Steel Steam and Flame

: I came back late from overtime, only one update tomorrow

Because it involves the end of the fourth volume and the opening of the fifth volume, it not only buried a lot of things, but also opened a lot of things. It is very difficult to write, and it is more troublesome to get through in a more peaceful way. In addition, these chapters of battle are really brain-burning for me, and I am constantly considering how to arrange the various roles...

I came back at 11:30, because there was a large-scale restriction on industrial electricity during the day, and priority was given to civilian use, which caused a lot of work to be delayed until night. Forgive me...

Will continue to write, but I will definitely not finish writing tonight, I will update it together tomorrow night, forgive me...

"Steel Steam and Flame" came back late from overtime work, only tomorrow is updated together in the hand hitting, please wait a moment,

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