Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1853: Non-human form, uranium and resonance (7)

Remember in one second【】

The environment in the dense forest is dark and full of water vapor. Behind the huge tornado storm and the rain clouds in the sky, the veins on them provide the only source of light for the sky below the clouds.

The distance between them was not more than three hundred meters, and the eyes of the three people instantly closed into one, firmly locking the two figures in the front position. A pair of round, blood-colored pupils no longer show the particularity of the owner all the time. It is a manifestation of the expansion of the cross pupil for some reason, the color is extremely rich, and more inexplicable things are locked in it.

"I observed the tunnel that transmitted him, so I acted at the weak point where the strength of the tunnel wall was about to disappear." When retracting the tactical knife, Cross didn't forget to glance at it, and it had already shown a layer of fine corrosion marks stained with the green material. . At this moment, he raised his left hand, which had only been scraped through the bones, as compared to the action of holding a sharp object and slashing diagonally. At this moment, it can be seen that a layer of fresh pink tissue has covered the bones and filled the wound, forming a new layer of skin.

"I cut off my head when I wanted to strike, but the result was what I saw before my eyes. I didn't succeed. I just made a cut on the scales." Cross continued his own words, "Obviously, the moment I didn't succeed, I was sure it was. A trap specially prepared for me. At the beginning, or from the moment the black wolf was attacked by the spirit guide to the coma, thinking about whether the target subconsciously thought about my existence existed in his head. "

Cross sighed. He has been serious. At this moment, there is a dry laughter in his tone that I don’t know how to describe. You should see the pit. Three people were arranged next to the target. After being touched as a trap, they hunted me. But my luck was better. I found the opportunity when the other party had insufficient information."

There was a painful voice in front of him, which could be restrained by the huge force and stopped abruptly. Then came a sigh of regret. Cross stopped his words briefly, and stared at the front with Hilary Li and the others, their eyes solemn.

They saw Cassia, who was braving in white heat, thrust the silver-white long sword into the head of the person leaning on him, and then drew it out without a trace of blood. There are many lines on the surface of the blade, which is not smooth, but there is no substance to stick to it.

Cassia breathed heavily, but the heat rushed out from under the open scales of his body, releasing the pressure accumulated by the heat in that body. He has been supporting the other person, but the deadly bacteria invaded the body. Without the corresponding strong medical team and methods, it is impossible to survive.

Until death, even if the body of the fourth-stage operation is not developed and strengthened by the corresponding project, after the proliferation of bacteria, the flesh and organs are completely destroyed, almost dissolving the whole body. When Cassia put down the corpse, bones that were being eroded could be seen in many parts. The ground was already corroded out of irregular pits. The viscous substance was like molten iron, with air bubbles bulging in pieces and a layer of entanglement. The powdery substance floats above.

Seeing the corpse that was rapidly losing flesh and blood, Cassia cut a wound on his arm, artificially squeezed it, light green blood sprayed like an arrow, and the dark environment was filled with dim fluorescence, hitting it to the feet to corrode. In the pit. With the synthesis of blood, the viscous substance immediately boiled, but immediately calmed down. The entangled powder quickly disappeared and turned into a few faint wisps of smoke.

"Perfect restraint." Cross exclaimed, his eyes cold, "His blood is like liquid metal, which can be released from any part of his consciously. The power is roughly equivalent to ordinary firearms bullets. You must have noticed, and perhaps felt it, too. That abnormal pale green."

Nonoska heard the meaning of Cross's words and asked: "The defense of the induction force field does not work very well? Or do you need to increase the strength of the force field to avoid it?"

"Increase the intensity." Cross replied. He shook his left hand, feeling the degree of recovery. "It can be said that I despised the target. All the attention was on the sword and his breath attack. Some small details were ignored by me. . Blood is not only highly toxic, its corrosiveness is extremely powerful. The strength of the toxicity is about one second to take effect, making me feel a slight dizziness for an instant. It is a kind of nerve agent, but it is negligible. As for the corrosiveness,,,, "

Cross paused briefly and continued: "My tactical knife is made of high-grade alloy, and there are signs of corrosion."

