Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1856: Non-human form, uranium and resonance (10)

At the same moment, the scattered green blood fog resonated, emitting a penetrating pale green light, filling the forest.

Cross stopped all his movements at this moment, but the blood vessels on his head had already spread to his body along his neck, converging in the center of his chest in the blink of an eye. There, a huge strengthened heart throbbed, and the bulging blood vessels were like red copper pipes of different sizes, which were being overloaded. The next moment, there was a slit in the center of his chest mouth, and nothing was seen in flesh and blood. It was a spray of fine dust with extremely strong air pressure, and it was diluted in the air.

While performing these actions, in the air full of light green aurora rays, an attractive net appeared on the surface of Cross and Noroska's bodies, almost at the speed of transfer from the air, gathering a large amount of fine details in the air. The substance formed a gray-black protective film shell in a blink of an eye.

Between Nonoska and Cassia, two rectangular gray-black membrane shells are forming their own bodies at the same time, becoming a protective plate that appears out of thin air, blocking the two for a short time.

When Cross uttered a roar, the mental fluctuation had already bombarded Noroska's brain one step earlier.

There was no hesitation in his whole body, Noroska also felt something terrible at that moment, and his body stopped urgently at that time, and made a move to dodge to the side. When the line of sight was blocked by the protective membrane shell that Cross formed urgently, the terrifying breath slapped over and hit his body directly.

Subconsciously let the long sword be picked up obliquely, and at the same time the silver long sword was wrapped with light blue light, and the two suspended protective film shells were smashed to pieces, as if they were cutting the space. The imitation holy sword contained tremendous power, and half of the sword body was cut off, rotating and falling aside.

The silver sword light circulated again, catching up with the evasive figure of Nonoska, intertwined with several intertwined liu shadows in the blink of an eye. The long sword in Nonoska's hand was severed one after another, and several pieces of the sword body were shot down, until when he only held the hilt in his hand, the sword light burst out suddenly, and the flurry of wind engulfed him, covering almost all of his positions. Are restricted.

Perceiving, Noroska felt that a huge power was gathering. In just an instant, the sword light disappeared, and a light blue pillar of fire formed, impacting his body. With the right hand against it, the gray-black membrane shell was like a thin piece of paper. Although it was pierced immediately, but it also won a very short time, so that Nonoska moved her body a little sideways, not being directly hit by this light blue pillar of fire. body.

The induction force field on the right hand converges, and Noroska mobilizes most of its energy for its defense. The pillar of fire made contact with his right hand in an instant. After a very short pause, the pillar of fire distorted the space, as well as the flesh and bones of his palms and wrists, distorted and melted away. Without any obstacle, he staggered the body he dodged, and impacted the person behind him. Among the dense forest.

But the next moment, the silver sword turned up, and while a sword broke the light blue pillar of fire, it severed the entire right hand of Noroska that was too late to withdraw.

Regardless of the pain, Noroska smashed through the layers of air and retreated quickly. Cross rushed to the side at this time, the trident blocked the follow-up chasing sword light, and at the same time, he opened the distance. But Cassia's flashing light blue electric light continued to chase, the blue lines on his body never extinguished.

"Om,,," At this moment, it was Cassia who had countless shining substances gathering around him. The imitation holy sword swung around with blue streamer, but it still couldn't stop it. In the blink of an eye, a semi-transparent material film condensed into a cylinder, and it suddenly shrank and clung to his scales tightly. Cassia stopped all movements instantly, maintained the posture of continuing to run as if freezing, and stopped in place like a statue.

Seeing this, the two took the opportunity to turn around and evacuated towards the scorched earth. When Cross turned around, they saw that Cassia was covered by a layer of light blue light, like a layer of flowing fire. The body that was supposed to be completely solidified moved. Although it was stiff, every step Cassia took, the movement became smooth. However, there was no more stiff movement, but Cassia did not pursue it, but stopped in place, only his eyes followed.

A few hundred meters away, Noroska and Kross stopped, and when they turned to look past, there were already strands of thin film-like substance in Cassia's hand.

"Ultimate metal film, it seems that the price is not small." Nonoska talked to Cross, and his hand was cut off. It seemed that he had expected it, and it did not affect his mood in the slightest. He then looked next to Cassia. The arm whose palm had been melted all the time fell there quietly, and the incision was smooth. When looking around, the line of sight has been covered with a light green filter. It was not the light emitted by a light source, but in the dark environment, the space itself was affected, and it basically became the current appearance.

The twisted green aurora above my head is just a form of expression that has been overly affected.

The surviving ancient trees around were withering little by little, and the dark green leaves were forcibly pulled out of the water, and began to speed up the time flow of withering, and the big canopy fell.

"The ultimate metal components in the extracted bones are extremely troublesome to cultivate and take a long time." Cross said. Although the limited time of the ultimate metal film could not be used, there is not much regret. , Maintaining a consistent sense of seriousness, "This is the final trump card of the goal, right?" Crowe sighed, and his round eyes were full of alertness and full of things that people couldn't see.

"It should be, but the other party is Cassia. I won't be surprised if something will be added later."

"It seems that you are ready to die in the mission a long time ago." Cross heard the sense of relief in the words, "Perhaps as you think, there are not many of us who can survive. . Probably only the one who brought back the body."

"The radiation concentration is very strong." Nonoska changed the subject, and the sense of ease disappeared. UU Reading He stared at Cassia, the current goal made him have no interest and desire to continue fighting.

Cassia still kept the way it was when it was scaled, but there were more irregular thorns all over her body, like the antenna used for transmission, countless electric lights were constantly connected on it. At the upper left part of his waist, all the scales and skin there were ablated, and a heart-like object appeared translucent and embedded in it. In its center, a thumb-sized object can be clearly captured, tightly wound by clusters of nerve-like things.

In the gaps of the closely-fitted scales, the faintly light blue light-like substance constantly oozes, enveloping his whole person. The light is flowing like a stream of fire, which is flowing at a very fast speed, and finally gathers from all parts of the body. The heart-shaped substance at his waist completes an uninterrupted continuous cycle.

"After all, a piece of uranium gold is directly implanted in the body. If the radiation concentration is not strong, it is impossible to do it." Cross responded, "A real monster can directly absorb uranium gold and convert it into energy. No wonder the purpose of the mission is This body is."

"Here," Nonoska reminded at this moment.

This time, it was Cassia's turn to walk towards them step by step.

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