Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1875: Who is Kos (Part 2)

After reading it for sure, Sisia tore off the page, folded it and put it in the pocket of his clothes, took the dagger and the small clip-on pistol on the bedside cabinet, and then stood in front of the wardrobe mirror. , While breathing deeply, moving your arms, stretching, or making a fist to feel the basic strength.

It was almost three minutes before Sisia blinked at the mirror several times until the cross pupil in the remaining eye completely disappeared. After exiting the door of the room, Sisia took his steps, very light, probably related to his weight, and there was only a slight "chicking" sound when she stepped on the floor. From time to time, he shakes his head mechanically, observing left and right.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the sky had just begun to light up, and the lights in the corridor had not gone out. This large building complex also seemed deserted and not lively when it was packed with hundreds of people. After walking along the corridor for nearly two hundred meters, Sisiah met two people. They were the people of the tribe who got up early and cleaned the whole place.

Sisia nodded at the two, and made a silent gesture. The two were puzzled at first, but immediately reacted, and after nodding and greeting, they passed by without seeing anything. Several groups of people encountered within these hundreds of meters from the garage ended up in this situation.

Sisia felt somewhat relieved and happy about this, but the backlog in her heart quickly covered this emotion completely.

"What should I do if I catch up?" Sisia paused at the garage to hear the "doggy" sound of the ceremonial car warming up, and said something to herself. The expression on her face is changing, and finally fixed in a painful color with no choice. "They will not do anything excessive without going to the training ground. They can wait for a few more days."

The body froze for a few seconds in front of the garage door, and it seemed that Sisia, who had been thinking about it for a long time, entered the garage. Half a minute later, the pure white ceremonial car drove out from the door gently, in the opposite form of honking the horn last night, quietly and elegantly drove out of the defenseless gate of this building, and went to the road. Head towards the Cherrywood Hotel in the center of the city.

After leaving the tribe resident, Faure kept moving his throat, but he didn't say a word. After the horns of other ceremonial cars were heard around, he heard a noise from the back seat. In the rearview mirror, Sisia rolled up all the clothes on her left arm, revealing a slender arm. The skin is very fair, as if transparent, and even faintly visible blue blood vessels.

"Miss?" Forr felt flustered inexplicably, and hurriedly questioned. Wake up early in the morning, Sisia is not very normal.

"Old Butler, Foul, I have nothing to do, so concentrate on driving." Sisia said, lowering his straight arm, "Old Butler, I want to ask about something."

Seeing Fuer's answer, Sisia continued: "What is the name of this city, and which region of the alliance is it?"

Fore didn't understand what Sisia wanted to do, but he answered honestly. He is indeed very worried about the state of Sisia, and also worried about various things within the tribe. However, he also understood that Sisia must be smarter than himself. He had gone to a formal school and had returned from training in a superpower. I have some information about the League of Natural Associations. Thinking of this, Fore thinks that Sisia finally understands certain links in his head and will immediately start the current action, but he doesn't understand the reason.

After getting the answer, Sisia asked again about the situation of the tribe and information about Kos. In this regard, Fall was obviously excited a lot, and there was no lack of reminders and worries in his words.

It's just that Sisiah who got the answer is still the same face, with doubts, and the light in her eyes from time to time indicates that her spirit is going elsewhere for a lot of time, and she is not concentrated.

After two questions, the limousine became quiet. At this moment, Sisiah straightened the rolled left arm again. Fore caught the movement and looked in the rearview mirror, but saw that the white skin of that arm was completely red, almost all blood vessels swelled out, and he was under excessive pressure. But like a pipe that is beginning to deform, it will burst open at any time.

Something was squirming under the red skin. Before the blood vessels burst open first, amid the sound of tearing the cloth, there were several openings in the skin of the arm, revealing bright red muscles. A small amount of blood flowed out of these wounds, Foul exclaimed, when he was about to step on the brake subconsciously, Sisia had already spoken, so he didn't have to worry.

Foer personally watched the swelling blood vessels gradually dissipate, and the torn cracks got together under the kneading of Sisia's right hand, quickly stopping the bleeding. The skin color faded, but the parts stained red by the blood remained the same.

Turning the corner of the clothes over and rubbing it, the blood clotted quickly at the sticking wound, but it had a stitch-like effect. Sisia's throat moved slightly, but there was no sound. She was already leaning on the back seat, and finally sighed, as if she felt regretful. She didn't speak until the limousine arrived at the Cherrywood Hotel in the corner of the city center more than an hour later.

Fore followed Sisia to the counter, waited for a while to get the right to use, and was led into a separate room next to the hall.

Sisia asked Fore to wait outside, closed the door, and wanted to open the communication machine directly. After sitting down, he stood up and checked the room. Then he went back and sat down on the boxy high-end communication machine. side. Touching out the pages of the book with a string of numbers, she carefully and carefully adjusted the composite radio frequency.

During this period, bright red cross pupils appeared again in one of his glasses, which appeared flickering and flickering, which was extremely unstable.

"I won't say unnecessary things." When the communication was connected, Sisia said to herself with a megaphone. The waiting time was a little longer, and after more than two minutes, the electronic noise suddenly disappeared, and there was breathing from there.

"Hello sir, a stranger pays to hire me. After the contact is connected, I will ask you whether to continue the cooperation." The voice is a standard female voice, just like the receptionist at the counter just now.

I was thinking over there and I could hear footsteps: "Can I ask a few questions here?"

"I was not told to answer your question, sir." After a short pause, Sisia replied, "Dear Sir, you better not talk too much."

"Continue!" The other end of the communication opened immediately.

Sisiah continued, as if following the process, "Venast Region, Morgan City, a member of the Thunderwolf Clan, Kos Remory, and the tribe led by the Mandeville family. Relevant members. There are about 300 people who need to be cleaned up. Please come as soon as possible. The region may be inaccurate. Please investigate and act on your own. Also, bring each of the thousands of common basic medicines, UU Read www. The types of include,,,,"

After finishing the name of the medicine, Sisia clearly paused. After a few silent breaths, she continued her words: "Everything must leave no traces. The employer asked me to tell him, and I look forward to seeing you later."

"Also tell your employer for me, looking forward to meeting with him later, I will do these things immediately." The communication was interrupted, and when the electronic noise came, Sisiah immediately took a few deep breaths, beating in that eye. The cross pupils also disappeared.

At the same time, in another area, Corqueva sat on a soft chair with a communicator in his hand, quietly staring at the plate with fruit on the table, his face full of seriousness and thinking.

"The special composite radio frequency, I remember the corresponding is..." Corqueva was silent for a little while, "But who is Kos? I don't remember that Thunder Wolf tribe has such a person worthy of his attention."

"My lord, shouldn't we be puzzled about why there is such a connection? Some news has been blocked by many people, but we all know what happened more than two years ago." Monica was even more surprised, she Think that Corqueva’s focus is completely wrong, "Is the opponent's trap?"

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