Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1843: The Bloody Knight (14)

"Ding...," Cassia said, holding the second-generation holy sword across his chest, flicking the sword with his fingers and making a crisp trembling. The sound has a guiding effect. Not only the blade is trembling, but the entire snow mist around Cassia trembles and hums.

Cassia's serious face suddenly softened at this moment, and his gaze went around Hilaryli and looked at Ye Jielin behind him. He focused his eyes on the hands and feet replaced by the simplified mechanical body for a while, and then all focused on the slightly ruddy face. The pale red hair was cut rough, looking fragmented and messy.

When the eyes of the two faced each other, Hilary Li was ignored by the two. It is true that I haven't seen each other for more than two years, and all the Cassia Ye Jielin knows about remain in the memory of the past, and there is not even a photo left. And Cassia can at least get news about Yejielin and a few photos through Hesley, who travels between the imperial Manoma and the small country from time to time, to know her current situation.

Fortunately, they are all surgeons, and the time span is not as long as imagined. The two of them have not changed, they still have the same face, but the things in their eyes have become more. Neither of them cares about this kind of thing, just a simple glance at each other can tell that they are still the same and taste before. For them, the difference is only the environment at the moment and the situation when they meet.

Their respective joy flashed in the eyes and faces of the two of them, and the same worries remained afterwards. Cassia has more helplessness and regret.

Before actually coming to the Joint Base, Cassia simulated too many different scenarios in his head. It's just like Cassia, after entering the military school, kept thinking about how to place herself between her mother and sister Lilia when she was on the train when she returned to the town during the holiday.

Cassia knows that no matter how much he thinks, he won't make himself prepared. Some things cannot be prepared. I have conceived a lot of things, and when I face it, I will naturally be forgotten. When I went back to the small town, I saw my younger sister Lilia who was playing outside. All she thought of was to go over and pick her up, nothing more.

Looking at Ye Jielin at this moment, Cassia didn't know how to describe her feelings. Relieved? anger? happy? Or other kinds?

Cassia really thought he would have a complicated mood, and everything would be mixed in it. But at this moment, tranquility dominates. The environment has changed and the situation has changed. It can also be said that the two have also changed a lot during this time. But as long as the two of them stand in one place, they can say that nothing has changed, and they will continue in the past, and they will continue to do so.

Hilary Li removed the induction field covering Ye Jielin. As a woman, she knew that she should stand farther at the moment. She also promised Ye Jielin that she would leave some time for her.

"I'm here to pick you up." Cassia opened her mouth and had a lot to say, but in the end she rubbed it into this sentence, "It's still very hard along the way."

Ye Jielin took a deep breath and walked forward. The simple mechanical body made a "creaking" sound. Her face was tight, but at a distance of tens of meters, but Ye Jielin felt that she had walked for a long, long time. It wasn't until I got closer to Cassia that the seriousness on his tight face suddenly collapsed, and was completely replaced by a look of self-blame.

"I never thought that I would become a cumbersome." Ye Jielin lowered her head, her voice was very small, with a sense of powerlessness. This was the side of Ye Jielin that Cassia had never seen before. In the voice, self-blame emotions occupies half, while the other half is the joy that cannot be concealed.

Hillary Li came to the sixth base from time to time, while telling Ye Jielin about the external situation, she also wanted to get useful information about Cassia from her. Knowing some external circumstances, Ye Jielin knew that Cassia would definitely come over and would stand in front of her at a certain point in time. This was something she had never doubted. It's just that this time or now, Ye Jielin has been tortured by too many alternations of emotions.

However, when she really saw Cassia standing in front of her, Ye Jielin was also liberated from these emotions. It is a normal sense of peace of mind that others can't do, but Cassia can give Ye Jielin this sense of peace, and can smooth out many emotions from Ye Jielin's head. Ye Jielin knew that she was a little too imaginative. Regardless of whether she is herself or Cassia, some things cannot be said to be responsible for it, and it should be normal to take it for granted.

Perhaps it wasn't until this moment that Cassia and Yejielin understood that the relationship between the two was not connected by interests, and they had already brought other things.

"I thought you would say,'You shouldn't be here'." Cassia's face naturally smiled, and he took out the signal blocker given by Atohuan, pressed the start button, and gave it to Ye Jielin said, "Or,'This is the enemy's trap, run away quickly' and so on."

Ye Jielin lifted her head and let out a sigh of relief: "I will say, I must take me away, go back together, and wait for a certain period of time in the future to liquidate all the participating forces and members from the beginning."

"I will wait this time." The smile on Cassia's face suddenly disappeared, even lonely. Ye Jielin, who was keenly aware of the change, wanted to say something, but she only felt a slight pain on the side of her neck. When she turned her head, Cassia had already withdrawn her hand.

"It's just a tranquilizer, it can make you fall asleep for a while without stress. You need a good rest, this sleep will help you regain some strength and spirit." Cassia threw the empty syringe aside and put a hand on it. On Ye Jielin's shoulder, she looked at Ye Jielin seriously, "Next, leave it to me, don't worry too much, just wait for me to find you in Manoma."

"Ka,,, Xi,,, Ya!" The voice was blurred before a step, and Ye Jielin almost yelled out Cassia's name. The intact right hand, the simple mechanical arm, all gripped Cassia's chest clothes tightly, not wanting to let go. The dizziness hit at this time, Ye Jielin could only watch Cassia's face gradually blur, and finally fell into darkness completely.

"I think you have more important things that you haven't told her. Although the environment is not very good, but this atmosphere will definitely impress her and make her feel more at ease." Aside, Hilary Li said. "I don't think you still have a chance."

"The main reason is that I am scared myself." Cassia said sincerely, sighing. Without continuing his words, he let out a low roar, but there was a crisp cracking sound not far behind him, that was the sound of ice breaking.

Hilary Li looked over, and a huge shadow appeared, gradually taking shape, and finally turned into a fierce dragon.

"Actually, I have been thinking about how to rescue Ye Jielin. This kind of transaction is also a situation I expected." Cassie got down, and Cassia picked Ye Jielin onto its back, using a steel cable rope Simply fix Ye Jielin on it and secrete keratinous body together with Cassie Black. When tightening, it also forms a circular keratinous wall to withstand strong winds.

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