Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1860: The ending, trendy and turbulent world (2)

At the same time, the two figures, one large and one small, were already on their way to their limit, falling from behind like a meteor. Most of the body was inserted into the ground, and the roots of the ancient underground trees were thrown into the air with large pieces of soil. Withdrawing from the ground, Chilman and the kinetic armor nearly three meters high leaped up to Cross. Seeing the blood around him, he also understood the urgency of time and the preciousness of opportunity.

Chilman yelled at the moment Noroska’s name, as if he was reporting the message that "assistance has arrived" for the five-person team, as well as for the three-person team, Hilaryli and Norska. People seem to get the rare and most needed peace of mind from this rough and dull voice.

"Follow the arrangement of Mr. Cross!" Noroska replied with a louder voice. The arrival of Chilman and Ocean Common Nation's kinetic armor is more than just a force support.

Chilman didn't stay at all, the roar fell, and the dark and tough skin faded and replaced by a transparent substance. At that time, the diamond-like hard crustacean sparkling under the firelight-a variant branch of the dragon **** body one. The body swelled in a short moment, and a large amount of proliferation tissue agitated in his body, making his body comparable to the kinetic armor on the side of his shoulder.

Chilman squatted and jumped, and the ground under his feet instantly sank, turning him into a bright streamer. In a flash, he stopped in front of Cassia, and then pulled out a swing fist from behind, facing the back end of the trident in the middle of his brow. Smashed it hard, trying to make it go forward again, piercing Cassia's head directly.

The silver-white sword light is faster than Chilman’s offense. It is an offensive that Cassia hardly needs to control. It relies on instinct to protect the body’s thorny tail, and it pulls out a blade of sword light with the second-generation holy sword. Force Chilman back. At the same time, Cassia, who was leaning backwards, finally took a step back at this moment and pulled out a lunge. He slowly raised both hands, held the trident, and pulled it out.

The spirally wound tip of the spear indeed broke through the flow of fire on the body's surface, and the black scales did not have the slightest defensive power in front of it, but the hard skull stuck it.

Cassia's movement of pulling out the trident seemed to be gentle, but it seemed extremely difficult. The spear-shaped trident has power and is naturally attracted by it. At this moment, it has a strong adsorption force. At this moment, the laminar flow of fire skyrocketed. Not to mention climbing up the trident with Cassia's hands, the flow of fire was also spreading above the ground. In the blink of an eye, a circle with a diameter of several meters was circled with him as the center.

The thorny tail retreated Chilman and quickly retracted, and a sword slashed towards the trident. The two had not yet touched, and the two different rays of silver and gray became essence, which offset each other. On the other side, there was a sound from Cross's body, and a small piece of blood was exploded in his body, and a large piece of blood spattered.

"Nornoska!" Chilman exhaled, releasing the pressure. He stared at the front, but Cassia's gaze only glanced at him briefly, and directly locked on Cross behind him.

Chilman immediately felt that his vision was completely covered by a piece of pure light without any impurities. His thoughts seemed to foresee his next step in advance, and when he felt a sense of emptiness throughout his chest, Norosca and Hilarylie had already Blocking in front of him, a huge sharp claw was holding a breath and forcibly twisting it.

The kinetic armor came, and a slender blade popped out of the palm of the palm with a "clang" on the right arm, and the high-frequency oscillation attached to it made it blurry in the line of sight. The slender blade slashed down at the breath, and all the weapon modules of the kinetic armor were activated. The left arm that popped out of the triangular triple barrel was also raised at the same time, and a piece of bullet casing with red and blue rings was thrown away in an instant.

Breath shattered under the shocking blade, but the pieces of bullets were piled up together and frozen on the surface of the flowing fire. Without touching the black scales of Cassia, they became the fuel of the flowing fire and burned together.

Seeing this, Chilman and Noroska both bullied themselves at the same time. Hilary Rili expanded the induction force field and used her perceptual expertise to cover the two of them while analyzing the surface layer of Cassia. The substantive flow of fire is far away from the operation, and I want to find an entry point.

Originating from female intuition, Hilary Li felt a kind of fear at this moment.

She tried her best to find the source of fear, but her instinctive reaction made her roar. The voice ripped through the air and spread around, and she saw that Kassiameng seemed to have a hideous and terrifying smile on her slightly distorted face. Before she could analyze why, she saw a sword of light spreading all over Cassia, causing Noroska and Chilman to stagnate for a while due to avoidance.

At this moment, it was the trident that Cassia had been holding with both hands and trying to pull it out from the eyebrows with difficulty. It was suddenly caught in the eyes of the four people in a relaxed and completely without force. When it was pulled out, the direction of its sharp spear was instantly reversed.

The four of them intuitively felt that there was a meteor shining in front of them, but there was a momentary distortion, that is, the trajectory was changed. By the time the energy poured out, the Trident had been separated from Cassia’s hands. It pierced the kinetic energy armor on the side—metal plates doped with ultra-superalloys, various extremely high-strength components, and the captain of the Far Sea Common Nations inside—this It was the result of the instantaneous distortion of the trajectory, and his chest mouth was ablated to form a huge hole, almost cutting off his body laterally.

And a hole the size of a fist appeared in the palm of Nonoska's left arm and claws, and he subconsciously stretched out his hand to resist, but it was directly penetrated. But it also changed the trajectory slightly, turning the part of the head of the captain of Yuanhai Common Country that should have been pierced into his chest. But in the perception of the three of them, all the reactions on the kinetic armor have disappeared, and they can't stand under their own weight. Inside, the scorched material on the wall of the hole on the body was torn apart, and the pressure remaining in the blood vessel pushed the blood out. Although UUReading was sticky, it also had white smoke on one side and followed the kinetic energy armor on the other side. Flow to the ground.

The trident finally landed behind the kinetic armor, and there was still room to turn the ground into a lake of molten material.

The surrounding temperature can already evaporate the water vapor out of thin air, but the three of them still feel a chill in their bodies at this moment. At this moment, Cassia dragged his thorny tail and rushed towards Chilman and the others.

Hilary Li moved almost at the same time and ran towards the trident. However, Chilman and Norska can only use their own induction force field to defend Cassia from the flames that can be sprayed from all over his body, while avoiding the sword light.

Seeing this, Cassia immediately changed her target, and when her sight and perception locked Hilaryly behind the kinetic armor, her body also buckled and rushed past. At almost the same moment, Cross, who was sitting on his knees, oozes a lot of blood again, and the blood has scattered most of his body. At the moment Cassia's body turned half a circle, dozens of densely packed matter emerged, showing a paste, without the density of forming a dense fog, but it could be regarded as a piece of floating dust.

Cassia became a magnet with great power, and dozens of dusty materials were wrapped in each other, like a colony of ants escaping from a fire, being sucked and rushing toward the torrent-like circulating fire.

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