Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1850: Non-human form, uranium and resonance (4)

And a tunnel was established one step ahead of the straight route that Cassia flew out, dissolving all obstacles along the way, allowing unimpeded traffic ahead. At the same time, several members flew from everywhere, blocking the front of the tunnel. The figure of one of them condenses, and his skin has swollen to the limit like a balloon. He took another deep breath at this moment, and the huge suction force even caused the surrounding airflow to become turbulent.

Immediately, unexpectedly, it was originally thought that this would be a huge range air cannon attack. But this person immediately turned, facing the corridor that had not disappeared behind him, and released all the accumulated ultra-high pressure air into it.

It can be seen that there is an obvious substantial compressed air in the passage, like the gunpowder in the barrel, which exploded suddenly, catching up with Cassia, treating it as a steel cannonball, and accelerating forward again. After this step, the tunnel began to disintegrate little by little from this end, losing its traces. The several people standing together seemed to breathe a sigh of relief at this moment, but when there is no rest, they and Cassia both need a little time, and this little time is the most difficult thing to win. Both sides are incomparably tacit understanding, and in the blink of an eye, the induction force field expands directly. The two sides are not yet close, and the ground disintegrates and melts first.

Noroska and Hilaryli glanced at the enemy in front of them, and walked directly from the side. Chilman waved his trident on the side to clear the way for the two. Ms. Spider and the two captains of the Far Sea Common Nations immediately retreated and deployed their defenses together with the members of the Holy Royal Hall, blocking the enemy as far as possible, and together allowing Nonoska and the others to rush out of here.

But just after walking through most of this scorched earth, a slash directly stopped the two of them. Gorgeous spots of light gleamed on Hilary's perception net, burning her spirit. In the sound of breaking through the sky, a figure reflecting cold light rushed out from the nearby forest, and the gray sword in his hand contrasted sharply with the dark scales that covered his whole body.

When he appeared, it was another sword, splitting a 100-meter-long gully across the ground, covering it with glazed material under extremely high temperatures.

"It seems that you still need to take a detour." The man said, standing in front of him calmly, exhaling milky heat with every long breath. At this time, the other two people rushed from the same direction and went behind the man.

"Cykerro Kiraandi." Hira Ruili soothed her breath. "In this incident, the captain of the enemy's four-stage surgeon team."

"It seems that I have some reputation among you. In this case, as long as you stand still, it is assumed that nothing is happening here, how about it?" Hickellow's voice was hoarse, and there was a faint flame between his words. Flashes in his mouth. Every black scale on his body is like a work of art, reflecting the fighting in other parts of this scorched earth.

Just as he spoke, Hickellow's attention wasn't on Noroska and Hilaryli. It was looking at the other side of the scorched earth, there was something there, and he had to let him pay attention. It was a man wearing a mask, standing quietly on the scorched earth, and the surrounding battles and aftermath did not seem to have anything to do with him. Feeling Dussiklro's gaze, the man turned his head, looked over, and nodded, as if he had said hello.

The quiet man was there waiting for Hickellow, seeing that he had already come, he immediately set off and walked towards here step by step.

"Leave it to you." Hickellow looked at Noroska and Hilaryli, who were not moving for a while, then spoke and turned to face the quiet man. He just left here, but Chilman, who had been waiting for an opportunity, broke free from an enemy's entanglement, jumped a hundred meters, landed in front of Noroska and the others, and rushed directly to the two enemies in front of him.

Upon seeing this, the two of them instantly activated their bodies stopped in place and continued to move forward.

"In the tunnel, Cassia is moving at a speed close to twice the speed of sound, even faster!" Hilary Li expressed her concern. Now that they are still on the scorched earth, they have been a long distance away from the target, and their progress has been hindered. "It is too difficult to catch up. I don't know if there will be enemies coming up in the next part of the journey. Come to stop."

Worried about not getting an immediate response from Nonoska. He kept staring ahead, thinking about it before answering: "Mr. Cross should be dispatched at a certain point in time. He is faster than Ms. Spider, and he must be waiting somewhere in front of us. He hasn't made a move, maybe he wants to use it. The enemy's own hand, wait until Cassia has drawn enough distance from here, even if it takes some time to support it, will it intercept it?"

"The hidden Cross is indeed our biggest support and insurance at the moment." Hilary Rili agreed with the first half of the words. "The danger of Cassia is only us can feel? As a very powerful cross in the spiritual realm, he I should feel something. I don’t worry that Cassia will keep going like this, and smoothly enter the edge of the tornado. I am worried about the danger that has always existed in our hearts, whether Cross alone can support us alone. The moment of arrival."

"This is not something we are tired of, but it comes from the sixth sense and the body's instinct." Hilaryly emphasized the key points in her words, "Moreover, the enemy is really the enemy when he makes this move. Own plan? They felt that they couldn't get rid of us, so they had to make this choice?"

"Are you trying to say, this is actually what Cassia chose?"

"It's not impossible, and I think the probability is more than half. In addition, the hidden Cross may have deceived all the enemies at the moment. They really don't know the existence of Cross. UU reading then in Cassia In my eyes, did Cross’s hiding succeed or fail? Or, Cassia didn’t know Mr. Cross, but he had the feeling that an enemy was hidden on the side, and he was mentally prepared and prepared for the forest. Among them, at a certain moment, an enemy suddenly appeared to take a fatal blow to him. If things go like this, Cross must be impossible to succeed."

Hilary Lily finished speaking, feeling mixed. She couldn't find a reason to explain the many actions of the enemy. If you have to explain it, Cassia is the only variable. Because only Cassia can understand himself, he can make some suggestions for unreasonable actions. If he does not have the right to speak, he cannot interfere with the enemy's actions. Then the action of creating a tunnel and throwing him out just now is tantamount to the fact that the enemy personally killed him.

Because not only the enemy can't guarantee, but Hilary Li and the others can't be sure, this scorched earth can lock everyone here.

The blazing white light suddenly rises to a height of several kilometers from more than ten kilometers ahead, becoming the brightest signal. The light that came in an instant interrupted the thinking of Noroska and others. A strange feeling came along with the light, causing him to change their faces almost at the same time as Hilary Li and Chilman. This is no longer one's own sixth sense, or intuitive feeling, but something naturally carried in the light, real and familiar.

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