Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1836: The **** knight (7)

Ye Jielin did not speak. After the steel cable was disconnected, she walked out of the steel cage and moved her rigid body on the side. Her face could be described as pale, Hilary Li's potion soon took effect, and Ye Jielin's face seemed to be a little more rosy. There was a "click" sound, which was made by the simple mechanical body temporarily installed on Ye Jielin's left arm and left leg, which made her not even unable to stand at this moment.

Hilary Rili chose to sit down in an open space that was only ten meters away from Ye Jielin: "I investigated the information of the Weber Arms Company and the Weber family, and it was originally well-known on the other two continents. Left arm and left leg. The problems are all trivial, money can be solved, only the price of one or two hundred million. Re-cultivation, transplantation after surgery, and recovery with medicine, in about a year, it will be as good as before."

"By the way, I think you can take this opportunity to strengthen it." Maybe this is a conversation between two women, or Ye Jielin or Hilary Rili can feel that there is nothing between them. How malicious. Not only did Hilary Li's words appear relaxed and comfortable, but Ye Jielin, who was moving around, also did not have any pressure.

Hilary Lily thought for a while, and worked hard to mobilize the relevant information in her head: "The enhancement of the biological direction requires the recipient's own strength and physical strength. Otherwise, if you add more inhibitors, it will drag your own time rhythm that becomes stronger. . The choice of machinery will be very good, with the technology of Weber Arms Company, with good materials-if it is feasible, you can take advantage of the status of Cassia and ask for some ultra alloys from the Chira Andi family. They are sure It will be given. For you, it is definitely a huge enhancement to use metal that dilutes the super alloy as the material."

"The Weber Arms Company customized it for you. By the way, I will bring some powerful modules and abilities to facilitate the switching of the route of the common country in the ocean at any time. In this way, you should understand my proposal?"

Ye Jielin glanced at the simple mechanical body on her body, and breathed a sigh of relief: "It's still more suitable for machinery. I still have some understanding of where the technology in the company and the family has gone."

Hilary Lily followed with a sigh of relief: "That's good, after all, not everyone will break their arms and legs to be strengthened. Especially you, as a woman, your legs are for men. It's not a general temptation." Hilary Lili looked at Ye Jielin's other intact leg and exclaimed, "This is a good opportunity for you, and it can also be cultivated in biology at the same time. Afterwards, refrigerate, as your own stage improves, afterwards, after surgical transplantation, the time to recover as usual will be further shortened along with it."

When she was speaking, Hilary Lily turned her head to look around due to the surrounding movement.

"Have you started?" Ye Jielin sat on the ground like Hilary Li. She noticed Hilary Li's movements, and Gu asked, "You don't seem to have anything to do at the moment?"

"It started a long time ago, and it's almost over now." Hilary Li replied, without hiding anything, because Ye Jielin had no way to spread the information. "We are all waiting for Cassia to come over. There must be no What did you do? According to the plan, our group of people was separated out to perform this task, and would not interfere with other things excessively. In other words, as long as there is no rout in other places, we who are staying at this moment are already doing it. The status of the task."

"But don't worry, it won't be long, half an hour." Hilary Li continued, while Ye Jielin listened quietly, "For Cassia, I also look forward to meeting him soon. After all, I planned for too long, waited too long, and paid a lot for it. I really want to see what kind of person he is. I used to ask for information from you, but you have not Say, so there is no way. But when you meet, you may be able to tell a little about it by simply talking."

After speaking, Hilary Li sighed, "Actually, as a woman, I envy you. I know that this is a trap, and the danger is huge. In order to catch you from the Knights of the Round Table station, the Holy Royal Hall was dispatched for this. How many people there are, I think Cassia should have a vague general information. Moreover, Cassia should also be aware of some clues in advance from many things around him, about the ultimate goal of this mission. Just for Cassia, He is still not very clear. However, these circumstances add up. If he does not feel our determination as an enemy, I would never believe it."

"That's why I envy you, Ye Jielin, starting purely from the identity of a woman. Everyone does not want to have a person who cares about himself in this way. Because even if this is not a mortal situation, Cassia's result will definitely not be good. He knew these things, but he came. Obviously, we only need to stay in Manoma, and we have nothing to do with him. Then after a while, when the third generation of knight kings of your empire returns, we must leave the empire. Even leaving the post-phase continent. By then, things that can threaten him may be gone. Of course, the premise is that you must be killed by us and die only after being tortured. Because if you take this route, , We can only break through Cassia’s line of defense through you and let him go to our designated location."

Ye Jielin looked over, without a smile on her face, "What you envy is not what I hoped for. If I had the ability, I would have made myself a corpse a long time ago, and I won't give you any chance!"

"There has to be someone to survive, right? This is called the transmission of life." Hilary Lili seemed to think about the thirty years of voyage exploration, her face was suddenly full of regret and melancholy, UU reading" Live with this kind of regret, it may become your motivation in the future. Your situation is much better than ours. At least this time, after leaving the forest smoothly, you can try to change something in the future. And we, only It’s hard enough to be alive, not to mention what you have promised to others in the past, and how many determinations you have made in your heart.

"Then why can't it be Cassia who survives?"

"Because he is the person we need, and you are not. His value can be so great that the Nature Association can dispatch a powerful figure comparable to the Imperial Knight King. And you only have two worthy ones, one is decoy. As for the other. , Wait a minute, we will be able to fulfill it. This is also the reason why we will not let you commit suicide. If you feel regret in the future and think it is all your own fault, then add the "I am too weak" this one, and I am in a good mood It will feel better, probably. But it's just my opinion." Hilary Li, who came back from her memories, looked like a psychology teacher, and started enlightening Ye Jielin ahead of time.

"Don't worry, when Cassia comes, I will give you a little time to talk. After all, there is only such a little time, and it will definitely be gone afterwards. You must cherish it. This is the only place I can help you. Of course. , This time is also your own value in exchange, but you don't need to thank me." Hilary Li who said these words smiled, but in Ye Jielin's eyes, it was all dangerous.

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