Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1855: Non-human form, uranium and resonance (9)

Nonoska raised his hand and glanced. From the hands to the shoulders, the skin is wrinkled, thickened visible to the naked eye, all dark. There are no scales on it, and the texture is similar to rough leather, but the strength is already equal to the black scales of the dragon. After hard-wired the electric beam and breath, there were also several minor wounds. The palm of one hand is a piece of coke. At this moment, new skin grows out, the necrotic tissue is pushed open, and naturally falls off.

Nonoska then sighed. It was a tentative attack, but he knew that it was not only himself, but Cross did not deliberately hide anything. Even if it was a temptation, the two still had the best idea to solve the target. The result was not satisfactory. While obtaining information, he also exposed new intelligence.

This kind of exchange is not what the two want to see. Compared to the unknown in the target Cassia, both of them knew that there was not much that they could count as intelligence. At the end of the exchange, the target information may not be completely resolved.

Sure enough, one must be cautious, and any problem in any subtle link will bring disaster to itself. Before Nonoska clenched the long sword, carefully observed the blade. Cross also divided part of his attention at the moment, looking at the same place on the blade-a small gap, without excellent eyesight and catching power, which is not very easy to spot.

"Notice the lines on the long sword in his hand?" Cross said, and the two people captured all the things that happened just now. After reminiscing several times, the two began to exchange the information they discovered in cryptography. " It's basically the same as the pattern on the trident, and it's the same thing."

"The world limits, as well as the six-pointed star patterns and patterns in ancient history, are all from them. A mysterious form of energy loop, but with the changes of the times, its effect has been very weak. It can be ignored. The only information that can give us, It is that the specifications of the sword are very high." Nonoska is usually a historical researcher, so naturally he is very familiar with this information.

Staring at Cassia, Nonoska once again recalled everything that happened in that short time in his head: "We have the absolute advantage in speed and strength, and we can start from these aspects. But once we touch, we can feel the goal. He has become more proficient in combat. After thinking about every step, coupled with his understanding of himself, he can cope with many situations. Things like just now may happen next."

"Regarding Breath, his burden on the target is not great. Continuous use, release and termination of skill makes it a threat to us. I think the destructive power of Breath has not been fully exposed, and there is always room for it. It may be that I want to rely on it. Use the number of times to paralyze our nerves, until the moment when we relax mentally on the breath, we will use all our strength to get the result he wants." Noroska shook his left hand as he supplemented the information, which was a gesture to Cross. , These words are based on his actual feelings from changing the direction of his breath with his hands, "The last is blood. Although the force field barrier is broken because I took the initiative to lift it, the cause is that the target used blood to break the force field to the breath. ."

"Go on, I have spread the bacteria around, allowing them to multiply to a limited extent, which is considered to be the next layer of defense for other people's interference. I will not easily interfere with the mental level. The goal is special enough, and the black wolf is good. It didn't take long to die." Cross had nothing to say. He didn't see any movement, but the dozen or so fallen ancient trees began to slowly dissolve. In the blink of an eye, the old tree bark was covered with a viscous liquid, and dense air bubbles burst and burst, bringing out a light cloud of dust.

Seeing that Cassia still remained the same as before, the two steady and powerful hearts were activated at the same time, and the sound overlapped, causing visible fluctuations with both of them.

Noroska and Kroos no longer choose an instant impact, but step by step towards the goal, bringing the distance in an orderly manner, and at the same time bringing a sense of oppression.

On the side, the battle between Hilary Lily and the enemy chasing her continued, no matter whether the flashing light or the ground vibration, the movement they caused did not attract too much attention from the three of them.

But at this moment, Noroska and Cross, who were advancing step by step, suddenly stopped and stood still. In the front, Cassia, who had been in a fixed posture, moved, only moving gently, but the two even felt nervous at this moment, and under the tightness of the body, they were highly concentrated.

Cassia leaned forward to stand upright, raised her head along the way, and glanced at the sky. The strong wind blows the rain curtain down, but here is the area of ​​influence of a huge tornado storm, the heavy rain has turned into light rain instead, there is no need to support the induction force field to resist, because only a piece of rain will fall from time to time.

The high-frequency sound wave spread, but within a few seconds, Cassia gave up on his own initiative. He glanced at Nonoska and Cross, then his gaze went around them, looking around. At the same time, the sharp sound of bird singing echoed from his throat and spread in an instant.

