Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1841: The Bloody Knight (12)

Within the range of thousands of meters in the eyes of the storm, the snow and fog settled, blocking the view, and the temperature also went to minus fifty or sixty degrees. The spiral airflow then rises, driving the snow and mist to rotate together. The speed is not fast, just the state of ordinary gale. However, the temperature is still falling with the rotation of the airflow. Although the rotation is slow, this is indeed a fact that can be discovered by a little observation. It does not take a long time, and it is possible that everything in the eyes of the storm is completely frozen by the energy of the freezing air.

There was white light shining on the gray-white cloud wall of the tornado storm, similar to lightning, directly bombarding the large areas of ground around the joint base, blocking two torrent-like biological groups of the second type. However, the groups of second-class creatures immediately dispersed and moved around. The white light of frozen gas can only keep up with a few large groups, freezing most of them into fragmented ice. Some can resist, but also consume too much of their own physical strength, and the threat will be weakened in the future.

However, there seems to be some limitation in the white light of the frozen air. After more than a dozen attacks, the remaining second-class biological groups are allowed to rush to the front of the joint base and join the white-snow-covered melee.

The ground still vibrated under the explosion, but the fire and muffled sound were all absorbed by the cloud since the tornado storm fell.

"Papa" several times, a large number of flares were launched from several other bases of the Joint Base. It seems that a similar situation is expected to happen. It is said to be a flares, but it is more like a simple and extremely reduced version of the empty boat. A group of violently burning metal materials is suspended by the airbag, and the light penetrates the snow and fog to give this area. The things in it are coated with a dim light film.

At this moment, Hilary Riley sensed the undisguised gaze projected from the side, and quickly uttered a password to interrupt the action that Chilman and others were preparing to perform. They want to disperse most of the snow fog and tornado storm cloud walls, so that later operations can also provide support to the ground teams around the joint base.

Although he didn't understand the reason, Chilman and others stopped immediately. This is also in line with the intentions of some people. The freezing energy has already diffused around, and the vision under the bio-inductive stress field will also be hindered. If you make a move, it is hard not to guarantee that you will become a shining spot in this "dark zone". Surrounded by high-level surgeons who are hiding in their own way, if they do not act together and are attacked in a concentrated manner, the result will not be very good.

Seeing the dispersal movement stopped, Hilary Rili turned her head immediately and looked in the direction of her sight. She used her own perception, but she was still affected by the gradual increase in concentration in the snow mist. Simply withdrawing from the vision of the bio-inductive stress field, Hilary Rili looked ahead with both eyes, and there was indeed a vague figure in the dim gray light.

"I think we can talk." Hilary Riley squinted her eyes, her heart beating a few times when she spoke. It's been a long time since I had this feeling, the fear of the unknown, and the familiarity that Hilary Li didn't want to recall. This is a kind of negative mood that only occurred during the voyage and exploration in more than 30 years. It was cursed and could not be removed.

Hilary Li didn't know why she had this feeling at this moment, because if the fuzzy figure was really Cassia, as a three-stage surgeon, how could she have such a fear as a high-stage surgeon. The only possibility, perhaps, is that Cassia has something in common with the distant waters, both with mysterious unknowns and captured by his sixth sense.

"I don't know if I have too many thoughts, or I am too fond of Cassia, which makes me deter myself. But this feeling is something that the unknown brings." Hilary Lily suppressed the fluctuating emotions, and her thoughts were still there. Continue, "Sure enough, it's a monster. It can't be measured by common sense. Anything can happen."

"The person you want is here." Hilary Rili stepped aside, revealing Yejielin, who was vomiting hot behind her, "We also don't want to involve unrelated people. She is a trouble for us. I don't know you. Have you seen the scene just now? It belongs to the Saint-Imperial Hall. They dominate the team of high-level surgeons composed of many forces within the empire. Some of them don’t want Ye Jielin to leave this forest alive, for fear that she will not behave after she goes out. Solved trouble."

Hilary Li walked forward a few steps, her mood gradually relaxed, just like a teller in the shop who saw the customer entering the door and greeted him enthusiastically, spreading her hands to signal the surrounding scene, and carefully repeating the situation just now. When the voice fell, Hilary Li returned to Yejielin and looked at the position of the figure.

"It's a deal." Hilary Li said, "I have already come here. If some things are delayed, it is not a good thing for us. We can each take the benefits and interests we need. As for the future, we will each. Just treat the opponent as an enemy."

What can be obtained is silence, the figure is vague under the snow and fog, and it is not clear at all. And in the induction force field, I don't know what restrictions the other party has imposed on him. The only thing Hilary Li can see is a light and shadow that resembles a human shape in the world filled with gray and white light.

The temperature dropped by nearly ten degrees during this time, and it was probably affected by the rotation of the spiral wind in the eyes of the storm. The snow mist gradually converged towards the center, which made the visibility clear. It's just that the snow and fog surrounding the figure are like a fixed painting, not affected by other places at all, and it hasn't changed in the slightest.

"I am really so important to you?" The silence was broken, and the voice was hoarse, like a mechanical compound.

Hilary Li was awakened by the voice, and nodded solemnly and solemnly: "The low-level surgeons will not discuss it. If you count the number of high-level surgeons who came to this forest this time, UU reading can explain it to me. The evidence of this. And this incident is only one of the most enforceable of our many plans."

"What is your relationship with the Kiris family?"

"It's a mutual cooperation. The Kiris family was originally a secret whistle for the Church State to stay within the St. Dorag Empire, but time has passed too long, and its members have long been assimilated, so to a large extent it is no longer a force of the Church State. For a proper explanation, that is the employment relationship. The Kiris family can get good resources from the institutions of the state every year.” Hilary Li explained.

"Sure enough, it started more than two years ago... It's just that I wasn't alert enough to realize the seriousness of those things that happened." The hoarse voice gradually became clear, becoming a normal and ordinary male voice, like It’s Hilary Lily’s words, and it’s also like a self-explanation of self-talk, "Religious country... is that the giant dragon?"

"It seems that you know, then I don't think many things need to be explained. It does have something to do with that giant dragon. Whether it is the education of the country or the Nature Association, too many things and people are serving it."

"Then, can we talk about the transaction?" Hilary Li asked as she walked over and put her hand on Ye Jielin's shoulder.

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