Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1859: The ending, trendy and turbulent world (1)

Cassia took a deep breath, and the light blue fluorescent material shot all over her body, forming a shock wave that completely smashed the current. The thorny tail drew towards the trident, but it was pulled by the force and flew back to Cross's hand with a slam. Vaguely visible a very thin thread has been entwining it.

Hilary Li approached Nonoska and saw that apart from the entire right arm being cut off, an incision pierced his body obliquely, from the left shoulder to the lower right of the waist, and there was an incision halfway deep in one of the ribs. The newly born flesh and blood was removing the burnt and carbonized material. At this moment, Nonoska threw away the spare dagger that was severed again, and drew out a tactical knife as a disposable item.

White smoke began to emerge from the ground around, and the green fluorescent material in the air was disappearing very quickly, being replaced by blue light with extremely strong thermal radiation. Cross and the three of them also felt that the scattered radiation was being actively absorbed back by Cassia, and was no longer exposed. I don't know if this is good or bad, but it is a fact that Cassia's pressure has increased again.

"It's not a big problem." Seeing Hilaryli, Nonoska said to relieve her, "At present, strength and speed are still his weaknesses. Even if there is an increase effect, the only things he can change in a short time are creatures. Inductive stress field. But uranium gold is just a substance. Even if you have it, if you want to make it a uranium gold bomb, there is still a long way to go. Cassia’s body should have a strong energy conversion structure, which can be directly Turn uranium into the required energy and supply the induction force field."

"If you destroy it, you can find an opportunity?" Hilary Li and Cross moved a little closer.

"It's difficult. The structure imprinted in the spirit is there. There is still solid red mercury in his body. Even if it is destroyed, it will be very easy to make one immediately. In this direction, we can't find a chance." It was only a word of time. , The wound on Nonoska’s body was filled with proliferative tissue. “Kassia is only in three stages, and the time for contacting the bio-inductive stress field will not be very long. He does not have much experience in using it. Breath is currently the only variant. We can only build strength. Relying on the trident and focusing a little bit may bring us a turn for the better."

"In addition, Cassia is not proficient in the control of this power. This is something that does not belong to him. He should also bear a great burden. If it can terminate the cycle of the powerful induction force field on the surface of his body, perhaps It's also a direction." Cross saw another possibility. They caught new information again in the short contact. "But for us, every direction will pay a huge price."

"Chileman and the others should be rushing here." Feeling the sight that fell on her for a short time, something like a poisonous snake, Hilary's heart could no longer be restrained violently beating. She realized the pressure that Cross and Nonoska had been under at this moment.

Nonoska replied, but didn't say much about it. Not long ago, it was Cassia who was oppressing time. At this moment, the situation has reversed. It is because they need to delay the arrival of more members of their own side.

In a simple conversation, Cassia had narrowed the distance to within a few hundred meters.

"Chillman and a captain of the Common Ocean Country are coming, about five kilometers apart." Cross's words are no different from a tranquilizer, which relieves the pressure. "The time given to us is probably less than one minute, scorched earth. Position, our members can’t hold back much time. If we fail later, we are most likely..."

The rest of the words were not said. For them, the task can only be completed and the member who performed the task has died. There are no other options. Failure means death. The only difference is whether to die in the southern forest or become vaporized air in another unknown area.

The only rain on the ground has already boiled, and the heat is rising up, forming a vague mist. Some of the dried leaves gave out light smoke and flames, and burned sporadically together with the surrounding ancient trees that had withered due to radiation in a short period of time.

Cross counted the arrival time of the two behind him, and made some preparations for feasible directions in the future. At the same time, another enemy appeared behind Cassia and went aside to guard after confirming the situation. The code word came from Cassia's mouth, and the man paused for a while, but turned around and smashed into the air, leaving from here in the blink of an eye.

The retreating Noroska and others were shocked by this, and their bodies accelerated subconsciously. Cassia, who was full of flames in front, turned into Liuying, and his speed did not exceed the speed of sound, which could bring fear and pressure far greater.