The sharp cipher voice did not receive a response, which was expected by Cassia. These actions were only his final confirmation process. Then, Cassia turned his gaze to the direction that was coming from the side-the battle continued, and Cassia didn't know what was going on. The only message he got at the moment was that the members who came to support were indeed blocked and could not come to him for a period of time.

With a breath of heat, Cassia looked at the two enemies more than a hundred meters away in front of him. He sighed, and after being heavy, there was a sense of relaxation: "There will be a period of time after which there will be no members to support it. Even if there is, it will be stopped."

Noroska and Cross didn't know whether to respond or remain silent. But Cassia did not wait for them, and continued his own words, speaking at a steady rate, but no matter how he heard it, it was like an invisible declaration: "The plan did not succeed, it is a pity. Otherwise, I should be about to be in a huge tornado storm now. Loss. The three members have a huge influence. But it is also that I brought myself to where I am now."

Cassia looked at Cross and looked up and down: "The concentration of fine microbes in the air is very high. Perhaps corrosive bacteria are not the only ones. You should have other types with different effects." The question was not answered, and Cassia naturally did. No answer from the enemy is expected.

"Sure enough, no matter when the information is, it must be taken seriously." Thinking of the plan's mention and progress, Cassia couldn't help but secretly regretted in her heart. But he didn't regret it too much, and the strange feeling in it affected not only himself, but also other people. I have thought that if there is no such a failed plan, there will be a melee directly in the scorched earth behind, a germ that is not easily detected and extremely difficult to defend, because of its existence, there will only be more deaths in the future.

Cassia thinks this is the only good news that is acceptable to him. As for the other one, in the past period of time, Cassiehe has taken Ye Jielin away from the joint base, and the security and the chance of evacuation have gone to considerable levels. There may still be danger, but with Cassie Heqi around, it is not difficult to drag it to support.

Thoughts finally returned to themselves.

The results of the high-frequency sound wave detection were not good, except for one of its own members who was dragged around, and it was completely empty. The enemy has always had an advantage in number, which is a fact that need not be disputed. As time goes by, this situation will turn for the better, and your own members will arrive. But looking at the two enemies in front of him, Cassia didn't think they would give himself time to procrastinate.

The two offenses are tentative, but for Cassia, it does not mean that these tentative offenses can be easily blocked. Cassiehe's departure is indeed a huge restriction for him. He can't get close to the rain clouds. The total amount of free ice on the ground can only be used three times.

Using the second-generation holy sword to guide the electric light has already produced a consumption, because you must rely on the freezing gas to protect your arms, just like the combined electric current column that guides and transfers the "electric eel" above the rain cloud layer. Cassia achieved the desired effect, and the trident probably won't be stimulated by electricity for a while, at least during normal attacks.

But what should we do next? Cassia thought about the simulation many times, and the result was still to directly kill the opponent, which was the only way out. The fourth stage is a transitional species. Due to the existence of the biological inductive stress field, the gap between the third stage and them is really huge. Just like the surgeon and ordinary people, it needs a number and specific weapons to have the possibility of killing.

"Hoo,,," spit out, Cassia looked at her fisted hands, the power of her palms can squeeze the air into a crackling sound, but facing the enemy, it is still not enough to change anything.

"I might die here." In his head, another voice began to speak. Cassia was silent, and the goal was only to evacuate to the huge storm tens of kilometers behind him. At this moment, it became as hard as a wish. And there is no need to actually enter. A few kilometers apart, Cassia has the confidence to use the freezing gas gathered by the huge tornado storm itself to reverse the situation.

But the prerequisite is to be able to get close. Squinting his eyes, Cassia exhaled heat for the second time, rushing forward several meters before gradually dissipating.

Ahead, Noroska and Cross took a short pause, and their dull heartbeat made their bodies fierce and began to twist the air on the surface. Both of them thought about what Cassia said, and they all regarded it as his sigh.

Cross spreads mental fluctuations, and Noroska speaks in a coded language as a discourse interference. There was a "rusting" sound spreading around, and almost every second, the ancient tree was eroded by bacteria and a layer of bacteria was eroded, bringing more dusty germs into the air.

