Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1878: Analysis and small scenes (part 2)

The heavy voice turned into a whisper in his head, soft and faint, and completely disappeared.

Many intangible things returned to Sisiah's body. At this moment, she felt that her whole head became lighter, and the spirit that had been tired from yesterday to this moment was also restored a little bit. It's like injecting a stimulant to get a state of excitement for a while.

There is no more time to think about the reasons for this situation, Sisia's face shows firmness, but the state of fatigue and weakness is still kept on her face. Squinting her eyes slightly, she looked straight ahead, and the tribal chief of the tribe, like a giant bear, was sitting in the middle of the hall. Next to him, on one side is his eldest son, his figure is slightly normal, and the skin on the senses is better than that of women. On the other side, there was a man in a black formal dress, with a small smile on his face, looking at Sisia with interest.

Feeling more than a dozen eyes converging on her, Sisia told herself not to be afraid or nervous. In the training ground of the Flame Tribe, she has seen many people with the same pressure. If the Natural Association Alliance is added, there will be too many oppressive forces far exceeding them.

"Patriarch Mandeville, may I ask..." Sisia recalled the words that sounded in his head during the return journey from the Cherrywood Hotel, before speaking. She doesn't know what will be waiting for her, but there is only one thing that can be determined-that is, all the plans for her, the starting point will be after going to the training ground of the flame tribe. In the past few days in the tribe, what she has to do is not to be hurt as much as possible, to wait quietly for something to happen, and finally to determine the result.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, in the rest room, Sisia had eaten food and returned here. Someone had come in advance, and the luggage and bed showed signs of being rummaged. The remaining tactical knife and the remaining magazine-style pistol bullets were all taken away, but everything else was there.

It was originally a moment of the day that needed a short rest, but Sisiah had no idea of ​​going to sleep at all. The so-called meeting is actually not that long, and it will end at about twelve o'clock. It was just the matter that was discussed that made Sisia feel very uncomfortable.

I finally understood what the old butler of Fore was worried about, but Fore did not guess what kind of unreasonable demands and sacrifices would be.

Sisia took out the luggage and clothing that had been rummaged and put them in the cupboard again. Then she went to the mirror in the room and looked at herself in the mirror carefully—a face that she thought was good. Because of the relationship of the stranger, the skin was white and smooth for almost a few more decades. The hair hangs down over the shoulders, pure black, and each bundle looks soft and beautiful. At this time, it does have a texture of handicrafts.

After stepping back a few steps, Sisiah let her whole body appear in the mirror: "Is this kind of look very attractive in the eyes of other people?" The pajamas were covered with a dress that was not too thick, with skirt corners. There is even dry blood. Sisia opened her hands and stood sideways instead.

In the past, she didn't have time to dress herself up, which caused her to never notice the problem of her own image. Later, he was selected as a member of the sacrificial ceremony and went to the Flame Tribe to accept the preparations before the ceremony. Among them, there are many female members who are similar to herself, and the preparations are complicated, so she has no time to spend on herself.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Sisiah looked at herself so seriously and fairly for the first time from the perspective of a third person. A close-to-perfect figure is indeed a face that a small group of talents will have. At this time, the hem of the long skirt and the pajamas were pulled up together, and the slender and white legs that were exposed were indeed full of allure, and Sisia herself took a few more glances.

At this time, Sisiah noticed that apart from the dual identities of the stranger and the participants in the sacrificial ritual, it seemed that most people were looking forward to and wanting to possess a woman. Because of the fatigue of the mind and body, the weakness of temperament seems to be...

"Arouse others' desire for protection?" Sisiah took a deep breath. She wanted to let the softness that entangled herself disappear, but the ups and downs of her chest made her realize another advantage of her. She shook her head, because it couldn't be this way. Overgrowth in some places is not a good thing, especially for the female members of the Strange who need to fight. On the training ground, an instructor told them bluntly that this part of the place needs artificial restrictions.

Sitting back on the bed, Sisia lay down, body relaxed, thinking about why the tribe became what it is now.

"Because I have never had it before, once I get it, I don’t want to let it go anymore? Or the superiority brought by their status has penetrated deep into their hearts, and the power has spawned ambitions that do not belong to them, and they have been forced to push a lot. People move forward and can't turn their heads?"

Sisia didn't understand, her attention to the tribe was really limited. Whenever the resources that belong to her are distributed, part of it is sent back as one of the things she keeps all year round. She did not carefully understand other things.

But this time, for the sake of more resources and benefits, I used myself as a trade item, which was similarly sold to a manager in a medium-sized tribe.

Sisia didn't know how to evaluate this approach, but she thanked it for making her sober.

"However, things are not as expected. Kos of Thunder Wolf tribe seems to be just an intermediary-with his own status and status, he has established a relatively strong network to engage in such impermissible transactions. In the transaction, only the merchants who were promoted were selected. The real buyers have not yet appeared, and they have not disclosed the relevant information. Will this have a bad effect?" Sisia is not clear, UU reading, she closed her eyes , The complex information is intertwined in the head. After that, the slowly rising tiredness made her fall into a deep sleep.

It was nearly two hours after waking up, and the rest time was much longer than usual this time. Sisia noticed a different situation from before. After this rest, the spirit was relatively full and the fatigue of the body was also relieved very well.

"Is it because the things in my head have awakened from a deep sleep? I used to become tired because it needs to continuously draw strength from my body and spirit to wake up?" After thinking about it, all questions will be answered one by one. , Sisia did not think much about it. She took paper and pen, followed the planning process of the voice in her brain in the morning, and wrote a letter that needs to be given to others.

Sisia knows that her current situation is consistent with those words. She has no strength, no status, no strong friends and allies, and can only become something that others can sacrifice and sell at will, and it is impossible to resist.

At around 7 pm, the old butler of Fore found Sisia and brought an official notice issued by the Flame Tribe to go to the training ground for an assessment after returning home. Looking at the dragon-shaped sign with the wings spread out above, Sisia recalled the moment when he entered the training ground.

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