Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1845: The Bloody Knight (16)

Cross has a high level of trust in the entire combined team. He was originally sent by the Nature Association. Among the four-stage surgeons, he was almost the only one who came to the Southern Forest with the team. Identity plus the strength in the spiritual realm, the efficiency and number of controlling second-class creatures far surpass those of the common countries in the distant seas at the same stage, making this trust quickly transformed into the right to speak.

Hilary Li and the people around who were preparing to forcefully clear the cloud immediately stopped their hands. There is no perception in the cloud, which is equivalent to being in the cloud. Without special abilities and methods, the frozen air energy can shield all detection methods based on the induction force field.

The clouds in the sky are a kind of violent shielding belt.

"Cassia has always controlled the tornado storm. He knows the blessing effect of the cold energy on himself and the restrictions on us. Cassia himself is only a three-stage. It does not rule out that he has a hole card against us for a short time. But don't forget about ourselves. His identity, and the results of our analysis of his known information. He can only use some simple bio-inductive stress fields. Before he really steps into the high-level, his body's functions and reciprocal abilities must be all No transformation has been done!"

"I will always pay attention to the movement of the outer circle of the Joint Base to prevent him from escaping from the Joint Base from a certain direction and meeting with the enemy's high-level surgeons. The encircling circle composed of Type II creatures has begun to shrink slowly, and there is only one important point for the remaining work. "

"As the eye of the real storm, as long as he is relying on the mind to control the collapse of the tornado storm and the stability of the external form, the energy concentration of the surrounding frozen gas is the highest in this area. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese net not long ago, he took shelter I have observed this phenomenon in the high-altitude clouds and when the cloud gas swept the entire base just now."

"The perception under the induction force field is not without effect. It can help us to distinguish the changes in the concentration of frozen gas. This is the key point. It needs to keep moving and all members form an orderly screening network to bring Cassia towards One direction forces the past to make contact with the converging second-class creatures, so that he can get his approximate position."

"And controlling the collapse of the tornado storm and the stable appearance, and his living in the clouds to gather the freezing energy and increase its concentration are two completely different things. The mental consumption and the strength requirements are not on the same level. Soon, I guess the time will be less than two minutes. Once the time has passed, the collapse of the tornado storm will naturally be out of control. At that time, I will inform you, and then we will clear the surrounding cloud and cold energy together, regain the view and explore. Ability."

Cross stopped here, and it was Hilary Lily who answered the conversation. She has returned to calm from the panic just now. I was indeed disrupted by Cassia’s plan. I lost my vision and perception. It was Hilary Li, watching the target suddenly disappear from my eyes, and I had no way to find a way, and there was a stalemate in my thoughts. Just thinking of violence to clear the surrounding clouds in order to gain a little vision.

"Another key point is to prevent the dragon that took Ye Jielin from returning and picking up Cassia in other places." Hilaryili spoke in a coded language, which was a clue she suddenly thought about.

Hilary Li was very fortunate that she had really seen Cassia, and carefully observed him for a short time. This is very important to Hilary Rilly. Only relying on information and data, the character model of Cassia built in Hilary's head completely deviates from reality. But not long ago, the model was revised.

"Yejielin is indeed important to Cassia. We all expect that he will make a deal to keep Yejielin away from the source of danger in advance and go to the safest high-altitude clouds. However, because of the importance, I think Cassia is not at ease letting him The dragon carried Ye Jielin away alone and went to other areas of the southern forest. As long as a trace is found, a random blow from any four-stage surgeon can make the dragon and Ye Jielin become air."

"There is indeed no flaw in Cassia’s trading actions. Everything is just right. No loopholes can be found. But from a different perspective, the best way for him to escape at the moment is to use the tornado connected to the clouds. The sky. There are too many uncertainties when taking the ground route!"

"When you move forward, you can carry out a small horizontal attack on the sky irregularly. It does not need intensity. The dragon is very weak and a little aftermath can affect it. The purpose of the attack is still that it can give Cassia pressure. , Making him afraid to easily lower the height of the dragon."

"The two can be carried out at the same time. The center of the storm has a small range. It will definitely follow Cassia's movement and deviate from its position. However, it is necessary to prevent Cassia from actively letting the tornado storm collapse. At that time, cloud explosions were surrounding and the interference was more serious. He will lose his location information for the first time." Cross replaced the disturbed radio signal with mental fluctuations, and gave enough information to allow Hilary Li and others to act.

Hilary Riley unfolds the induction force field to distinguish the energy concentration of the freezing gas while not forgetting to observe the direction of the gas flow: "As long as Cassia is not allowed to go high in the sky within two minutes, the subsequent actions are much simpler. There is no absolute certainty. Cassia will not let important people into the danger zone."

The eye of the storm is indeed moving, with a huge range and will not be easily noticed. Cross planned the route, and a dozen people crossed each other to make sure that every location could be checked.

It's just that the fighting on the side continues, and the few people in the Saint Emperor's Hall have always been bright spots in the cloud. The movement has moved one or two kilometers away again, but losing the attack of Chilman and others at this moment makes these people a lot easier. As the movement of the offensive decreased, after a few breaths, the enemy also stopped the offensive. Their goal is to help Cassia evacuate, not to kill an enemy.

Hilary Riley withdrew her distracted attention from there. She knew that Cassia could rely on the cloud to know the general movement in the tornado, and the actions of herself and his teammates should be clearly detected by him.

This does not affect Hilary Li and others, because this is also part of the action, which puts Cassia under pressure. The transaction has been completed, Ye Jielin, or the dragon, will become the target. It is impossible for Cassia to let them get close to danger, and Hilary Li is better at psychological control.

Having been running at a rapid speed, Hilary Rili and others are familiar with the internal structure of the Joint Base. But now that she had entered a distance of two to three kilometers, Hilary Lily calculated that her speed was much faster than that of Cassia, and her thoughts began to change rapidly. He has been guarding a set of ideas, but he can't survive in this battlefield. According to the surrounding movement, try to figure out the enemy's ideas, and it is the main reason why they can be selected as the mission member.

"Mr. Cross, let the people close together immediately. Cassia should have changed his plan. He may have to use these two minutes, relying on his information advantage and high-ranking members of his side, to hunt some of us, causing us to lose staff NS."

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