The two of them took every step very openly, their movements, expressions, heartbeats, etc. remained unchanged, and they did not catch any unusual traces for Cassia. Ten steps, that is, when the distance is close to 100 meters, the figures of the two people begin to spread apart. Immediately afterwards, two human-shaped air passages appeared. But at this moment, the figures of the two have been solidified beside Cassia.

The trident has been inserted into the soil when it can be captured, causing a big explosion under the ground. The soil with a radius of 40 to 50 meters is violently lifted off, splashing in a large mass in the air. Cassia retreated, still being predicted, and with a large mass of soil and ancient tree rhizomes, it was hit into the air by a huge force.

Cassia jumped off the large rhizome, and breathed in front of the next. The trident stabbed accurately, forcibly twisted and breathed, turning over the angle and lasing to the distant dense forest. At the same time, Noroska swung a sword from below, unfolding a spreading vertical ring, and when he approached Cassia in the blink of an eye, a silver sword light broke through the gap, allowing him to pass through.

The second breath hit the ground, and countless fires scattered along the ground, but they suddenly disappeared about a meter in front of Noroska and Cross, and were ablated by the induction force field.

The two completely chased Cassia in midair, only waiting for the moment he fell. Cassia also knew that, with the help of all the huge rhizomes, he quickly jumped towards the collapsing ancient tree on the side. But after all, the speed was too slow, and it was only 20 or 30 meters away in mid-air, and it was already stuck in the moving position.

Cassia went to a rhizome, used his hands and feet under it, and slammed the rhizome together. When it turned into a streamer and fell to the ground, the thorny tail waved the second-generation holy sword to block the thrown long sword. But the dark hands appeared. On one palm, the fingertips showed dark sharp blades, and they drew towards Cassia's neck, and the other hand directly grabbed the thorny tail. The trident even guarded his landing spot in advance. The moment he touched the ground, he had already accumulated his power, and he stabbed in with twisted air.

Cassia can capture these attacks, but only the mental body can react, and the physical strength is not enough for him to make matching moves. The next moment, the whole body's scales unfolded suddenly, and when the red lines gleamed again, the skin jetting hot air from below was also exposed. At the same time, Cassia twisted his head to make it appear a curve. And at a certain part of the body's abdomen, the muscles there have already contracted, tightly wrapping the glass tube, ready to smash it at any time.

"Ding!" Accompanied by the tremor, when the black streamer ran across Cassia's neck, his head was impacted by immense force, twisted directly at a huge angle, and hit one shoulder. The scales splashed there, and the skin shattered, revealing a bright red flesh and blood. The trident cut open due to the curvature of his head at this moment, but it also started from his temple and pulled out a wound close to the top of his head. On the exposed white bones, scratches almost cracked the skull.

The next moment, amid the air-tight snoring, a thick green fog instantly spread more than ten meters away, enveloping the two of them. Immediately after a sword light shining, when the green mist was directly separated, the huge force received on the head brought Cassia tossed and flew out. The late metal clashing detonated the air, spreading the green fog again.

Noroska rushed out of the mist first, and his armor was covered with a dull brilliance, with obvious signs of corrosion on it. He rushed out a few meters away, and when he picked up his long sword in one hand, Cross pulled out from the other side with a white-scarred trident in his hand, and pursued it.

The two of them each pulled out a human-shaped air passage, followed and staggered, covering their throat with one hand, and violently straightened Cassia with one hand.

The long sword in Nonoska's hand suddenly burst into white light like a thick fog, and Cross also held the trident in both hands, the vine-like electric light grew crazily, and it touched Cassia's body one step earlier. Only at this moment, in Cross's senses, the whole world seemed to be still, and he himself seemed to be nailed in place. All the sounds could not be captured, as if it had never existed. At this moment, the only thing he could see was the bright red round pupils of the target, which were full of coldness, staring straight at himself and Noroska.

"Hurry up! Nonoska!" The next moment, Cross yelled like a torn throat. All the blood vessels on his head skyrocketed, and the blood red cross in his eyes opened suddenly like Cassia, becoming a perfect round shape.

But I don’t know when, whether it’s over this area, the surging dark rain clouds, or the dim and occasionally shining sky, maybe it was a momentary thing, a twisted green aurora appeared, across it, and the entire area. They are all plated with a layer of penetrating colors.

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