Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1858: Non-human form, uranium and resonance (12)

There are various machines designed and prepared for observation on the airship. The suspended aurora is dazzling, rendering a region of sky and rain clouds, and is observed by all fleets.

The transmission of information only cares about time and does not involve geography. The southern forest is the source. Numerous signals go from here to cities on the edge of the forest. Whether it’s open information transfer stations, or the transfer stations hidden by various family forces to observe and monitor the southern forests, they have undertaken the second time. The role of transit. The information is split and multiplied again here, and in huge quantities, it goes to various cities within the empire and the hands of black market middlemen one by one.

Probably it was only a few minutes behind. In a certain area in the small country, Emilia Red had read the information and handed it to Kingsley, who was standing aside and playing with a bright red ring-marked bullet.

Kingsley quickly finished browsing, and the information and photos became distorted air in his hands: "Nari Suman's words are true. Cassia really has the uranium and gold we desperately need. . I don’t know the quantity, but as long as there is and this information is confirmed, it is the most important thing for us."

"But now that we know it, it will make us regret it. Make sure a little bit in advance, and I will definitely go to the Southern Forest." Kingsley's emotions are quite complicated. He blames himself, but he also understands that it is too mixed. Too much helpless. Not to mention that it was him and Amelia Hongmang. They were replaced by more people, who understood Li Suman's deeds and temperament, and those who dared to believe her words absolutely did not die, and 90% of them died. About five or six does not exist in this world anymore.

To gamble for the remaining odds, he and Hongmang are absolutely impossible based on the situation of the organization and their own responsibilities.

"I really want to know how the various forces in the empire reacted after seeing these materials? It must be exciting, and the subsequent actions may not exceed the Southern Forest Event, but there are seven or eight layers and it is not necessarily." Not affected by Kingsleyin , Hongmang's emotions hardly fluctuate. What this information brings to her is the development and trend of all aspects in the future, which enables her to capture some traces of continuing to move forward correctly.

Hongmang picked up the black tea with a little white gas on the side, and immediately put it down: "Remember that when Li Suman asked us to cooperate, did he mention the "Soriyatu", which is the information about Cassia?"

"Those members of his black market business and forces? That's not what he hides his identity?" Kingsley thought about it before realizing what Hongmang wanted to say next.

"It must be quiet, not caught by anyone, and no traces can be left, so as to ensure the survival of that piece of network."

"It's not a network, but one of the access points of a network. It is the most important of them. Maybe you can get his remaining uranium. Ye Jielin will definitely be left by Cassia. Maybe she doesn't. Will know. She will be protected by her family and Kira Andi in the future. We have no chance to contact. One of the remaining access points may be Li Suman. If Kassia knows her identity, she can still communicate with her. If you meet, you will definitely reveal certain information, otherwise Li Suman would not be so sure when he contacted us."

"The second is Macquarie of the Kira Andi family. Considering all aspects, Cassia will definitely leave him an entrance. Cassia also understands that the Kira Andi family is his own hidden protection, and its powerful meaning For his own success afterwards."

"The third is the power that Cassia manages by himself. Before going to the Southern Forest, he must have simulated various situations and the corresponding results. This is also the most accessible portal that can be taken over by various forces. After all, Kasya All the plans left by West Asia need them to implement."

"The remaining access points are not within our consideration. Cassia's own network is not clear, and we don't have the intelligence ability to figure it out."

Kingsley touched the back of his neck and said, "I don’t know if we can be regarded as an access point in the eyes of Cassia? You have analyzed it based on various intelligence, and Cassia is willing to be Li Suman’s eyes.' Soriyatu's, not all because he has to carry out this performance to the end, but also because he needs to be parasitic within a big power, with the help of various forces and information."

"You want to explain that Cassia has contact with the organization, knows the organization's'lighting plan', and has a general understanding of our strength and advantages, and may choose to treat the organization as a natural cooperative organization so that he can hold what he has in his hands.' "Fear' becomes a real deterrent?" Hongmang immediately took the conversation, and after a short pause in his thoughts, he smiled as if after the mellow scent of black tea, "It's not impossible. He might use other forces as himself. The power of the background, one person stands in a position equal to us, hoping to absolutely share the results with us."

