Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1842: The Bloody Knight (13)

"In fact, don't worry, even if the tornado storm does not land, after the concentration of freezing gas increases, the place where there is no cloud can still carry the spread of the spirit. The disadvantage is that what you see is not so clear, and the connection is intermittent. So the situation around the joint base , I still know some.” The words paused here for a while, and Hilary Li saw the subtle movements of the figure, just like the reflection in the lake, she would lose her specific shape at any time because of the waves on the lake.

"The few people you mentioned just now are here again." After the front uttered, Hilarylee spread her senses, but she didn't notice any movement around her.

Hira Ruili opened a few meters away from Ye Jielin, and the short sword that had been put back returned to her right hand again. She asked the phantom in front of her: "All of her force field and physical activity were suppressed, and she might have used medicine to help cover her aura. It's not necessarily the few people just now, but their purpose is definitely the same. If they attack together, I can’t make sure that I can stop all attacks. Once a battle occurs, a little aftermath is fatal to Ye Jielin. The temperature at this time has already made her a little uncomfortable, and the instantaneous environmental changes caused by the induction force field will only affect her. Life."

"Do you need me to tell where they are at the moment?"

"If this is part of the deal, I can barely accept it on my behalf." Hilary Rili made a thought form, and then replied, "Also, if you delay time, it is just to gain an advantage for the ground team members around the Joint Base. You can directly let the ground team return to the defense, or even evacuate to the depths of the forest. The second type of biota is the same. Although you have wiped out some of them, but we have a quantitative advantage, plus these creatures, your side The ground team won’t last long."

"I hope you are clear that we didn't want to involve other people in the beginning. As long as the goal is achieved, that is, you appear in front of us, all previous plans, whether they are good or ready, can stop being invalidated. At any low price. It’s the upper echelon, not us."

"In addition, at this moment, if you are using the environmental factors here to explain our position to the high-level surgeon on your side, there is not much effect. Perception will indeed be affected, no longer sensitive, and the scope will be reduced. . But the only thing that will be affected is perception. It is not difficult for us to hide ourselves in this environment and create a fake body for confusion."

Hilary Li has patience, and the more she speaks, the calmer her mood becomes. The only discomfort came from the phantom of Cassia represented in the front. It is a complex thing derived from the unknown. This feeling is more derived from instinct and sixth sense, rather than rational analysis.

Hilary's heart always beats a few times from time to time, and the blood vessels around her forehead followed suddenly and dullly. I have checked myself several times, not only considering the composition of the biological poison, but also the energy of the surrounding cold air. In the end, Hilary Li concluded that these reactions were indeed caused by psychological effects.

There was another sound from the front, which was a number of position coordinates. Sheila Ruili took it down, but did not immediately inform Chilman and others through the code. Launching an offense at this moment is equivalent to proactively exposing one's position. This may be a trap, a trap to give the enemy information by allowing one's own side to attack.

Hilary Li thought for a while, and finally uttered in a coded language, transforming the coordinate position into a language that only a few people could understand. Immediately, there was a streamer tearing through the snow and fog, pulling out a transparent passage that could not directly hit a location three kilometers away.

The hemispherical cover unfolded there, and the snow mist that was buckled in instantly turned into water vapor, and the streamer was also blocked by the flow, turning into overflowing high-temperature air currents to spread. But the next moment, it was close to dozens of attacks at the same time, following the footsteps of Streamer from different positions, and attacking the hemispherical cover one after another. Failing to withstand all the attacks, it smashed into pieces halfway through.

The shrouded ground exploded, sputtering bright red molten material, several deep pits appeared, and the ablation was serious.

Hilary Li divided her attention to observe the movement next to her, but was immediately attracted by the movement in front of her. The blurry figure was moving, and before she watched it carefully, a white light like lightning lased out, hitting another coordinate position. But just in the blink of an eye, an attack followed the white light and directly bombarded its landing point.

