Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1865: The ending, trendy and turbulent world (7)

Someone came around the hot lava lake. It was a huge spider, covered with gray cuticles, like chunks of thick and hard armor. Without rushing closer, dozens of perceptions scanned this area, and even under the ground became the focus of care.

After confirming that there is no longer anything and danger in this area, Ms. Spider went down to Cassia under the cover of a group of people. The armored spider carefully lifted the body that was sitting on the trident with its limbs. The tail secreted a large amount of flexible silk thread, which was wrapped in the blink of an eye, and finally became an oval cocoon.

After that, not only Ms. Spider, but everyone on the side took out a glass bottle containing a light blue liquid and smashed it open. The liquid immediately reacts to a large amount of milky white gas after contacting air. Under the control of this group of people, dozens of groups of white air formed a ball, wrapped the cocoon, drilled through the gaps in the cocoon, and completely blocked these gaps.

After doing this step, not only Ms. Spider, but everyone else breathed a sigh of relief. Someone fired a flare into the sky, several colors mixed together, and it was blown away by strong high-altitude wind a few seconds later.

"All retreat!" Ms. Spider said, and the cocoon was placed on the armored spider. At this moment, she pulled a flexible filament from her arm, trapped the trident, and pulled it into her hand with great effort. I have seen Chilman use it, knowing that it will have a certain weight, but Ms. Spider did not expect it to be so heavy that her flexible filaments are almost on the edge of breaking.

At this moment, someone wanted to take a step forward to take away the second-generation holy sword with only the hilt exposed, but a sharp, thin blade that made the air tremble and blurred, stepped in front of him.

"I advise you not to do unnecessary things." It was another captain of Yuanhai Common Country. On one of his kinetic armored arms, the upper half of the dead captain's body was already resting on his palm.

"I remember that Cassia died. After the body is processed, your mission is over?" The man turned his head, making a sound of dry laughter under the alloy mask, "In other words, you can now be completely We define it as an enemy."

"You don't have the strength to threaten me. Please think clearly and consider your own words. Just like you said, we no longer belong to the alliance to complete a common task, but each belong to different countries and forces. . So I didn’t cut off your head directly. It’s already considered my good temper.” Seeing that the opponent did not move, the captain retracted the sharp blade into his arm, “Who is your opponent, don’t have any knowledge in my heart? In order to complete this task, A large number of high-level surgeons have been dispatched. Do you really think that a few of us are randomly selected from the four stages, as long as we can use the induction force field to be qualified?"

After speaking, the captain sighed and turned to look at Ms. Spider: "It's over, but in the end, I want to invite..." The captain raised the body of the other captain he was holding, and Ms. Spider immediately understood. A cocoon also formed on this broken body and returned to him.

"Thank you." The captain said, he glanced at the man who was still standing there, and he simply stood still, staring at him.

A broad sword struck at this time and appeared out of thin air like a ghost. When the man reacted, the sharp blade was already against the skin on his neck.

"Don't take any bad thoughts, that thing is not your life can bear." The speaker came from behind the man, that was the captain of the Saint Royal Hall team. He said to Ms. Spider, "According to the plan, together After evacuating to the designated location, we dispersed separately."

"Yes." The captain and Ms. Spider replied at the same time, immediately turned around and passed in the predetermined direction. Everyone left from here, many people looked at the hilt of the sword, but in the end no one looked back. After cooling down in a very short period of time, they also realized that that thing is a great increase in strength for each of them, but at the same time, touching him means that they are actively looking for death.

On the side, the huge tornado storm still persisted, and the two beams of light penetrating the cloud slowly faded before disappearing completely after a few minutes.

It wasn't until nearly an hour later that the tornado storm completely dissipated, revealing a huge forest of ancient trees frozen into ice. Many of them crumbled and turned into fragments covering the ground, but most of them remained intact.

Everyone got the news, whether it was the ground team from the third stage or the high-level surgeons who came to this forest, they had lost the reason to continue fighting and left one after another. The lively forest returned to the quietness of the past at an extremely fast speed, only the clouds across the sky remained, and there was no major change.

"I'll go back first. There are still many problems within the empire that need to be dealt with. This is just the beginning, it can't end, and return to calm. Be prepared, and some plans have reached the moment when they should start." Somewhere in the forest where the ground is exuding cold. , Hilda said to McGerry, who was sitting on a dead branch, "I don’t believe Li Suman will go directly to the tundra or two other continents, hoping to avoid the group leader. The main goal is definitely not It's her, but the Holy Emperor's Hall and the religious state that participated the most in this incident."

"No matter where Li Suman goes, I have neither the right to interfere nor the power. She wants to go, except for the group leader, or relying on the absolute number, it is impossible to keep it." McGregor She turned her head, looked at the frozen ground and said, "It's not important anymore. When she wants to understand, or she is no longer afraid, she will come back by herself. At that time, we are still a cooperative relationship."

"Hope. UU read" Hilda looked up to the sky and didn't want to speak for a while. She has had a foreboding of the scene when the team leader returns for half a month, or a month later, there will be more things that need to be dealt with by the two of them at that time.

After a while, Hilda answered, "It’s not a bad thing for you to go to the scene to see. But I am still worried about Li Suman. I remember that Cassia had contacted her before coming to the forest. What were the conversations between the two," Before Li Suman has left this forest, you can contact the past and ask. The two have some insights on the power of the giant whale, and Li Suman may know more than we thought."

McGerry nodded: "Take a good rest on the way back, Knight Commander. You still need to go back to deal with the matter of Uranium and Gold. If you can't recruit the members of the forces that Cassia originally left, please provide them with convenience as much as possible. After the face and identity are changed, a new life begins."

"In addition, please always pay attention to Ye Jielin's news. It was picked up by the giant dragon of Cassia, where at this moment, there is no result. No matter from which aspect, Ye Jielin can't appear again. One point."

After speaking, McGerry raised his head and sighed towards the sky: "I will contact Li Suman and ask again, please don't worry."

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