Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1873: Narcolepsy (part 2)

Sisia has studied in a formal school and knows how people's psychology will change due to the difference in environment and resource treatment. Only a few people can fully accept it and face the gap. And most people will breed negative mentality and emotions in the gap. For small tribes originally in an unknown area, growing on their own is just a luxury. Their way of survival relies on a certain luminous spot, waiting to be seen by the big tribe and powerful individuals, and incorporated into it.

The tribe where Sisia originally belonged was to grow a mushroom that can be used as a raw material for medicine as the main means of survival. It is a humble part under ordinary and popularization. Living and death will not have the slightest impact on anything. Moreover, at that time, there were fewer than five strangers in the entire tribe, and it was not a system, and could be regarded as a member of the ordinary world.

This situation changed when Sisiah was selected as a candidate to participate in the rituals nearly three years ago. When the world of the strangers was completely opened in front of the tribe, joy and madness instantly enveloped it. Sisia is of course honored as the first saint of the tribe.

All kinds of resources and technical knowledge from the flame tribe followed the arrival of Sisia. According to the person in charge of the flame tribe who connected with Sisia, these resources are just inconspicuous gravel, and most people are not interested except those low-level strangers who wander outside the tribes.

Later, when Sisia compared the resources that the Flame Tribe poured into her, she also personally verified this sentence.

The wrong link also started from then. Sisia did not put all the resources of the Flame Tribe into herself, except for the fact that she could not use them all, there were also reasons why these resources could be handled by her at full authority. It is divided into a small part and transferred to the tribe for use by those selected by the tribe.

Before the sacrificial ceremony did not begin, or three or four months after the ceremony ended, there was no problem with the form approved by Sisiah. But when the problem of poor sleep quality and the trouble of being unable to concentrate and starting to find her, there was indeed a discordant voice in this small tribe.

Three years ago, Sisia was just a student in a regular school, and every time he returned to the tribe on vacation, he helped grow and harvest mushrooms. She does not accept the momentary changes in life and the world well. Of course, the rest of the tribe accepted it well, but the negative energy after the gap has become huge.

Not good at handling these things. On the one hand, as a woman, Sisiah has weaknesses in her heart. On the other hand, as Fore said, she takes too much responsibility and pressure on her body. The resources of the tribe were reduced, indeed because of their own problems. Sisia always thinks so.

The old butler in the driver's seat saw that Sisia did not respond to his words. He did not need to look at Sisia's expression through the rearview mirror to know what he was thinking.

Secretly sighed, Fowl knew something could not be anxious, but he also understood that there was not much time left. Big tribes really don't care about resources, because they are huge. But the waste of resources is another situation, and many people don't want this to happen. Just taking up a place to go to the Natural Association League, Fore faintly felt the danger of approaching Sisia in the near future.

"Miss, narcolepsy has not been solved in the super country, but there are other gains, right?"

Sisia thought inwardly, thinking of the more than a year and a half of learning, a lot of training, very few actual combat tasks, as well as customized ability development and stranger stage upgrades. The existence of narcolepsy makes her very little time and the efficiency is not appreciable.

Without anything that could be obtained, Sisiah's face was numb: "With the accumulation of more resources, you can almost enter the third stage. Instability, the loss of strength and physical strength has always existed."

"It's good news." Fore put a smile on his face again. He thought this was exactly what Sisiah needed at the moment. The other things weren't important, and the strength was strong to ensure that there were other possibilities in the future.

Sisia yawned again at this time. I have only slept once, but it does not mean that I will be full of energy after waking up. Already used to this situation, Sisiah did not say anything about it. Looking at the high-speed road fence flowing outside the window, she closes her eyes and asks Faure to remind when she reaches the tribe.

After the pure white limousine car turned one turn after another, the maintenance of the road began to deteriorate with the distance. The phantom of the big city that was occasionally visible in the distance gradually disappeared behind him, and even if a large number of buildings appeared, the scale became much smaller.

Fore awakened Sisia at 6 o'clock in the afternoon. At this moment in winter, it was dim outside and the street lights had been on for more than half an hour.

"Old butler, how many places have changed during the time I went to the association?" This small and medium-sized city outside is unfamiliar to Sisia. When leaving for the Nature Association, hundreds of people in the tribe lived in a large city, so they didn't need to worry about life and money.

"Three times, finally come here." Fall answered honestly, cheerful and relaxed. He believes that even in this kind of place, most people in the tribe are not qualified to live, and they should go back to the foot of the mountain to grow those red umbrellas and white stems!

The ceremonial car drove forward into the city, but turned to the periphery, and finally stopped in front of a large-scale building. It's like a manor, with fences and grass, the buildings twisted and twisted, and they are connected together, so that thousands of people will not appear crowded. At this time, Sisia also understood what Fore had said not long ago—even if it was a quarter of the original, it was not what we could have imagined before.

Compared to the foot of the mountain, it is indeed much better here. But compared to before, it is also far worse.

Entering this building, Fuer honked his horn all the way, making harsh noises. There were not many people who came to greet the car until the car entered the garage. They are all familiar faces of Sisiah, and a smile is rarely seen on her face at this moment.

Fowl dragged his luggage, and Sisia was in front of him talking with his former friends, but there was not much to talk about. This sense of distance and separation is not the first time I have felt it. Before the sacrificial ceremony began, this feeling was even stronger.

Someone walked out from the side and was stopped by Faure when he approached Sisia: "Miss has just come back and needs a good rest."

"It's the order of the patriarch, not just Mr. Kos's people, everyone in the tribe is waiting for her in the hall." The words became colder at the end, "Four, please recognize that you are just a steward in the tribe, and I am fine. , Or other people, can let you leave here at any time. You are very old, you have to pay more attention to your health. It is indeed a stranger, but..." The man laughed at last.

"Kos is a member of the Thunder Wolf tribe, do you know what this means?"

"Of course knowing, it means far more than the current resources, as well as a more noble status." The man looked happy, "When do you think it is now? The Flame Tribe will still pay attention to our group of people! We have to consider it for the future. UU看书www .uuká"

Seeing that Fuer didn't reply, the man snorted and looked forward again. Less than a dozen people who had been talking to Sisia just now closed their mouths and stared at themselves together at this moment. It was said that it would be more appropriate to look at his side. The man was alert, and suddenly looked to his side, Sisia's serious face instantly occupied most of his vision. The sight made the man feel tingling, but he moved away in the next moment.

"Old butler, I have enough rest in the limo. Just put my luggage away." Sisia said, then turned around and looked ahead. It is easy to recognize that the place with the most lights should be the lobby of the man. , Took a step forward and walked over.

Sisiah, who turned around, let out a sigh, but she sighed in her heart. She didn't think that this situation would be ushered in.

Going along the corridor, the man followed behind her. I don't know what the situation will be in the hall, and Sisia is not willing to think about it. At this time, he yawned again, and Sisiah, who was accustomed to it, didn't care, but after a few steps, the lights and scenery appeared in the line of sight.

Quickly holding on to the wall on the side, Sisia shook her head. Before she had time to think, the darkness had struck and swallowed her completely.

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