Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1863: The ending, trendy and turbulent world (5)

As Cassia left here, the only thing that could stabilize the world was also absent, and the progress of the collapse was indeed accelerated a lot. The cracks between the sky and the ground continue to expand, irreversible, and there is no room for salvation. Perhaps the wreckage of the battleship is the center of this world, and the crack is climbing on its rusty body at this moment. There was an invisible force tore it apart, the rust was shaken off, and there was a harsh scream on the steel.

But Cassia, who knew the result, would not care about this situation. The moment the passcard came out of the slot, the real scene of the spiritual world in his eyes was instantaneously broken, swallowed by the broader darkness, and no fragments were left. Then the torrent of signals from the body's various tactile sensations rushed into the spiritual body, and various external situations were instantly connected.

Obviously stayed in the spiritual world for a long time, sitting down and talking with the enemy relaxedly and comfortably, but at the moment when the body perceives the return, this period of time is almost folded, and there is no effect at all. Everything seems natural. , Can't be said with the illusion.

Cassia would like to savor this feeling, because it may be of great help to herself, mentally and physically. Just thinking about it later...

Death is indeed painful. Cassia has gone to the hospital many times, and occasionally sees people in the ordinary world whose spirits have been completely destroyed by illness. The desperate breath that entangles the whole body, which can be seen by ordinary people, made Cassia deeply impressed. He said, "Don't care, it's not a big deal, don't be sad" and so on, but everyone knows from those eyes that have lost their light, this is just a disguised seeking comfort.

Cassia had thought about what she would be like when facing death, searching for answers in books, and searching for traces on enemies. It now appears that they are all fruitless actions.

I just felt the pain in my heart, countless springs appeared in my head, and the vague memory of the past suddenly became clear. The details of some things are all clear-here can be done, there may not be too much, so Cassia can't breathe.

The rest is regret, endless regret. Things that I didn't care much about before, only then did I realize that I really care about it. What I felt was dispensable in the past, but now I think it should belong to me, absolutely, it is impossible to give it to others.

The emotions seem to merge and lose the real rainbow, a piece of black, inclusive of all, without distinction between each other.

Cassia wanted to make herself smile. Whether or not the scaly face can show a smile is not important in this expression. The muscles of the face seemed to have lost control and twitched for a while, and there was no mood to "laugh".

The torrent of information was completely poured into the spiritual body, and the thoughts that continued to move processed it. The first action of Cassia's body was to sigh. Even though the tip of the spiral spear of the Trident has pierced the scales, breaking half of the skull on the forehead.

All the pressure on the body was shattered under the sigh, disintegrating invisible. The translucent heart-like structure of the waist transformed with uranium and gold throbbed rapidly, stimulating the waves of trembling air all over Cassia. The cracks on the upper part expand and large pieces of blue fluorescent material dissipate, but this only accelerates the consumption of uranium and gold, which is not worthy of concern.

The swelling flow of fire retracted the surface of Cassia's body, making it more solid. He saw the anger in the eyes of the two enemies in front of him, but he was not in the mood to pay attention to this kind of thing. Let the left hand that pierced the enemy's heart just grabbed the trident on the forehead, and the other hand touched the second generation holy sword on the thorny tail at the same time, and the **** body that wrapped it collapsed in advance.

Cassia followed a strange feeling, the translucent heart structure at the waist shattered at this time, and a huge torrent of people used him as a conductor, and they poured into the trident and the second-generation holy sword madly. The similar strange patterns on the two imitation weapons are activated at the same time, and the streamer is generated, forming a self-contained cycle in the patterns.

Chilman madly poured energy into it, trying to reverse it, but it didn't work. He actually knew that this state had nothing to do with energy, it was simply that he could not stimulate it.

Cassia did not deliberately control, there was a solid light blue electric light blooming on the tip of the spiral spear of the trident, but they sputtered backward along the body of the trident. The electric light was no longer distorted, and went to the end of the trident to bloom directly, leaving no possibility of evasion at all, and completely wrapped Chilman in it.

After hearing a loud roar, the electric light drowned everything, and then the sound disappeared. When the electric light dissipated, there was nothing left. Cassia took the trident off his forehead and inserted it into the ground. A faintly bright light blasted towards the sky, but the thumb was thick and thin, but it created an air tunnel with a diameter of several thousand meters, which directly penetrated the rain cloud layer completely, letting bright light spill down and illuminate this place.

At the same time, the second-generation holy sword cross-cut, only the sword body has light shining. As the tip of the sword slides, everything is melted within an arc with a radius of several kilometers in length. The power instantly turns the ground into a molten object, just like wiping the dust accumulated on a blackboard. It blooms with bright red light and emits the heat of flames.

Hilary dodged a few steps, and she could see that Chilman simply disappeared in front of her eyes. She stopped retreating and stood still, quietly looking at the holy sword that slid over, without any movement. Up.

"Huh,,," she exhaled, relieved.

But in the end, the point of the second generation holy sword didn't really point to it. This was supposed to be the time when the second, minute, and hour hands in a bronze clock were brought together to point to twelve o'clock in a straight line. But the second-generation holy sword, which is the second hand, was stuck at the 59th second and couldn't move forward.

