Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1849: Non-human form, uranium and resonance (3)

Chilman and Noroska had a noticeable stiffness in their bodies because of the rush of their eyes. The gaze from the target awakened the things that pressed the three people deep in their hearts at that moment.

"Did we think too much?" The three of them chased up. After a brief silence, Chilman couldn't help asking anymore, and his emotions began to agitate. He looked around, eager to ask about the feelings of others besides Nonoska and them.

"Look at it as the sixth sense. This is to show us the danger of the target. The source of it comes from him, not something else." Nonoska suppressed his emotions and answered calmly. Not every one of the three can experience emotional fluctuations. The current situation does not allow him to be like Chilman, "Or, this is a sequelae of ocean exploration, that is, the curse we brought back from the unknown depths. ."

"You should all know, and you must have searched for a lot of information. We are not the only fleet that travels and explores. We are just one in the history of advancement. And the members of these exploration teams in the past, it seems that the results have not been very good. Return to the voyage. During the years I went back to rest, I have been researching all kinds of related information.” Norska suddenly said of the previous expedition team, “Unfortunately, I came to the same conclusion. There is indeed something entangled. I went to every member of the exploratory team. There were no exceptions, without exception, even the five-stage surgeries did not have a good result."

"It's just..." Nonoska said here, and her tone changed a bit, "I don't think we are one of them. As for why I think this way. It's not just because cursing this kind of thing is originally one. The thing that was mentioned more than a thousand years ago is the connection with the gods, and it is also the power that comes from thinking about it. And the age of the gods has long since disappeared, and..."

Hilary Lily took a message from the side. She had a lot more information than Nonoska, and she was thinking about the same questions on weekdays. "It’s because of the six red stars that will be coming in a few years. It implies the end. Whether it is the beginning or not, no one knows, but the end must exist. Many hidden things that have not been observed will disappear because of its coming, just like the limit of the world that we can see at any time Same."

Nonoska nodded, but did not fully agree: "Perhaps our own psychological trauma is too severe. We were all three-stage surgeons when we set off, and there was too little knowledge and experience. The small and delicate one in the ocean expedition fleet Living in the world for decades is like walking through a long life in miniature quickly, and it is inevitable that you will be affected by things you haven't even noticed."

"Don’t think too much about it. Even if the memory is not good, it’s my own thing. I don’t hurt myself. I think this feeling is just a reminder that Cassia has the means to threaten us. As for other predictions, it’s very It may be our psychological function."

After speaking, Nonoska sighed, his expression changed briefly, and quickly returned to his normal state.

"Frozen energy, spiritual guidance, other than that, is there anything Cassia hasn't used yet?" Chilman changed the subject, realizing what kind of consequences his own words had just brought forth, "Give it to Kasya. Is the pressure on Siya still not enough to let him use the rest?"

"Looking at it now, this is the truth. We are still behind him. If we want to give pressure, we should wait until we really catch up." When Noroska responded, Cross's mental fluctuations were transmitted.

Without the influence of the tornado storm, Noroska and others felt that Kroos’s words were much clearer: “There is a trap set by Ms. Spider ahead.” In a very simple sentence, the three of them vomited one at the same time. Tone.

The wedge-shaped scorched earth bombarded by the aerial bomb was intermittent, but it was five to six kilometers in length. The next trap of Ms. Spider means that the distance between the two will be completely narrowed, or even caught up. But no matter what the result is, about one or two kilometers, it is already within the range that many four-stage surgeons can attack. If you can interfere, the opponent's speed will inevitably slow down.

Noroska and Hilary Li looked up one after another, looking forward through the gap in the canopy, and the huge tornado storm seemed to be right in front of them. The veins and veins are still as they should be, just like the recorded inscriptions on the solid walls. It was not far away, and the three felt the slight pressure from above. And in the middle and second half of the line of sight, the rain curtain there has gradually disappeared, becoming a huge snow flake affected by the freezing air of the tornado storm.

"Completely collapsed." Hilaryili looked behind her when she retracted her gaze. The small tornado storm that Cassia guided and created has become a mass of cold fog that diffuses and has no shape. The violent wind brings heavy rainstorms from elsewhere and is eroding extremely fast. It’s surviving scope of influence.

The three of them flew among the ancient trees, and along the way they could see the damage caused by the attacks of other pursuers.

"Buzzing,,," a sharp trembling sound came from the front, stimulating the eardrum. There was a huge roar from the rain clouds, and the raindrops in the sky were shaken to disperse. A huge lightning net spread out the branches in mid-air, and several sturdy electric pillars landed only two to three kilometers ahead, causing a big explosion.

The ground was shaking, and the impact was already swept by the rain. Hilary Riley began to perceive, and dozens of light spots burned to the extreme, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com energy reacts fiercely, and it instantly expands into a light curtain, connecting into one piece. Chilman rushed forward a few steps, the trident stabbed forward, the air dispersed, and the translucent membrane struck through the layers, creating a smooth tunnel.

Noroska and Hilary Li followed behind, already beginning to adjust themselves. Moving forward no more than a kilometer, there will be swaying flames shining in the gaps between the trunks of the ancient trees. The rain curtain began to disappear and could no longer hit the canopy. When the fallen ancient trees in the first lesson appeared around, within a distance of only two kilometers, they quickly turned into a scorched earth with a wide view within a few seconds.

The three saw that the enemy carrying Cassia was still fleeing in the direction of the tornado storm, and a new layer of silk was added to their bodies. The kinetic energy armor whose flames had been extinguished moved almost parallel to them, and the dark red flames of the boosters behind them rushed out to a length of nearly two meters, and each movement was a huge air explosion.

Ms. Spider stepped on her black armored spider, just a few hundred meters away from the enemy, waiting for the next round of filament release. Around them, a group of people moved with them, all seeming to be waiting for Lady Spider's attack.

But at this moment, without warning, the operator who was carrying Cassia stopped in an instant, almost exhausted all his strength, turned Cassia into a streamer, and threw it straight forward.

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