"What are you waiting for? It's been exposed long ago!" In pure imperial imperial language, the two attacked immediately merged into a two-person team. Instead of retreating, they rushed toward Hilaryli, "Directly. Take down the target!" The voice roared, indicating the purpose, but in other people's ears, it was more like an excuse for oneself.

The two of them exerted force at the same time, the invisible induction force field unfolded, and they wanted to disperse the surrounding snow and fog in one fell swoop. However, there were too many attacks on the way, and before they extended, the two had to concentrate on defense to prevent themselves from being affected by the scoped offense.

The figure was retreating at this time, because more hidden people had rushed over. Hilary Li took a deep breath, and after thinking quickly, she had to speak out while actively attacking the people who were surrounding her. On the side, Chilman, Noroska and others received the information and could only join forces with the enemy to attack the few people who rushed here.

The people were still yelling, indicating that it was for the mission, not for killing Ye Jielin. But in the current situation, whether it is for the task or not, they have not acted as planned. It has become a tentative target for all parties. Although everyone's attacks are very conservative, they are the most common ways of applying induction force fields. But the number piled up, and their joint defense also appeared to be shaky.

The few people who were hidden were blocked in the middle of the journey, and they were stalemate in place after only a few hundred meters, and they had to retreat at this moment.

There was originally only the sound of wind inside the eye of the storm, and it quickly became lively at this moment. The serious man Cross's mental fluctuations spread again, and the next moment, he breathed heavily, and it seemed that the brief exchanges were not pleasant. When Hilary Li saw this, she breathed a sigh of relief. When she once again focused on the front, the phantom was already condensed, and a pair of open round bright red pupils were staring straight at herself and at the leaves behind her. Jerin.

"The transaction begins now, everyone takes what they need." The shadow was approaching, and a figure whose facial skin was healing quickly became clear.

Hilary's heart beats uncontrollably, and the face belonging to Cassia that was only seen in portraits and photos finally appeared in her pupils. Without the decoration of paint, without the background of lighting and background, Cassia's appearance seemed ordinary in the eyes of Hillary Li, and there was no surprise at all. Even this face looked harmless, didn't have much audacity, and didn't have the terrifying majesty described in those messages.

Except for the bright red round eyes and the thorny tail that was shed behind him, everything about Cassia seemed to be inconsistent with the introduction of the information.

It's just that the feeling that Hilary Li has always existed from the unknown has never disappeared. Because of Cassia's appearance, it has been strengthened at the same time at this moment.

"The breath on your face and body should have cost a lot of people?" Hilary Li smiled, her gaze glanced at Cassia dozens of times, and it was still going on.

"Most of them are dead. UU reading survives, either because there is no threat or value, or it will cause more trouble, and there is no action for the time being." Cassia said, "I think I have always been a sincere and honest ordinary surgeon, but my status has prevented me from becoming ordinary. I have been having trouble finding it, so after a few years, I will get used to it. After all, they are more ordinary people, most of them still There are laws to restrict and agencies to punish, so that the contradictions between them will not soon be reflected in specific individual actions."

"But the surgeon...I'm in the arms business, and a box of ammunition is just over the price of the ten thousand sacred coins. There are too many channels, and you can buy it no matter how you buy it. The same is true for firearms. So instead of sitting down and talking gently Solve the problem and just put the barrel of the gun directly into other people’s mouths, and the speed of solving the problem will be even faster. The dead will not speak or speak. Silence is a natural acquiescence."

"Are you talking about us?" Hilary Rilly replied.

"It’s not you. The pressure on the upper echelons is indeed huge. Because I can be regarded as the highest person in the power. I still have an understanding of how much weight my orders have on the people below. I’m just answering your questions and talking about myself. The feelings of being a surgeon in the past few years are nothing more. Everyone just has different positions, and you are considered to be the more kind person among the people I have seen. Although this kindness should be required by your plan."

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