Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1854: Non-human form, uranium and resonance (8)

Remember in one second【】

"Thank you for your reminder." Nonoska responded, and immediately converted the cipher to Imperial, "Mr. Cassia, your chances are not much."

"He won't answer, because he knows our purpose." Cross spoke first. "I have tried it. The mouth is full of sharp teeth. It only exhales a fiery flame like dragon's breath, but won't reveal a word."

Cassia did not reply, leaning forward, keeping the scaly rickets. The hair has been transformed into a thin barb, following the control, swaying slightly, like an antenna, as if it has been probing the surroundings. The only function of Noroska's words is to retract the open scales of his whole body, close to the skin, and block the splashing hot air current. The tail full of thorns went aside at this time, entwining the second generation holy sword, and at the same time, **** bodies were secreted and imprisoned.

The white heat on Cassia's body disappeared, her vision remained unchanged, and she stared straight ahead from beginning to end.

Hira Ruili moved a few meters away to the side, and most of her attention shifted to the circling enemy behind her. And Noroska and Cross, there is no certainty in their hearts. The more they understand, the more they feel that the unknown information on the target has not decreased, but is increasing.

Cross's mental fluctuations spread in a small area. The three determined the action time, and unilaterally discussed the strength of the attack with Nonoska. He has contacted the target and actually fought. So he has the right to make a decision, and he also thinks that Norska should try this intense and dangerous battle first.

"Boom!" It was a strong beating of the heart, and the three chests almost moved together, arousing multiple dull sounds. Hilary Li ran towards the rear, and the impact of Noroska and Cross also directly pressed the ground into a pit, which was already on the left and right of Cassia when it appeared.

The trident and the long sword became streamers that cut straight away, immediately forming a cross, locking Cassia's neck like scissors, cutting the air, and instantly fusing and closing together.

The invisible force field agitated at a very fast speed, spreading for hundreds of meters, and within a fan-shaped range close to 180 degrees, all ancient trees showed scorch marks and were directly disconnected. At the same time, a bunch of sharp barbs were cut off and spread out under the explosion of air.

There is no real sense of cutting something, the two did not hesitate, the trident and the long sword swung back in an instant, driving the forward high temperature impact. Two gullies spread from each of them, and in a blink of an eye they intersected in front of Cassia, a dozen meters away, but they happened to touch the silver sword light rotating behind him.

The turbulent air currents erupted at the junction and became tangible things, flying around, and several scattered small areas of molten material appeared on the moist ground at this moment. The air exploded, and the old trees that had been cut off did not tilt and collapse until this moment.

With the help of the explosive airflow, Cassia controlled the thorny tail to tightly wrap the second-generation holy sword in front of him. As he moved backward, red lines appeared on the scales of his whole body, and the fiery breath crashed. But after all, it takes time to start. When the breath moves forward only a few meters away, the trident stabs out directly, the invisible barrier opens, and the solid white fire column is divided into umbrella-like shapes. But a series of electric lights resemble rapidly growing vines, tearing open umbrella-like breath, and as the pillar of fire spreads hard to Cassia, they continue to nibble to offset the strength of the pillar of fire.

On the side, Nonoska moved quickly, causing her body to slam into the air layer by layer, leaving behind a human-shaped tunnel, leaning to the side and rear of Cassia. The sharp sword was raised, covered with white light, and it hit Cassia's neck with full force.

At the same time, on the blazing white fire column that breathed out, the lightning that seemed to grow hard to grow suddenly soared. The tridents flashed dazzling blue light together, countless currents flicked open, and the umbrella-like breath was torn to pieces like thin paper. Together with the breath body, it was also eroded by the electric light at this moment.

"Om,,," strange sounds echoed, directly acting on the spiritual level. In the highly concentrated attention of Cross and Nonoska, the silvery white light was as smooth as a cut surface. When it suddenly rose, it was Cassia who took the initiative to cut off his own breathing fire pillar when countless electric lights were about to spread to him. The endless electric light instantly lost its spreading attachments, but suddenly all flocked to the second generation holy sword.

Immediately, the second-generation holy sword instantly went around an acute angle to resist the sword that struck the neck. But it was not just the second-generation holy sword itself that resisted the past, but also the condensed electric light bursting out of it. At this moment, red lines once again appeared on the scales of Cassia's body.

The second breath suddenly spit out, continuing the trajectory that was cut off by the second generation holy sword. Cross retreated at this moment, but there was no flash of electricity on the trident in front of him. He let the induction force field unfold the barrier with the trident, and when he was about to block his breath, he saw that the blazing fire column was naturally disintegrating and dissipating.

And Cassia has turned his head, and the red lines on the scales have never appeared dim. The third breath staggered the position of the electric light beam, pointed at Noroska, and slammed into shape.

The two long swords collided, and the misty white light on Noroska's long sword was directly submerged by the solid electric beam. Immediately, the electric beam seemed to explode, and countless currents of the thickness of the thumb appeared, and they were intertwined to form a current network, which was wrapped on the defensive barrier of the induction force field that existed all over his body. The breath was bombarded at the same time, but under the light of the white pillar of fire, the light green blood was squeezed like steel nails, nailing a gap in the corner of Noroska’s defensive force field, and its own faint fluorescence could not even be white light. cover.

The defensive induction force field barrier is like a bubble, suddenly disintegrating at this moment.

"Ding" a sharp streamer flew upside down, but the electric beam and the breath paused at the same time. In an instant, the spreading current network shrank and wound around Nonoska's body, but at this moment, a pair of dark hands appeared, and one hand violently crushed the electric beam. The other hand is blocking the breath, making it look like a refracted light, which is unnatural when it is about to hit Noroska

^0^Remember in one second【】

Folded at an angle close to a right angle, lasing towards the ancient trees aside.

The interior of the gloomy forest was illuminated by white light. After only one or two breathing hours, the sound of the ancient tree collapsing disappeared immediately, except that the flame was not affected by any foreign objects and burned cracklingly. .

The two sides have already opened up, but the distance has been shortened, only about two hundred meters. Among them, there is a piece of molten material no more than three or four meters in diameter, contributing light and a piece of black smoke. On the side, Hilary Li met the enemy who was chasing, and there was a movement, but the three of them had never let the three of them cast even blinking glances.

"The holy sword imitation body in the target's hand seems to be able to guide the power of the electric current. I don't know whether this kind of guidance can be regarded as any form of the transformation of all induction force fields." Cross walked towards Nono step by step from a few tens of meters away. Skar handed over the sword that had just turned into a sharp streamer and flew out. But the hand that stretched out to catch the long sword became like a dragon-like claw that was scaled down in a certain proportion.

"What's the load?" Cross asked, putting his gaze on Cassia again.

"Only both hands, you need the whole body to bear the load." Nonoska replied, and the dim light that had been shining on the armor of the ancient knights on his body did not disappear until this moment. The current grid that had wrapped his whole body just now was completely absorbed by these armors all over his body.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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