The blue and white rays of light gleamed, and a breath drove a series of explosions, which could not be evaded, and directly collided with the trident that Cross raised. The flame dissipated like wind, and everything in contact was ablated into air.

An electric current erupted on the trident in an instant. Although it disintegrated immediately after being wrapped around the breath, the number of electric current pillars was almost infinite, like tide, wave after wave into pieces. Hilary Li and Nonoska immediately drew a distance, no longer backed up, turned back and rushed towards Cassia.

"Five seconds! They rushed here!" With the help of the cover of the two, and the continuous breathing dissipated, Cross found a chance to breathe and threw the trident behind him. Immediately, the blood vessels in his head skyrocketed again, and the clothes on his upper body were all shattered. Each blood vessel appeared like a snake in his body. The number of blood vessels was totally different from ordinary people.

In the end, it gathered towards the huge heart in the chest, but this time apart from a crack in the blood vessel junction, his arms, waist, and back had torn a total of ten cracks. The underside of the breach is covered with cysts of different sizes and numbers, with only a slight difference in color.

At this moment, the flexible film on the surface of all the capsules ruptured, and the pressure inside sent a large amount of dust into the air. It can even be seen that dense cracks appear on its snow-white ribs, like a hollow tube, with pressure squeezing the contents to the outside.

Cross sat down all at this moment, a small half of the swollen blood vessel broke, and the splashed blood turned into a blood mist around him. Cassia retreated for a certain distance in front, the scales of the thick spine moved at the same time, the flow of fire dissipated, and the extremely high-frequency vibration made him seem to have a pair of fuzzy blue wings behind him. But Nonoska and the others immediately caught up, trying to contain him as much as possible.

The ground sank in the shaking, and the flaming mud splashed. The two rely on strength to press half of Cassia's body into the ground. But with the swing of that thorny tail, Cassia created an extremely flexible arm out of thin air, entwining the second-generation holy sword, and every blow was like cutting space.

The two were forced to retreat, and after only a few fights, Hilary Li's dagger was covered with large and small gaps. That layer of blue fluorescent substance is the manifestation of the induction force field. Like a very thick layer of composite armor, the attack of the two cannot completely break it open, but only consumes it.

At this moment, the two of them opened their distance, and Cassia in front of him withdrew from the ground, leaped ten meters, and landed with a breath, hitting Cross directly. But it was Nonoska who went between the two, the original human-sized dragon-like arm expanded four or five times, and black scales filled it. At the same time, nearly thirty small suppression tubes were ejected and dropped from all over his arms.

Nonoska spread out his five fingers into huge claws, and one claw struck with his breath. As if holding his breath in the palm of his hand, flames spit out between his fingers, but Hilaryly resisted it with a stand aside. Then he twisted his arm, breathing like a real thing, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com directly broke into pieces of scattered fire when it reversed its direction. Cassia moved in it immediately, approaching.

At this moment, the air suddenly counter-current, swooping towards Cassia. There was a low whisper of "Woo" all around, and a round tunnel was formed in the air ahead of time. The trident thrown by Cross returned, and the strange patterns all over his body were illuminated, forming a circular light path. The three sharp forks at one end of it have entangled with each other in a spiral form, becoming one body, completely transforming itself into the shape of a sharp spear.

The trident is like a fleeting light that cannot be caught or avoided at all, and it directly and accurately hits the center of Cassia's eyebrows.

"Boom!" The transparent ripples spread out in the air.

The ground behind Cassia undulates like a wave, and the fire marks spread. The next moment, a huge arc-shaped lake of molten material is formed with him as the center, emitting a lot of orange light and heat, waves are surging in it, and the area is still there. expand.

"There are not many opportunities!" Cross yelled, bleeding all over, a pool of blood accumulated under him. He raised his head and looked at Cassia, his round bright red pupils contracted, and then the whole body became petrified, stiffening in place, and all the light in his eyes disappeared.

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