Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1876: Analysis and small scenes (part one)

Corqueva put down the communicator and shook his head: "No. Many composite radio frequencies are directly connected to me, but for the sake of distinction, when the numbers representing the frequencies are spoken, they are almost one-to-one, and only The person who is fancy to me."

"Has the ability to read other people's memories? No. Or, do you think he will be a person who will speak when subjected to cruel interrogation? That would be too small for his willpower. So the same as the other woman in the communication said, It is true that he hired this person to contact us. As for why this is the case, rather than not personally contacting us, this has something to do with what you like."

Monica showed a thoughtful look, and then went to the cupboard in the room and said her own opinion: "I still don't understand." When she returned to Corqueva, she had an extra atlas in her hand. It is more than ten centimeters thick. Unfolding it, Monica looks for the "Venast Region" and "Morgan City" mentioned in the newsletter.

Corqueva watched Monica flipping through the map, and explained: "Because two years ago, when what was called a'disaster' by all the information networks of the Holy Royal Hall and even the St. Dorag Empire, you were I am busy with the plan I have arranged, and I am in the middle of the sacrificial ceremony. We know the information of the "disaster" together, and when we sort out some of the processes and details, it has been more than half a year after the occurrence of the "disaster", to be exact. Eight months later. No one knows how many things can be changed during this period of time."

"The Alliance itself is involved. The high-levels are in line with the Sandora's empire. Did they block, delete, and tamper with certain content?" Monica paused while reading the map.

"I think so." Corqueva nodded. "Explain from a subjective point of view that the purpose of the'disaster' more than two years ago was to kill Mr. Cassia, but I don't think this is the case. So you ask me Why don't you wonder if there is such a connection, the reason is that."

"Didn't we investigate Mr. Cassia before?" Corqueva asked back.

"Is the assessment of the knight attendants of the Saint Dorag Empire? There seems to be a precedent. It's just that the assessment is compared with the'catastrophe'..." Monica smiled reluctantly, "The strength and the participating members are totally different. Grade it."

"You threw Mr. Cassia two years ago into the knight assessment four years ago. As long as he is willing to give him enough time, I can be sure that he can kill all the people who participated in the assessment and leave none of them. . It’s easy. You have to consider that the reason why so many high-level surgeons participate is not all to protect Mr. Cassia. There are also reasons why the three-stage members have no restrictions on him. "

"Even so, is it too dangerous?" Monica asked from the side, "At that time, too many forces and high-level members were involved. I was afraid that this would be the starting point of another huge vortex."

Corqueva sighed, looking like a headache. He looked at Monica: "I am not worried about danger, but because of extremely strong curiosity. And you have to understand that some things will be dangerous vortexes, completely because of the time relationship at that time. When leaving that time period, some things will be completely Change your attributes."

"The purpose of the joint team formed by the Holy Tenra Empire and the Far Sea Common Country, the Natural Association Alliance and the Flame Alliance, and the Santorage Empire itself, is unknown, but everyone can be sure that this goal has been achieved. And this goal was achieved entirely because of the time period. It was the time at that time that gave them the determination to unite and carry out large-scale operations in the dark forest. If you change to the present, you will never have such an opportunity. Think. After thinking about the'disaster', the huge gully that emerged from the headquarters of the Holy Royal Hall of the St. Dorag Empire, and the cleanup of some personnel as we know it."

"That is the location of the headquarters of the Holy Royal Hall. There are two Holy Fathers who have clearly died. At the beginning, all the participants wore masks with interference effects, but in the end some of them were eliminated. This is to calm the anger, and it can be said that'disaster' 'What happened afterwards may have been planned from the beginning. Because there is still no power or country in the post-phase continent that can withstand the anger of the knight king class. Of course, it is not impossible to regard these as the original determination to unite the team. . They cannot fail to anticipate how serious the trouble will be after the goal is achieved."

Monica stopped, and a map was pulled out by her and placed in front of Corkva.

"I still think it's dangerous." Monica said, serious and serious.

"There has never been anything that is not dangerous." Corqueva took the map and read it again. "To sum up, Mr. Cassia at the moment is not important. But this is for the group of people standing at the top. .about us,,,"

Corqueva smiled and returned the map to Monica: "You know that the first fleet of the Natural Association Alliance has entered the alliance yesterday and docked smoothly. This batch is 60,000 people, and it is just a selection. The members of the institutions and a group of students on the level that came out did not include the regular army and the various second-class creatures they brought."

"Which group of people were those eight months ago?" Monica nodded and asked, "The advance team?"

"You can look at it this way. This group of advance teams has been helping the alliance forces on the side of the Saint-Dorrag Empire to do various things, acting as shadows under the black. However, the intelligence three days ago said that they were caught. The tail has been cleared a lot in the frontiers of the Saint Dorag Empire and several small countries."

"My lord, do you want to get involved?"

"Of course it's impossible." Corqueva immediately shook his head. "I expect that in a few days, the major tribes in the alliance should cooperate with the newly arrived members to rush to support. The Common Country of Far Seas, the Holy Ten Luo Kingdom People will go and see if they decide. That's a dangerous vortex, which is much more dangerous than what we are currently in contact with."

"Danger is not distinguished in this way, my lord." Monica read Corqueva's thoughts.

Corqueva stopped talking for a while, and after a short silence, he looked at Monica: "The Venastrian region is at the junction of the Thunder Wolf Tribe and the Flame Tribe. UU Reading is not prosperous. Morgan is just a small town, a very inconspicuous one. Although I don’t know who Kos is, it can be seen that he is also a member of the Thunder Wolf tribe, and he is also the person designated by Mr. Kassia. There is no reason not to go. Treat it with full preparation."

"The information found in the investigation cannot be completely believed, otherwise Mr. Cassia will solve it by himself, and there is no reason to contact me specifically."

Seeing that Corqueva did not intend to follow her advice, Monica did not mention the topic just now: "The third and sixth captains are currently the closest to the Venast area, and there are close to 30 people around each. The team can mobilize them immediately. The third team can arrive in the early morning of tomorrow, and the sixth team will rush to support in the early morning. As for the materials mentioned in the communication..."

"Buy it from the black market and let the captains send someone to do these things. If you send them together from us, it will take nearly a week to arrive using the airship."

"I see, my lord."

"Leave no traces, Mr. Cassia said." Corqueva reminded at last, "Mr. Cassia not only has many ways to deal with the monsters after receiving the sacrifice ceremony, but also very good at it."

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