Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1879: Evaporation, evaluation and buyers (part 1)

At that time, he didn't understand anything, Sisia only remembered that he was selected by people all over the league, and like many others, was taken to the training ground. After that, a series of agreements were signed. A small number of people did not write down their names, but Sisia never saw them again.

A few weeks after going to the training, it was the tribal chief who rushed over. The patriarch at that time smiled when he saw Sisia. Although it is the same now, the nature of the smile is different.

The concept of the Strange was also opened in front of Sisia at that time. I started to learn a lot of things that I had never heard or understood, and learned a lot of things that I had never seen before. When Sisia thought this was just another special learning mode, guns entered her life.

Sisia believes that the moment he sees the standard pistol is the starting point for a radical change in the trajectory of life. What surprised her was that she didn't even resist, and didn't think she could not live in such an environment. Later, the instructor told them that these people were selected to participate in the sacrificial ritual—each of them had a similar trait and had a much stronger affinity than most.

Later, based on the newly learned knowledge, Sisia self-identified this affinity as a strong environmental adaptability, able to find a foothold in various situations very quickly without being nervous and blind. In the subsequent training, she also confirmed her own judgment.

After receiving the formal notice, Sisia asked the old butler of Fall to go back to rest.

"Old housekeeper, I would like to trouble you to inform everyone that there has been nothing special recently, either in the evening or during the day. It is good to stay quietly in the house and rest. It is also good to read a book. Don't walk outside. I met,, , Um,, strange noise, don't check it rashly, it is probably such a notice." Sisiah said intermittently after thinking about it, not forgetting to let Fore feel at ease, "don't worry, everything will be fine."

Seeing Faure's figure disappear under the lights of the corridor, Sisia then examined her emotional journey from going to the Nature Society and then returning to China to this moment. It is indeed matched with its own strong adaptability. Although there are fluctuations, there are no peaks and valleys, and it has always been flat with the standard line.

Lying on the bed, Sisia couldn't help but think of the scene during the sacrificial ceremony.

"Other people just saw the darkness and endured it alone for several months?" I wanted to share the various rituals with others. However, this kind of thing is not only strictly forbidden by the Flame Tribe, in the entire Flame Alliance, the high priest also specially reminded it in front of all the surviving ceremony participants after the ceremony.

But Sisia knows that the ban is a ban, and as long as it is not known to more people, it is an order that does not exist. At the beginning of the training ground, the small groups that formed were shared with each other.

Sisia is not included in all groups. There are no friends, no so-called allies and groups, and even when many people are invited by other members or groups, this kind of thing has never included Sisia.

Fortunately, Sisiah's strong adaptability to the environment was determined afterwards, and for people like her, she was not the only one alone. After that, Sisiah felt better in her heart. The tribe, which is born out of gravel, does not arouse anyone's interest. Furthermore, Sisia, who has not shown extraordinary talents and characteristics, is the most common member of the participants of the sacrificial ceremony, and thinks that he is just a foil for others.

"Is the voice in my head what I got during the sacrificial ceremony?" After the ceremony, Sisia always believed that the stronger affinity was what he got from the darkness, where and when.

An abstract and intangible thing. When more people discovered that Sisia was not afraid of almost all Type II creatures at the same stage, or even creatures beyond the stage of the Strange One itself, in the short few months, The status of Sisia has indeed been promoted to several levels.

In subsequent experiments, this ability is not only manifested in affinity, but also in command and control. Even those second-class creatures that already have masters, if they are not strong enough, can't resist Sisia's orders at all.

At that time, Sisia had become the king of the second-class creatures in human form, with a trend of more than fifty second-class creatures of different types at one time.

The final stage of the experiment is a young dragon several meters in length. Sisia showed the strong traits and talents that appeared on her after the ceremony, and the young dragon can also be controlled by her!

Only over time, when the characteristics of narcolepsy gradually appeared and strengthened, this affinity also faded. Going to the Nature Association to receive study and treatment is the last expectation of the Flame Tribe for Sisia's natural ability, which can only be regarded as potential.

"But what is the principle of this kind of sound? Why can it give a string of radio frequencies and accurately know the name of the other end?" What I don't understand, but what makes Sisia feel strange is that she has no resistance to it. Psychologically, I feel taken for granted. Even thinking at this moment, what I think is only the principle of the matter, not from the perspective of suspicion.

The voice has an incomprehensible meaning, like another self speaking to himself, like a different individual who is independent of himself. At the lowest level of thinking, Sisia has already determined that this voice will not hurt herself, so she never worry about the authenticity of this voice, but considers acting in accordance with the instructions of this voice, whether it can be successful, whether it will bring bad Impact.

"Second personality... will you call it this way from now on?" Sisia thought when she turned off the light and adjusted to the darkness. The night under the winter day was bleak, and there was no light at all. From the corner of her eyes to the window, she could only vaguely recognize the outline of the window frame.

Tired quickly went to Sisia. She needs more time to rest and more material supplements.

At 11 o'clock in the evening, the fringe area of ​​Morgan City has lost most of its lights, and only the center remains lively on the surface. At the door of this building of the Mandeville tribe, the fifteen people who appeared together in the hall in the morning drove back at this moment.

A few nice limo cars went to the garage slowly, making no extra noise as much as possible. And for the quietness of the tribal buildings, which is different from the past, it makes them feel comfortable, which is exactly what they need at the moment.

When he came out of the garage, the patriarch himself carried a silver-white alloy box nearly one metre long with a smile on his face. He walked in front side by side with the people from Kos's side, talking in a low voice. Behind the two of them, a dozen people walked out of the garage one after another, each holding several large overlapping boxes, walking forward slowly.

"Mr. Walls, thank you very much for the time. Before you leave, I have carefully prepared a gift for you, and please accept it." After placing close to thirty boxes, the tribal chief said Vals, the visitor from Kos, thanked him.

"This is what I should do, Mr. Muirfa. This is only one-third of the reward for the transaction. Please keep this happy until the transaction is over." Vals squinted his eyes and spoke naturally, expressing his gratitude.

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