"But this is not important. It can be avoided by increasing the strength of the force field. The other thing to pay attention to is the three latest information about the target."

"First, that sword is an imitation of the holy sword of the Saint-Dorrag Empire. The whole is made of ultimate metal. It is extremely strong and needs to be careful. My ultimate alloy short sword has a small gap. ."

"Second, the target can use two different branches of power, dragons and giant whales, both breath and cold. So far, there is no observation that can be used at the same time, but the target can change instantly. However, there is an advance, the main observation The lines that will appear on his body are very easy to recognize, probably because he has not really set foot in the four stages, and his control is insufficient."

"The third point..." Cross let out a dry smile, but his tone was more solemn, "The look in your eyes when you came here has told me that you know it."

Hilarylee breathed slightly, because the situation was the same as Cross said, and they did observe it. Features that are too obvious, with a little experience, will be included in the thinking list for analysis.

"It's radiation, and it's completely restrained. It will only be revealed unless you leave the body. This means that the'radiation' of the uranium bomb in Cassia's body did not happen in a short time, because its body and skin have fully adapted and evolved to hide The function of radiation, the function of hiding completely."

"I also observed a little bit, in perception, Cassia just cut off his hand

^0^Remember in one second【】

Arm, strong radiation can be felt from the wound, and energy dissipation is abnormal. But after the blood leaves the body, the amount of radiation drops instantly. Can it be considered that the body is subconsciously gathering such things? The moment the blood leaves the body, most of the radiation is taken back by the body voluntarily. "Hila Ruili's gaze was opposite to those blood-colored cross pupils, and what she saw was coldness and rapid thinking that was unknown in it.

Hilary Li knew that Cassia didn't turn around and left because he knew that after losing the protector, as the biggest shortcoming, it was impossible to exceed his own speed, so he could only wait for the arrival of other protectors before they might have a chance.

"But why is this?" The sight and perception of the three people locked Cassia together, leaving no gap. At the same time, the enemy who stopped behind was also in the perception of the three and was always concerned. When Hillary Li asked, she also determined another thing-she and Nonoska could not sense Cross and Cassia. The reason was that Cross took the initiative to shield this area with his own spirit and regarded it as a powerful one. Interference is not a problem.

"Experiment?" Nonoska guessed, "On the side of the Holy Royal Hall, the situation of Number Zero is roughly the same as that of Cassia, except that there is no radiation in the blood, which is normal blood color."

"Probably it can only be explained in this way. After all, all the reasons can be summarized with'this is the goal.' If they are not a special individual, there will be no tasks." Hilaryly did not want to seek the reason, because it was too complicated.

Cross raised his head and looked up at the sky, before returning his gaze to Cassia again: "The reason is really not important. We only need to pay attention to two points. One is the effect of radiation on the induction force field. UU看书www will interfere, causing the force field to be unstable, requiring more refined control, and increasing the minimum strength of our force field. Therefore, the target must be completely regarded as an enemy at the same stage. Moreover, it is still a body with mithril metal. enemy."

"Second, can the target be able to guide the radiation in the body? Unify as energy! Active release, low intensity is helpful to us. Inside the church, I want to enter the uranium bomb test zone to strengthen or alienate the body and The permission of ability is not easy to obtain, right? This is the case within the Nature Association. But if the strength is enough, we must be careful. It will increase our burden, both mentally and physically."

After speaking, it was time to count in his heart, and Cross suddenly raised his right hand. Immediately, a group of dense electric lights flickered, falling from the height behind the three of them, directly turning that piece of ancient branch into powder. When the electric light dissipated, a trident was firmly held in his right hand by Cross.

"Miss Hilarylee, the enemy behind is four kilometers away." Cross returned to seriousness, even with a commanding tone, "Mr. Nonoska, first of all temptation. You should be able to feel an inexplicable sense of danger from the target. For me, this danger is even stronger. Be careful. The horror of the target is that there are too many unknowns. These unknowns can kill any of us with the rational thinking of the target. At least I think so!"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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