Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 57: Non-human form, uranium and resonance (11)

"How much is the effect of the arm?" Cross's swollen blood vessels all over the upper body concealed under the skin, and his appearance returned to normal. The trident in the hand becomes the center in a small area, automatically absorbing radiation, like a vortex, air converges toward it, and then diverges from both ends. It automatically brings a layer of faint light because of the radiant light around it. The strange lines on it are not as bright as the second-generation holy sword in Cassia's hand, but they dim and flicker from time to time.

The trident was originally an imitation of the artifact in the Holy Shiluo Empire. Compared with the second-generation holy sword, except for the same material, its specifications are even higher. It should be the first generation holy sword within the empire. But the difference between the second-generation holy sword and the first-generation holy sword is only the effect after liberation, and there is a small data gap between the two. Although the strength of the three after liberation is less than one percent of the body, the one percent effect is still something that all surgeons pursue in the Knight King stage.

But even with the effect of less than one percent, most advanced surgeons can't be completely liberated. With the help of various methods, it is only to show a little trace.

The shining lines on the trident are the focus of Cross and Noroska's attention, and it is also an unknown huge fear that presses on their bodies. As long as possible, this is a near-desperate disaster for everyone who performs missions in the southern forests. Even if the effect is not one percent, this number will be even smaller, but as long as the liberation can be completed, they will be punished.

The eyes of the two moved back and forth on the body of the second-generation holy sword and Cassia, but the variables caused by the uranium gold made the information completely replaced. They could not analyze whether Cassia could liberate the imitation holy sword. The trident's reaction only allowed them to capture the traces of the ultimate source of danger.

"There is no such thing as a dominant hand, so it just loses the influence of the entire right arm." He tilted his head and glanced at the smooth cut surface on the right arm. The sharpness of the second-generation holy sword has become a strange thing left in Noroska's body. feel. When answering Cross's inquiry, Noroska drew out his spare dagger, and at the same time the protective armor on his heart completely lost its function, and the only dim light on it disappeared.

The clothes and skin of him and Cross showed signs of corrosion. The green blood mist is like countless pieces of nets that will be absorbed by itself, and there is still a small amount of blood going to the body. The two did deploy the induction force field as a protection, but the current strength is acceptable, and it cannot completely block the ubiquitous radiation. Looking at the ancient trees around them that were gradually dying, the pressure in their hearts increased again.

There was a shattering sound in front, Cassia’s body and limbs showed more than a dozen bulges, and then the skin cracked, black scales were pushed up, and the suppression tube that adhered to the flesh and blood was gradually exposed to the air, receiving the fire-like light. The burning of the material turned into cylindrical coke, which fell on his feet one by one.

When the suppression tube was completely rejected by this body instinct, Cassia halted and became rickets again. The thorny tail is still growing, and it stops until it reaches a length of nearly two meters. A layer of flowing fire entangles it, dragging it on the ground, directly ablating a pitch black scorch mark, and the water in the soil is also evaporated invisible.

The scales on Cassia's back were controlled by the muscles and began to move up and down, flapping each other. The "Da Da" sound spread out around him, but after a few steps away, the frequency rose sharply. The flapping scales stirred up a gust of wind, and the turbulent air flow dissipated behind him, taking away some light blue light material like twin wings. The air all over his body was bursting, and the aurora in the sky became more intense.

The high-frequency sound wave provokes vibrations, and the bark of the withered old trees around directly explodes and turns into powder. The dead leaves and scattered soil on the ground were also decomposed. At this moment, they were up and down in the vibration, and a heavy layer was spread on the ground like mist.

Cross showed a slight change in his expression at this time, until the bacteria in the air began to die because of the high-frequency sound waves carrying extremely strong energy, he finally realized the purpose of Cassia. Looking at the round pupils, he also knew that as the only similarity between the two, the scene in the target's eyes would also appear special.

Cross clenched the trident with both hands, and the death of the bacteria brought part of his spirit back. Attention is stronger, and as the intensity of perception gradually increases, what you are currently observing also enters your thoughts. Either he or Noroska, even if you can't find a way to break the game right away, you must analyze some of Cassia's information. This is what they must do.

At the same time, on the scorched earth a certain distance behind him, the battle continued. Under the conscious and default condition of both parties, the battlefield moved forward several thousand meters and it continued. The green aurora in the sky is clearly visible here, and the continuous radiation is felt by everyone.

During the battle, Chilman felt something, and looked at the aurora from time to time, and seemed to have thought about the situation in the area where Noroska was located.

On the other side, in the center of a huge tornado storm, within a range of only two or three kilometers in diameter surrounded by a cylindrical transparent wall, Li Suman sat quietly on a frozen ancient branch. The clothes on her spine were torn apart, and the exposed snow-like white skin with melting tentacles had two slender cracks open, and the gray-white frozen air drifted from it like a ribbon of smoke, extending several meters away and then gradually diluted invisible.

What Li Suman felt at this time, looked to her right, her sight seemed to penetrate the distant distance in an instant, and she saw the green aurora. The expression was full of surprises, and then replaced by doubts and fears. There was no sound, and the movement became small at this moment, but when she turned her head, McGerry was already watching her, with an unabashedly questioning look on her face.

There was no first time to speak, and after a very short period of thought, Li Suman solemnly said: "Cassia seems to be using uranium gold outside, and the perception that it extends through the cloud gas, the radiation concentration in a region is unusually high."

"Can you know the specific situation there?" McGerry looked in the same direction, but this was Li Suman's domain. With the blessing of the giant whale power, even his perception was completely blocked in the tornado storm.

Li Suman shook her head, her expression started to be abnormal. There are many things she needs to consider now: "Radiation has already polluted that area. It is a shielding field that is stronger than frozen air. It is impossible to spread perception at the current distance. ."

McGerry fell silent and stopped talking.

In the sky at this moment, in the several airship fleets that have been evacuated, the enhanced composite signal has been sent to the information transfer station on the periphery of the Southern Forest with the use of airships for communication. middle.

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