Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1837: The **** knight (8)

Ye Jielin knew that she had been in the enemy's plan, and she had no chance of struggle or resistance. And the only thing she can do now is to get as much information as possible so that she can tell when she encounters her own members in the future. But Hilary Li is similar to Ye Jielin to a certain extent. It is impossible to get anything from the other party's mouth. She also needs to beware of getting the information she wants from the other party in the process of talking with each other.

Hilary Li was still nervous when she was in the tree house. After she came to the warehouse, her mood became much quieter because of the quiet environment around. When the explosions and vibrations came here, they had become very small after repeated absorption.

"I'll give you a reminder." After a moment of silence, Hilary Li returned to her thoughts. "If you can escape, try to escape, and don't do unnecessary things. After your value is used, it will be okay. There is no one. You are all involved because of Cassia, so when your share of value is fulfilled, your sense of existence is no different from those old trees in this forest. Whether it becomes fragments in the explosion or burned by the fire, no one will care."

"In addition, in fact, the opinions of our members are not uniform. Because of the addition of the Holy Emperor Hall, many families in the empire have also followed a large number of people. The opinions that are not unified come from them. It is due to the task. The importance is that I and a few other people have a little dominance. You should know that the reason why this dominance exists is all because of your personal value to us. Then when the value disappears, can we still Domination is not a certain thing."

Ye Jielin blinked after listening. The effect of the potion just now was very powerful.

Ye Jielin asked, "Someone doesn't want me to leave this forest alive, right?"

Hilary Li nodded naturally and agreed: "On the one hand, your death may become an accelerator, inspiring Cassia to do things that are not good for us. He is a person full of puzzles, and we have always worried that there is still something in him. The unknown will have an impact on our plan, or even destroy it. But on the other hand, you are a knight attendant, and I heard that you are doing well within the empire. In short, people who are not in the Holy Royal Hall have this idea. You are now I can’t get it in their eyes. It’s the group that followed, some of them don’t want you to go back and think it’s a hassle. It’s better to clean you up here, which will save you trouble in the future. You don’t have to wait until then to think about how to deal with it. you."

"And because of the importance Cassia takes to you, after you go back, there will definitely be a lot of trouble waiting for you. But as long as the third generation of the knight king returns, everyone will agree to make this incident completely and clean. Forget about it. Life will get back on track. At that moment, it should be the starting point for your accumulation of strength."

"It seems that good people will be remembered everywhere." Ye Jielin thanked Hilary Li for her words. Then Ye Jielin lifted her head, which was hanging down to look at the wooden floor, and looked at Hilary Li seriously.

Ye Jielin asked sincerely. There were many doubts and speculations in the words: "I sincerely thank you for your reminder. However, these words are actually part of the plan? I probably know that you came here in advance. It's intentional."

Hilary Li seems to know that Ye Jielin will ask herself this way at a certain time, so her expression and tone of voice remain unchanged: "Some are planned, but some are not. I just want to talk to you. The current one. In fact, you are only a second-stage surgeon, not to mention that you are here, just in this forest with a third-stage surgeon as the basic level. Without protection, you are too vulnerable. As for the reasons for saying more, , ”

htps: //

"In you, I saw a part of my shadow decades ago. But these years have passed, I still can't change anything. Maybe I want to see if you can take a different route from me. After all, you The foundation of the company is far greater than that of me, and there are more opportunities.

"I don't like my country, which is the Holy Ten Luo Empire. Of course it is the same for your empire. You may make it lively when you go back. You may not see it, but I hope so. The so-called religious country is also Well, the empire, or even the Alliance of Nature Association, will all be destroyed during the advent of this red star. It may not bring what I want, but at present, the people who are satisfied with it are only a small number of high-level people. That's it."

After finishing these words in one breath, Hilary Lily sighed heavily. She and Ye Jielin are getting along very harmoniously at the moment, like sisters sitting under a parasol and drinking afternoon tea in the afternoon, talking with each other. Both of them looked like they were in their twenties, but the temperament of Hilary Li was more stable and deep.

"Just remember what I said. You don't have the power to change anything now. If you want to make up for this regret, you can only endure it and wait until you have a chance. You know that some people and I have no ill will to you, to Cassia There is no malice. But the different positions, many things certainly can’t satisfy everyone. Regarding this point, when you become a surgeon and begin to break away from the world of ordinary humans, everyone actually understands it. The difference in ideas and needs is enough to satisfy The fight will not stop."

After speaking, Hilary Rili got up and went to the corner of the warehouse, took out two bottles of wine from the remaining wooden boxes, and threw a bottle to Ye Jielin.

"By the way, in the past few years when we came to the Post-Phase Continent, a lot of information has come from the Kiris family. You should have some impressions or know a little information about them. The Kiris family has been abandoned. , There will definitely be people in the church that have been connecting with them, but that’s just unwilling to give up the last value of the Kiris family. After you leave here, you can choose to find them. Some people can be recruited and used, and they have good abilities. Most of them have already integrated into the empire, and it is impossible to go back to the church."

"Of course, UU Reading is not part of the plan, but someone from the Kiris family asked me. Some of them have always wanted to escape the shackles of the Kiris family and have lurked in the empire for too long. There is no blood for the religious nation anymore.” Hilaryly informed Ye Jielin of the secret code of the handover, “Following you is also a good choice, and the team of knight attendants also needs to inject new blood to increase your competitiveness. In addition, in addition to your strength, you now need to know more information about the world, otherwise you will gradually go wrong and you will be doomed to fail. And the Kiris family can just provide some relevant information."

"Is this a last word?"

"No, we don’t necessarily die, and you don’t have to worry about my life safety, there will be no intersection afterwards. You can treat it as a kind of emotional inheritance, like some parents’ unfulfilled wish I want to do the same through my own children." Hilary Li replied, opening the bottle and sipping.

Only when she hadn't finished drinking a bottle of wine, the surrounding temperature dropped abruptly by 20 to 30 degrees, and the exhaled heat floated up and fell into frost powder.

"Huh,,," Hilarylee exhaled after drinking the wine in one breath, and she suddenly felt a huge pressure on her body. She understands what it means to decrease the temperature.

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