Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1844: The Bloody Knight (15)

Except for the **** wall that resists the strong wind when Cassie is flying, the **** bodies that fasten Ye Jielin's body are all under the control of Cassie and Cassie, and become a sponge-like state full of holes. In this way, if there is an emergency, or if Ye Jielin wakes up, she can easily break free with her own strength.

On the side, there are several tactical knives already prepared by Cassia, as well as his own revolver and multiple ammunition. The remaining things are several potions. In the end, Cassia took out the communicator and set it aside to make sure it was stable before pressing the communication button so that it could always send out a specific signal, waiting for the communication interference to end and be caught in time.

With a sigh of relief, Cassia squatted down next to Ye Jielin and thought for a while. It seemed that there was nothing left for Ye Jielin. Only then did she touch Ye Jielin's face very carefully and tentatively.

It was colder than Cassia imagined. The main reason is that if he doesn't take the initiative to control it, he touches his face and feels skin that is much warmer than normal human body. Ye Jielin's physique is not special, she can only give Cassia a touch of coldness.

But it is several times softer and smoother than imagined. Cassia thinks that her skin is good enough, something that ordinary human women dream of. But compare the touch of the fingertips at this moment,,,

Fingers stayed on Ye Jielin’s face for only a few seconds, Cassia took a deep breath and got up, took a look at Ye Jielin, then jumped to the side of Cassiehei, and turned her gaze to Hilary Rili: "I have thought a lot In this situation, it was not until the concentration of frozen air increased that I could vaguely perceive the situation of the joint base, and finally came up with a current view, which is the best answer."

"After all, Cassiehei is too young. Even if he grows faster, it is not enough. The previous battles can still have a huge effect. After the enemy becomes you, it will be a drag to stay by my side. It will bear the current situation. Unbearable danger." When speaking, Cassiehe stood up, his huge and hideous head drooped, leaning on Cassia's side.

Cassia patted the scales of Cassie's black mouth again, and finally put his hand on it, relying on the connection between the two to give it the next step. Cassie black roared softly, as if expressing his opinion. But Cassia removed his hand and remained unmoved.

"This kind of transaction may be due to my side. At least I personally." Cassia waved her hand, and Cassiehe flapped her wings. The air flow hit the ground and dissipated, but the snow mist was completely fixed. The space is normal, and it has not been blown away by the wind, "However, you only care about me, whether Yejielin or the giant dragon of Cassie Black, you will not care about their results."

Hilary Lily walked a few steps, facing Cassia head-on: "It's still the suggestion just now, you have more important things that you haven't told her. You won't have a chance."

"Just as it is to add a little motivation to yourself. After this incident is over, you can have a lot of time when you return to the Empire." As Cassia spoke, the fine black scales pierced his skin and quickly crawled all over his body. The downward airflow next to him suddenly increased, and Cassiehei lifted into the air, reaching dozens of meters away in the blink of an eye.

"Ding,,," the second generation holy sword quaked. Without any reason, Hilary's heart beat again for a few times. She stared at Cassia, vocalized together with the trembling, and informed everyone involved in the mission. That kind of fear that originated from the unknown is still growing without an upper limit, making Hilarylee extremely cautious.

She saw Cassia raising the silver long sword in her hand, and all the snow mist around her was instantly attracted. They suddenly began to dissipate without being blown away by the strong wind, and her vision quickly became clear. But the next moment, the pressure of the air has increased by a series, and the slowly rotating wind in the eyes of the storm is accelerating extremely fast, and the tornado cloud wall covering the joint base is converging and shrinking toward the centerline in Hilary's eyes.

At this moment, a thin, sharp white light was excited from the long sword in Cassia's hand, connected to the clouds above the sky. The veins and veins that have been attached to it become brighter, they tremble in the surging clouds, and then they collapse and shatter. The chain reaction was on the verge, and the clouds over this area and the surrounding tornado storm cloud walls, the veins and veins collapsed and disappeared.

Suddenly, endless red light rose up around, shock waves swelled, and the translucent ones collided with each other here. Several dark red mushroom clouds squeezed together. Hilary Li had already activated the solid red mercury bombs placed around him to stop what Cassia wanted to accomplish at the moment. She was about to move, but a sharp sense came from her neck, and the enemy's advanced surgeon was already in place.

In a little slow time, without the support and maintenance of the power of the veins, the cloud gas above the head is like a huge waterfall, directly pouring into the ground below. The cloud wall of the tornado storm collapsed towards the joint base, like a real thing, and a tsunami swept everything inside. At the same time, it also covered up Cassie Black in mid-air.

And the sharp white light excited by the silver-white long sword not only destroyed the veins and veins in a range, but at the moment it was like a magnet, and the collapsed clouds were all attracted by it. In the blink of an eye, the eye of the storm, which was only a few kilometers in diameter, was flooded by clouds under the influence of multiple forces and spiritual guidance.

The cloud gas easily extinguished the explosion of the solid red mercury bomb, blocking the red light in the blink of an eye. The impact made the clouds surge like an undercurrent, but the heat was completely cancelled out. And disappearing with the red light, there are many energy response rays belonging to the surgeon, and the detection and observation ability of the induction force field is greatly disturbed.

Hilaryli suppressed the restless intuition in her heart, and the surrounding clouds were like dry powder. Due to the collapse of the tornado, the energy of the freezing gas was released, and the concentration was more than ten times higher than normal. It was like a cloud above the sky collapsing on the ground, and the icy energy began to erode the induction force field spreading all over her.

Hilary Li couldn't catch the sharp white light in front. She traversed a distance of several tens of meters to reach the location where Cassia was just now. But what remained in place was a wooden floor that had been crushed by a huge force, and a shallow pit printed on the ground. In the vision of the biological inductive stress field, at this moment, in addition to the gray-white color, only a few thousand meters away, the engagement attack can still be captured with slight traces.

The gust of wind blew into the ruins of Base No. 6, and the sound of whine rose all over and passed into Hilary Li's head, interfering with her judgment.

"Huh,,," Hilary Li had to take a deep breath. There was too much happening at that moment, and she couldn't tolerate any action, and the surroundings became the current appearance. Without seeing any movement, the clouds around Hilaryli dispersed out of thin air, and the area of ​​dispersion was still expanding.

"Stop! The tornado storm just collapsed inside!" There was a wave of fluctuations, Cross's voice appeared in Hilarylee's head at the same time, interrupting her movement, "The white light is just a blinding method, and it is not necessary at all. Things, the energy of cloud energy and freezing energy, are all the spirit of Cassia! He is nearby, and the real eye of the storm can only be him. With the strength of his spiritual body, the distance is too far, and this kind of environment will never be created. At that time The entire tornado storm will disintegrate naturally, instead of the current situation!"

"Calm down. When the second-class creatures gather in front of the base, I have made them scattered around the entire joint base. As long as Cassia passes, I can rely on the scattered few types of creatures. The second type of creature perceives it. My purpose of gathering these creatures is not to help the ground team!"

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