"Even if we regret the most, he can immediately use the disclosure of information as a means to destroy us under the encirclement and suppression of other forces." The smile on Hongmang's face disappeared very quickly, which is only one of the most pleasant possibilities. Kind of, she enjoys the happiness brought by this imagination very well, "The primary goal is still his power. We can't reach out within the empire, and we have a huge advantage in the small country, and we can't lose it."

"in addition,,,"

Hongmang watched Kingsleyin: "I don't want the careerist of the Imperial Army to join, even if he is your friend and has trust. But in the environment of the empire, how much is your friend involved and how much planning is involved? , Without any certain information..."

Kingsley had a reassuring smile on his face: "Don't worry, I have lived for several decades. This is not a mistake I should make."

What was ushered in was a sigh from Hongmang, and the sitting woman always showed an aura between seriousness and loss.

"Then go back to the information itself." Hongmang pulled back the topic, and the atmosphere in the room immediately seemed serious. Together with Li Suman, they had to think about a question that scared many people, "What does the appearance of that aurora mean."

"It means that so many things we just said, before there is no action, we will be in the next few months by the Kira Andi family, or the third generation knight king of the empire who came up personally. He was hacked to death.” Kingsley laughed and felt free and relaxed. “Kassia doesn’t know the influence of uranium gold. Since it is used, it is a life-threatening moment.”

Kingsley became a comforting role at this moment: "There is no need to think about it. What we are afraid of is not death, but the organization that gradually decays over time. It has not been known to most people, which means Death also slowly rots in an unknown corner. This is at least the greatest opportunity of our generation, and it is also the only way to break the stagnant state before the arrival of the red star."

"In the end, I can only hope that Cassia is special enough. In the eyes of most people, he is a cold-blooded **** creature."

Time is fast or slow. What is in your hand is not only the red glow, the spread and spread of information is like lightning in the sky on a rainy night, quickly and connected to one piece, illuminating the entire sky.

Delya and others who stayed inside the empire or outside the southern forest city, their keen sense of smell and Cassia's advance plan made them immediately begin to evacuate in secret. Everything can proceed in an orderly manner, without appearing rushed. Delya has experience in evacuating such things. Following Cassia from the Brino region, she has become accustomed to this kind of thing, and she also understands her leader's ability to attract trouble.

In another place, over a certain area of ​​the Southern Forest, an airship that was far away from the Joint Base, stroking a cane and sword, stood by the round window and looked at the fuzzy green shadow behind the rain.

"Mr. Cassia, I don't know when I will see you next time." The horror slammed his cane and sword on the floor, UU reading www. One hand took out a thumb-sized glass bottle from the place where the clothes were close to the chest. Under the white light of the lime lamp in the house, the liquid gold-like blood plated the surrounding small space, and the light green light seemed to be a mystery. The misty fog, "Or, this will be your last gift to me?"

And just when several airship fleets were less than a few kilometers away, the green aurora began to extend its range. Immediately, in each fleet, a varying number of airships left the fleet, centered on the aurora, began flying around, and continued observation missions.

Under the aurora, when you stop with the enemy tacitly, and you can rush to the head of the aurora, Hilarylee caught the movement and explosions ahead, but half a breath, a silver sword light shining from the darkness in front. She walked past and plowed the ground into a scorched gully one or two meters deep.

Stepping forward, a human figure appeared. She saw Noroska, who had lost her right arm, quickly retreating. Cross threw the trident out and half-done into the ground. A magma lake formed, chaotic currents like snakes, from flames and flames. It grows in the dark, forms a hemisphere with a diameter of several hundred meters, and buckles on the ground. In the center, Cassia, whose body was covered with light blue flame-like ray, was staring at Cross. His scales ooze blood, and fuel generally makes the body flow more intensely. The current column can't get close at all, and it instantly bursts when it touches the flame. He looked forward without any impurities in his eyes, full of a sense of loneliness.

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