The Zero was picked up, and no one can fight it at the same stage. There is a wild dragon beside him. It is even more a disaster. This period of time has not been so active, it should be caused by the temptation of the black wolf not long ago. It should be the most scrupulous thing Cassia is at present."

Hilary Li took the drink and followed up. The shaking continued at this time, causing the bodies of the three of them to shake slightly. The simple window was closed easily, and the explosion and the wind suddenly became quieter: "As soon as Cassia comes down, he has been in the sky, and we really have no good way."

"On the ground is another situation. On the other hand, I came to the Post-Phase Continent very early to investigate various information about Cassia and prepare the basis for the plan. But until now, I think our understanding of Cassia It’s still not complete enough. Everyone is under pressure to move forward, but has changed their minds a little... After so long, I finally have to have a real experience with Cassia, whom I have only seen in portraits, photos, and various materials. Really meeting, you can actually use your eyes to capture his appearance, and you can understand the mystery of him one by one afterwards. This is not an exciting thing."

Hilary Li looked at the other two people in the room, and there was indeed a light of excitement in her eyes.

Noroska sighed fiercely next to him, UU read, but he and Chilman also smiled on their faces at the same time. It seems that because of Hilary's words, the mood has indeed become very good. For them, there is indeed no problem with Hilary's words. After all, from the beginning to the end, they were selected, accepted the mission, and came to the Post-Phase Continent, all for this person named "Kasia".

And the time has passed, what they can do is the same as Cassia, waiting for the arrival of the established node. In addition, there is only self-regulation of emotions and keep the body active.


When the aerial torpedo was eliminated in the last lap, Cassia inhaled a breath of icy cloud air, and the freezing air drifted through his body, feeling that his body and mind became comfortable.

Then Cassia lowered his height and looked down with Cassie's perception. The forest was burning and the dim environment turned bright red, and the smoke rolled away in the direction of the forest with the strong wind. The distance between the ground team and the joint base is roughly 16 to 7 kilometers, and Cassia believes that in another half an hour, it should be the time he is waiting.

Cassia did not act immediately, suppressing his mood, returned to the depths of the clouds, continued to gather frost, and increased the concentration of frost in this snow cloud.

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