The lines on the second-generation holy sword and trident instantly lost all their light. The second generation holy sword slipped from Cassia's hand and plunged into the soil, leaving only the hilt.

The black scales on his body faded, and the skin of Cassia's whole body was not intact, it was all bright red muscles. The terrifying breath disappeared suddenly, and there was no trace of it anymore. This body is still active, and the skin grows at a speed visible to the naked eye, gradually allowing Cassia to return to what it should be.

It's just that in those eyes that have returned to black and white, there are only the reflection of the scene, the flashing fire, and there is no trace of life.

"Your mission is complete." Cassia turned around, and the thorny tail disappeared completely. He wanted to find a place to lean on, because mental fatigue could not be resisted. There was a voice tempting him to sleep, telling him to close his eyes and open them again soon.

Of course, Cassia didn't believe it, because in his senses, the voice was distorted, it was definitely not his own voice, and there was no reason to trust it.

There were no ancient trees around, and the rhizomes that were blown out were all ashes. The ground is uneven and wavy, and white smoke is everywhere. Cassia didn't know where to lean on and take a break. In the end, he could only walk a step far away, pressing his back against the trident that was inserted into the ground, and then slowly slid down and sat on the hot scorched earth.

"Why did you leave me?" Hilary Li asked, her voice showing the same mechanical synthesis.

Cassia didn't reply, and his mind dropped at this moment. I can't hear any sound, and I don't know when the touch of my body will disappear. In this rare and absolutely quiet time, Cassia thought he finally had a chance to sort out those memories that became clear for some reason, but appeared chaotic.

Cassia saw her sister Lilia, lying in the bedding, only showing her head and a hand with a pen, smearing it on a drawing book. There are three little people, one is slightly larger and two are slightly smaller. Those three faces are just a simple circle, not very round yet, without any features at all. Inside the three circles are a few simple strokes, which represent smiling faces.

As soon as the picture turned, Lilia had already fallen asleep without finishing painting the graffiti.

"How long is this?" There is no answer, Cassia can't remember, and even the fact that the mother and Lilia have not been found by himself, he has forgotten at this moment.

I saw the familiar streets of the small town, the gray roofs and lifeless roadside trees for most of the year.

The noisy sounds around made Cassia tilt her head. When the sound reached his ears, Cassia discovered that this was the waiting room of a station, with hurried pedestrians in front of him. From the side, Carla looked at herself. For some reason, Cassia couldn't hear what Carla was saying, just looking at the smile on her face, she felt her heart throbbing and seemed nervous. Immediately thinking of Cara’s pink underwear hanging on the corridor to dry, the pain came from the heart.

Cassia wanted to talk, but Carla got up, holding the luggage in one hand and swinging the other. Cassia finally understood what Carla said, saying "goodbye". I don’t know why Carla is leaving. Cassia quickly got up and wanted to ask, but Carla in front of her instantly disappeared. The bright light around turned into a dark night. A white face appeared in front of her with a warm smile, but what do you think of it? They are all clowns.

Cassia suddenly realized that this was Lee. He knew that Lee also knew Kara, but when he was about to ask, Lee turned and left and disappeared into the gloomy night.

Cassia didn't know what was happening, there was a glare of flashing light. He was patted on the shoulder, and he tilted his head. Iyeta, wearing a pink cat headgear, looked at him suspiciously, as if asking if he had heard what she was saying. I was trying to explain that my hearing seemed to be a problem, but there was a sound that really came into my ears.

"Head?" It was Delya, and Cassia looked in the direction of the voice—at a round table, Delya, Hesley, and Waters were discussing something in front of a map, and sat down. Beside the wall, spinning the drum of the revolver somewhat boredly.

Cassia tilted her head and stunned. When she thought she had misheard, there was a sound of "Kang Dang Dang Dang" around her. The light dimmed again.

"Mr. Cassia." The gentle voice overwhelmed the "clang", and he put on a top hat in front of Cassia and went to another carriage. Cassia was puzzled, but feeling a little tired, she sat down on the window seat. Someone on the side was saying "thank you", and Cassia looked over, Linna's tired face was facing herself.

Cassia seems to know that he can't talk, UU read www.uukanshu. com then wanted to wave his hand to indicate that it was no longer necessary. Although he didn't know why Linna thanked herself. Exhaling, when Cassia looked out the window, she found that the train, ,, should be a ceremonial car stopped.

Selmer on the side opened the door and got out of the car. Cassia followed, becoming dull and silent just like him. Atohuan finally squeezed out of the car from the driver's seat, showing a relaxed look: "Here, wait here..."

"Boom..." Cassia felt her calm heart beat violently again, just like the sound of kicking the door, bringing pain. At this moment, Cassia realized that he was in a room wrapped in steel, as if instinctively, he got up and opened the door.

Smelling the good smell of perfume, Ye Jielin leaned against the railing of the corridor and rubbed her wet hair, which tends to be light red, with a towel: "Go to the cafeteria and get some water by the way."

"Yeah." Cassia responded naturally. He turned around, and a burst of gunfire suddenly trembled, and his ears immediately hummed.

"Nuoer!" Cassia blurted out at this moment, but tired doubts came from behind him.


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