Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1877: Analysis and small scenes (middle)

"Then you are still a long way from your lord?" Monica sighed.

"Perhaps there will never be a conflict, or maybe there will be tomorrow. It depends on their mood, not our own plan." Corqueva waved his hand and signaled Monica to complete the current matter first. "I just need to worry about these annoying things."

The order went to the hands of the two teams in a few minutes, and Monica specially arranged the itinerary for them. Corcovado's words were also fully conveyed, and the next step was to investigate who "Kos" was. Monica is also very curious about him. Although she was not actually in contact with Cassia, she still left a deep impression. She was able to enter the corresponding circle. Subconsciously, both she and Korkova believed that they were talents at a certain level.


"Miss, are you going straight back?" Standing by the side of the car, Fore looked at Sisiah who was standing still, his eyes mostly resting on the left arm with several wounds in order to confirm the healing. This state lasted for nearly two minutes, and Fuer finally couldn't help but ask.

Sisia seemed to be thinking, as if he was making choices in his head. She heard Fowl's words, nodded and took out a handful of coins from her pockets: "Fall old housekeeper, plus the money you brought here, should it be enough to buy a handy weapon?"

"Miss?" Fore was very puzzled, but still roughly calculated it, and gave a result of "less than one hundred thousand".

"I'm fine, really don't worry. Get in the car first and go to the weapon dealer you are familiar with." Sisiya pulled the car door and sat in the back seat.

After a brief preheating process, the limousine leaves from the parking lot of the Cherrywood Hotel. Today is still a cloudy day in winter, and the insufficient light falling makes the surrounding buildings seem to be covered with a gray film. The city is not lively and lifeless.

"Miss, after returning to the tribe..." On the way, Fore reminded what hadn't been done last night.

"I went to the hotel because of this matter. After a few days, everything can be solved." Sisia replied, letting Fall not be too worried, "Go to the association to study, and there are still results." Sisia found A very suitable reason.

Foer believed it, but he didn't think much about it, and there were reasons why he didn't understand it. What he knows is really limited, and only on the surface of many things.

"At the Nature Association, they developed several ability developments for me based on their affinity for the second-class organisms. Although many of them were not successfully developed by the time I left, it is still feasible to use them slightly."

"The morning state is one of them, too? Miss. But it makes you feel a huge sense of disobedience, as if you have changed a person." Fore sighed, "But miss you, just think about it. You left this place. A lot of things have happened over a period of time. The tribe is no longer the same tribe that it used to be. Although the Strange Ones has allowed us to gain a lot, it also breeds the ambition of the group of patriarchs. In fact, as early as more than a year ago, it was Miss you leaving Months later, the patriarch sold all the properties awarded by the Flame Tribe."

"They said that the resources provided to the tribe were completely insufficient because of you, and they needed more. But in the end these things only went to the group of the patriarch, and the others remained the same."

"Miss, many people in the tribe hope that after you go to the training ground of the Flame Alliance this time, no matter whether you pass it or not, you will never come back to this tribe. That group of people no longer respect you as a saint. The members of the wolf tribe contacted, hoping to become their vassals in order to obtain more resources and meet their own needs. And as an exchange bargaining chip, it is likely to be..."

Fore's words did not continue.

"I know, Old Butler, Faure." Sisia said softly, comforting the emotional Faure, "that's why you let you take me to the Cherrywood Hotel. It will be over soon, probably. Just wait. That's it. Everything can be resolved before going to the training ground to participate in the evaluation."

"Right?" The last word did not come out of Sisiah's throat, but only in her heart. She can determine what the current situation is, but whether it can be resolved, she is not sure. This is just an attempt, and it is also one of the few choices Sisia can make.

The limousine went from the center of the city to the periphery. After the buildings were completely transformed into low-rise houses, Faure turned many bends on the potholes and finally stopped in front of a restaurant. The owner of the restaurant was almost as old as Fowler, with a cane, and after handing over the secret words, he tremblingly led the two through the kitchen to a small room in the back.

There were already a few people inside, who seemed to be the old man's son-a middle-aged man was smiling and introducing the few weapons in the room. Rapid-fire machine guns are already the most expensive thing here, and most of them are pistols of different styles. Judging from the appearance, the manufacturing is also rough-they are all made in small workshops.

Sisia and Fall waited here for a while. After those people left, the middle-aged man greeted them and took them to the inside. The weapons there are more neatly arranged, and the quality of workmanship can be regarded as the level of the weapons manufacturers' own factories.

When leaving here, Sisia had two more clip-on pistols in his hand, as well as multiple ammunition, and a white ring with a copper base.

"The old butler of Fore, the tribal chief and the others, are the sources of weapons from these small vendors around?" Sisiah held a purchased bullet in the back seat and observed it carefully while asking. After getting the affirmative answer, she nodded, and then she stopped talking until she went back to the It was something that both of them had expected someone to wait at the door. After all, it was close to ten in the morning when she returned to the tribe. Temporarily. Five people came to surround the car, and Sisia hid the two magazine pistols separately in the car in advance.

Let Fuer go to the garage to park by herself, Sisia followed the five people to the lobby, and the people who went to her rest room last night were already there waiting for her.

"Ten of the fifteen people are in the third stage, but the breath is not very complete. The remaining five people are almost equal to you, and you don't have the strength to fight against it." At this moment, in Sisia's head, from this morning The strange voice that existed after waking up again sounded. Compared with the morning, the voice seemed weaker and intermittent, but there was a heavy sense of weight. Every word struck the spirit of Sisia, "Remember, don't accept it all, and show moderate dissatisfaction and resistance to delay. More time. I don't know how long this matter can be resolved."

"I will go to sleep again, maybe I will wake up tomorrow, or it may take a few days. Then proceed as I said, don’t make mistakes, don’t do unnecessary things. As for what you want to know, when the situation is stable, I will Answer them one by one. Because up to now, I don’t know the reason for the whole thing. But it needs to be hidden, otherwise the danger attracted can easily wipe you out..."

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