Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1864: The ending, trendy and turbulent world (6)

At this moment, the pain came not only from the heart, but also from the head. The clear thoughts began to blur, and all the scenes in the eyes appeared ghosting. Cassia didn't know why this happened, even if it was just a small question, he couldn't find the answer at this time.

Cassia followed the sound source again and looked at it. In the dim light, on the cargo wooden box on the third floor, Nuoer was propping up her body with one hand, rubbing her eyes with the other, and cutting her hair by the way.

Why did he suddenly let go of his mind? Cassia already knew that there would be no answer, so he didn't bother about this matter anymore. At least after seeing Nuoer, whether it is the heart or the head, the pain is still and gradually increasing, but at least subjectively, Cassia feels that they are no longer unbearable pain.

Cassia exhaled and stepped forward to Noer. The sound of footsteps landed, and the carriage disappeared instantly, and even Nuoer, who was sitting in front of him on the wooden crate, was also gone. The surroundings became endless darkness, so pure without any impurities.

The darkness seemed to be flowing rapidly, and Cassia had a similar feeling. After a blink of an eye, he realized that it was not darkness that was flowing, but that he was advancing rapidly, moving without direction and purpose. I don't know where it will end, nor is it clear whether this space dominated by black has an end. After that, the concept of time was faded, and Cassia always felt that he had only blinked a few times from start to finish.

The pain is also faded by the darkness here, I don't know how far I have moved, and I don't know how much time has passed. But when the pain was about to disappear completely, a light appeared in front of him. When Cassia realized it was light, there was already a blue sky above her head, and the sun was strong in the midday. Below him was an endless deep blue sea, with waves rising.

In front, there is a huge land, the whole is translucent white. Cassia half-squinted at this time, only to recognize that the translucent white land was frozen ice covering a very large area on the sea. At this moment, the instinctive will drove Cassia to look for something, or someone.

It's like a kind of obsession, it is the mood that subconsciously knows that there will be no chance afterwards, so you must personally confirm it at the last moment.

Cassia looked into the distance, and countless blurred scenes were automatically becoming clear. A group of phantoms appeared, and then the group of phantoms was infinitely magnified, and it became clear in an instant.

Cassia saw a girl with a sword, dressed in a knight-like costume in history, with a thin figure and pale blonde hair tied behind her head. There are two huge "mountains" on both sides of the girl. A huge snake adorned with navy blue scales curled up and stood opposite the girl. On the head of this giant snake stood a mature woman, dressed no different from a girl, and looked like a knight in history.

This time, the question has an answer. Cassia knew who the girl was, and the answer seemed to be that she had been put in her head very early and never forgotten. Still blurted out, in a natural state: "Nuoer"

The sound crossed a long distance and passed through. The girl suddenly looked over. In an instant, Cassia even saw her own reflection in the round golden pupils, but the reflection was vague, it was a body full of cracks, most of which was incomplete. The remaining body disintegrated one by one in these pupils. After seeing the girl, Cassia could no longer feel any pain.

Cassia didn't know why this happened, and the vagueness of his thoughts made him unable to think anymore. At this moment, I felt a kind of relaxation, and the sea breeze passed through this broken body, bringing a bit of coolness. Very at ease, Cassia thinks this is the best.

Immediately, darkness struck again, and the sky and the sea disappeared. But a golden sword light appeared, directly cutting the darkness open. Cassia knew that this must have been done by the girl named "Nuoer", but the tiredness made him actively close his eyes, and the golden light was compressed by the eyelids until it disappeared from his sight.

"Brother!" The voice came to her side, and Cassia said "um" as a response. At this moment, Cassia felt so good for no reason that he thought he should have a smile on his face.

"Take a break, and I'll be back later." Cassia wasn't sure if the voice had passed, or just recalled it in his head. It didn't matter anymore, tiredness turned into weight, dragging him to the darkness below. Even though the golden sword light and the white smoke poured in almost endless amounts afterwards, the darkness around him shattered. But the two couldn't keep up with the speed of his fall, and all consciousness and thoughts were suddenly interrupted at this moment, leaving no room for a complete collapse.

At the same time, leaning on the trident, Cassia sitting on the scorched earth lowered his head.

Sheila Ruili on the side was still asking, but when she saw the scene in front of her, she immediately went to the side. Neither heartbeat nor breathing existed, and disappeared completely. Putting both hands on the ground, he lost its terrifying power. Perceiving dissipated, Hilary Li was afraid that this was also in Cassia's plan. But seeing the dissipated energy, she felt a kind of absurdity without reason.

Seeing a few tears falling under Cassia's drooping head, splashing on the newborn skin, Hilaryri could no longer control her emotions.

"So you cry too." Hilary Li said with a laugh, but the voice was more like an anger and a sense of inconceivability. Her eyes were immediately wet, and she blinked fiercely. She looked around, walked to the half of the kinetic armor wreckage ten meters away, and turned it over. The captain of Yuanhai Common Country has long lost his breath, his eyes are half open, and Hilary Rili can see her downcast face in it.

Then I went to the side of Cross, and the blood that began to solidify made his feet sticky. Cross's body was being swallowed by bacteria implanted in the bones and everywhere in the body, most of the flesh and blood disappeared, revealing bones full of fine pits. Her face was already unrecognizable, Hilary Li wanted to evaporate it directly, but in the end she just sighed.

I didn't know what I should do for a while, and felt that a large group of people were rushing here. Hilaryly looked at Cassia in a dull manner, and then at the location where Noroska and Chilman had died, trying to find the traces left by both.

Looking at the sky at this time, the holes in the rain cloud layer are merging. The huge green aurora disappeared, leaving a cloud of rain floating in the sky. On the side, I don’t know when, in that huge tornado storm, two beams of light passed through the clouds and went straight to the high sky behind the rain clouds.

Hilary Li finally remembered something, that was the final deployment before the plan. She shook her head and glanced at the surrounding scenes before turning around and leaving here lonely. She knew that there was no winner, and both her side and Cassia had failed.

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