Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1874: Who is Kos (Part 1)

The call came from the rear, and Faure, who had not walked far, rushed over and held him. But Sisiah had completely passed out, and Faul called out his name several times, but neither his face nor his eyes moved.

"I said that Miss needs a rest!" Faul took a deep breath and turned to the man. The people who came to greet him rushed to take Sisia from Faure.

"Take it back to the room to rest first." Fore told several people, and immediately took out a cigarette box-like metal box from the outer pocket on the suitcase, and gave it to one of them. To Dr. Thrall in the tribe, he knows what proportion it is."

After a few people left with Sisiah, Foul straightened his body on the spot, and the gentleness and gentleness on his face disappeared instantly: "I have lived for seventy-three years, and I follow the path of ordinary people. It is true. There is not much need to survive. Compared with you, you are still very young, and you may be exposed to a more exciting world in the future. So you should pay more attention to your health. After all, I have actually gone through these seventy-three years. It doesn’t matter if you live or die. But you..."

The man glanced at the people in the corner of the corridor, and his gaze fell on Fuer: "You don’t need to threaten me. Bound to Sisia."

"No lady, you are nothing!"

"That was before. Now who is nothing, do I need to say it clearly? You must know how to constantly examine your status and identity. In the past, she called her a saint, now... By the way, when you go to the airport , The Flame Tribe came again, and it became one-tenth of its original size. Just a wooden box was filled." The man used his hands to compare the size, showing an exaggerated expression, "Remember to tell us the respected saint, if we are still If there is any remaining, one will be reserved for her."

Without paying attention to Fall anymore, the man turned and walked towards the hall, the situation needs to be reported. A few steps later, the man turned his head, with a look of ecstasy on his face. He clenched his fist, tapped his head with his index finger knuckles, and made a metal sound like "Da Da": "There is a good news that I forgot to tell you. The Flame Tribe said it is for our respected saint-female-to go in a week. Going to the training place, I said that it will be the first evaluation after returning to the country. Remember, Old Butler, Fore, I wish you good luck, after all, the tribe depends on her."

"You remember what I said too!" Fore said, his emotions were suppressed in the bottom of his heart, and he never showed it. It wasn't until the man left that he was holding the clip-on pistol with his back behind him. It wasn't that he didn't have the courage to shoot, nor was he cherishing his own life. He knew that there was a gap between him and the man, and bullets could only break the air.

Go to the rest room prepared for Sisia, Dr. Thrall has already begun to deliver the diluted medicine.

"It's caused by overwork." Thrall packed up simple equipment. "It's probably because the young lady was on the way back, knowing that there would be these situations in her heart, which put a lot of pressure on herself, and then broke out at the moment."

"Just a good night's sleep." Thrall stopped outside the room. "Old Butler, Fore, please bear with me sometimes. Most of the people in the tribe sincerely thank the young lady, but it's because of the patriarch. Batch people,,,"

There must be no end to the words. Fore thanked Thrall, looked at Sisia's face completely in deep sleep, sighed and left the room, and the door closed gently behind him.

Staying in front of the door, the young man talked and laughed with a group of people more than an hour later. Fore saw the tribal chief and several familiar faces. And the people of Kos are among them.

Although he didn't want to, Fall still bent over to say hello. He was completely ignored, and he was not allowed to have any room for resistance and arguing. The next moment, a huge force was acting on him. After retreating and unable to keep up, Foer fell on the floor and rubbed a meter or two before completely stopping his body, and took several breaths before catching his breath.

It's just that a few people have entered the room, Foul immediately got up, and when he went to the door of the room, the few people were already standing in front of the bed.

The man took out a small flashlight and opened Sisia's eyelids to verify that she was truly unconscious.

"It's not like pretending, it's exactly the same as Thrall said. Excessive fatigue caused coma." Both eyes looked at it, and several people came to a unified result.

"Four, report as soon as I wake up." The tribe's patriarch is a middle-aged man with dark and shiny hair, like a steel needle through a rare metal. His face is very wide, with visible muscle lines, which matches the width of his approaching two adults.

They didn't ask why Foer didn't reply. This group of people didn't care much about it. They also knew Foer was on the side of Sisia. Several people passed in front of Fall, and one of the men in a black dress stopped in front of him and looked carefully.

