Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1862: The ending, trendy and turbulent world (4)

"It's very late to wake up now." Cassia didn't forget to comment. At this moment, not only the sky and the earth of the spiritual world, but also cracks appeared on his body. It's all minor, but it can't be stopped. The world was torn into pieces, and then to pieces, it was only a matter of time.

Cross had an agreeable expression on his face: "There will always be a fluke, including us. But it is not so much a fluke, as a personally recognized hope. Even if I did not participate in this mission, I stayed inside the Nature Association. , Will still become a victim in the subsequent competition."

"In this respect, the Nature Association and the Empire, and all large countries, seem to be the same." Cassia can understand the meaning of Cross's sentence, but he also has doubts, "You will also become a victim? Don't you think you It will fail in the competition. No one dares to guarantee whether it will stand at the top. But it will definitely be the top batch."

"It depends on the environment and content. If it's just to cultivate the successors of the power, I have already met the conditions. But the content is replaced by the next person who can match the strength of the imperial knight king?" When the same crack as Cassia climbed to the K On Rose’s body, the shape of his sitting on the gear has faded a little, "What I am facing is the grown version of your monster. After defeating before, I still think that I have hope and can pass this. For the success of this mission, get your place back."

Cross lowered his head and sighed: "There is indeed a gap, and it is also a predetermined result." He looked up, his eyes full of expectation and full of interest, "I really want to see how you collide with these monsters later. Not limited to the Natural Association, the Holy Ten Luo Empire has the same training and competition system as the Natural Association, only serving the continuation of the power of the Knight King class, and will not participate in other competitions."

"I think this should be the protection of other matters, analyze it from your words."

Cross froze for a moment, and he laughed unconsciously: "It seems like this. Unfortunately, this time the red star comes, the continuation of the power of the knight king class will definitely be interrupted, and it has become an established fact that the group of monsters are released. Wait for time to get to the node. I don’t know if the three large countries have prepared a way to deal with this situation. They must have collected relevant information and will predict the occurrence of this situation.”

"I have no chance. You have also lost the opportunity. Otherwise, you can go and see how the people standing above me look like. But if you analyze it only from the stage of imagination, they will be the same as you who went to the fourth stage smoothly. In comparison, for a while, I really can't think of who would be more terrifying."

"Boom!" One of Cross's arm suddenly shattered. There was no blood, no muscles or bones. It just became a spot of light, slowly losing all the light.

"As one of the heirs, do you know what this continuation of power is all about?" Cassia had curiosity. Seeing Cross's body shattered, he began to raise his own questions.

But what I got was shaking his head. Cross had thought about it and tried to search for some information. However, as the core secret of the two super powers, it is impossible to tell him such a defeated person.

"The rest of the heirs are the same as you, very strong in spirit?" The question continues, and Cassia wants to leave more messages to others, which can be regarded as his last role. The disintegration that happened to Cross began to be portrayed on him, but the rate of disintegration was much slower.

"The spirit must be strong. This is one of the necessary factors to reach the five stages. I am only able to rely on the spirit, and there is nothing comparable. This kind of competition for body control is almost always a last resort, and most of it means Will die together." Cross gave the answer. As the body began to disintegrate and disappear, he used the remaining hand to touch the position of his heart, where there was no beating feeling, "It seems that this world is forcing me to stay for a while."

"The abilities are not the same. I don't have detailed information about other people, just as other people don't know me very well. The Nature Association completed the complete unification of a continent very early, but the internal structure is not top-down. There are many tribal families behind each group of successors, and competition is not limited to us alone."

"I can tell you something. In the Nature Association Alliance, there are also many people who use the power of giant whales. People like you who convert between dragons and giant whales have always existed in the data records, and there is no obvious trace of fracture. I think it’s probably the same in this era. It’s just that I’ve never really seen it before, but I met you here. Besides the giant whales and dragons, there are other creatures.”

Cross speeded up his speech at this time, and the phenomenon of collapse almost cut it off from his chest, and there were few limbs left. But this way, at any rate, I won’t feel the pain. It just allows the time to be extended to accept my own death, and the psychological and mental pressure and pain are too much higher.

"The Natural Association was created because of the huge fragment of the ancient historical world tree below the continent, just like there are many ancient historical relics that actually exist on the mainland of the Holy Shiluo Empire, and they have helped them too much in all aspects. As for where you are The country..." Cross didn't answer the word, his body completely disappeared, and his neck became a little bit of light.

"By the way, Cassia, you can directly release the imitation holy sword from the beginning? The price is to accelerate the arrival of the current state. I don't know if my guess is correct."

"At the moment of using uranium gold, what part I can do is actually very clear."

"Then, you should still have enough energy to go outside and continue the previous battle."

"Do you want me to let the remaining two people go?" a very calm voice, "We really stand on opposite sides only because of our respective identities and positions, but I do not intend to keep any of you. For Ye Jielin's protection, I can express my gratitude. But for her body that has disappeared, you also need to pay the price due. UU Reading"

"Forget it." Cross didn't refute or give any reason. This is only his temporary intention, and it is optional and will not affect anything. Then Cross looked at Cassia very calmly and sighed softly, "Actually, I am very unwilling. Accepting death so clearly is an unbearable torture for anyone."

The mouth also became a spot of light, and the look in Cross's eyes became extremely complicated at that moment. Although there was still Cassia's reflection in it, Cassia knew that Cross had fallen into his last memories and no longer focused on the sight in front of him.

The last spot of light also lost its light, and in front of him, there was only a gear covered with rust.

Cassia sighed softly, and he looked at the fine cracks in his hands, then looked around, as if looking for something.

What I hoped to appear did not appear, Cassia looked down at the broken analyzer next to him. There was a passcard on a slot, and the sudden steam sound continued.

"Accepting your own death is indeed a difficult and uncomfortable thing." Cassia spoke calmly and stretched out his hand to pull out the passcard.

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