"It has been more than a year and a half since the end of the sacrificial ceremony. The latest survival rate of the group of people who entered as low-level strangers so far... I think about it, it seems that it is less than 100% It's fifteen." The man spoke decently, but the content was not so happy. In other words, he did it on purpose.

Seeing the back of the group of people leaving, Faul wanted to pull out the pistol and shot the bullet in an instant, so that each of them had a hole in their head. However, he also understood that the result of his doing this was that his neck would be twisted off before his fingers had pressed the trigger. For their fighting intensity at that level, Fuer knew he couldn't understand or understand.

Glancing at Sisiah in the room, Fore could only close the door and squatted down by the door, a little bit lost. Only then did I think of pulling a corner of my clothes, the upper left waist was red, and a few finger prints were clearly visible. He didn't even know who slapped himself just now.

Dr. Thrall came soon afterwards, foresees what would happen, and brought some medicine.

"Miss will go back to the training ground of the Flame Tribe soon, the old housekeeper, you'd better follow it, don't come back." After giving Fowl some medicine to help treat the redness and swelling, Thrall said.

"I didn't kill me, is it because the young lady still has a little connection with the flame tribe?"

Thrall nodded: "They expect that this connection will disappear in a week or two. By that time, the old butler of Fore, the young lady may be just an additional test item for the ceremony at that time."

"Even so, that's..." Fuer himself couldn't answer. More than a year and a half ago, since information about the sacrificial ceremony was suddenly leaked by some people on the information network of the Flame Alliance, to the end Several large tribes joined forces to proactively announce information. After that, many people have had multiple interpretations of this, and Fall also knows some.

"I just stay here," Faure said at last, sighing.

The night in winter is very quiet, and this temperature is not unbearable for Fowl, who is a stranger, for a long time. It was like this all night, Fowl thought alone by the door, thinking a lot. He knows where high-explosive gunpowder is sold in this city. As long as the quantity is sufficient, it is not impossible to blow up most of the building where he is located. He also knew where mercenaries were active, but he couldn't afford it. He has thought of many ways and investigated a lot of information, but many things are only known to him as an ordinary stranger.

I spent the whole night in these thoughts, and when the lights in the corridor became darker in my eyes, the sky was already pale. When he noticed the span of time, he heard a voice calling himself.

"Steward Fowl." Coming from the room on the side, Fowl immediately felt energetic. When he opened the door, he saw Sisia wearing a long dress and pajamas, with hair scattered behind his head, sitting on the bed with closed eyes and bowed head. The tube used to transport the medicine has been unplugged.

"Miss, it's a little more than eight o'clock in the morning, and you can rest again..."

Sisiah next to the bed looked up at this moment, and in his opened eyes, a pair of faintly beating bright red cross pupils forcibly stopped Fore's steps and his soft caring words.

Fore lowered his head, and his heart jumped up. This was the effect of the most intuitive fear.

"Housekeeper Fore, apart from the tribe, where there are high-level communicators that can be used immediately." The voice was indeed that of Sisia, but Fore heard a different taste. It's not a weak tone, it's like a command-like questioning!

"There are in the tribe, miss, you can use it immediately." After taking a deep breath, Fore reminded.

"Too dangerous."

Fulton took a moment. Even though Sisiah's voice was weak, and his timbre and tone remained unchanged from the original, he just felt a tremendous sense of peacekeeping from his instinct.

"In addition to the other tribes in this city, all I know about UU reading www.uukā is the Cherry Wood Hotel in the center of the city, except for a few merchants."

"Prepare the car and set off in five minutes." Sisia closed her eyes, as if processing the sight information would be a great consumption to her, "By the way, it should be a fee. Remember to bring some money. "

"I see, miss." Fore exhaled, then looked up. Sisiah was still Sisiah in his eyes, and he couldn't think of where this sense of violation was. However, there was joy in his heart, because he thought that after waking up, Sisia chose the path he thought should be the most.

Foer turned around, but stopped immediately: "Miss, there is the patriarch..."

"Don't worry about them, just wait for me in the garage."

The sound of footsteps disappeared, and Sisia opened his eyes and began to gasp. The cross pupil that was beating just now only had one eye, and it was still dissipating. She stood up at this moment, found the thick clothes in the suitcase and put it on, repeating a series of numbers to herself. But feeling she couldn't remember, she immediately took out a pen, took a random book, opened it and wrote it down.

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