Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1885: Training ground (on)

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The snow and clouds lay across the sky for several days, and the snow really floated in the afternoon. There are ice grains several times the size of salt particles mixed in, and they fall on the skin and itchy and itchy.

Outside the window, you can see a street lined with evergreen trees like guards. When a few snowflakes fell, some people took to the street, picking up snowflakes and playing like children. The snow has become bigger at this moment, and pedestrians of all colors on the street have also gone to the top. There is a sound of people, a very lively scene.

"Here is on the edge of the range affected by the central ocean current belt. In winter, it is the first choice for many people to refuge from the cold. If you want a snowfall, it may be a luxury." In the room, several people sat around the floor-to-ceiling fireplace. The people all looked out the window and chatted.

"In the next few years, there will be more similar phenomena. More than a month ago, the area near the endless sea encountered a cold current that has not been seen in decades of history, and the temperature is comparable to the tops of the snow-capped mountains. It is still the steam of the Union Industrial Institute. The tower has withstood the test before it caused serious losses."

"After all, it's not far away. These days, the Nature Association and the religious state are acting. Naturally, the actions of the Alliance and the Far Sea Common Nation need not be said. If you don't follow up with the latest news, it feels like you have been left behind for a few months. The recent situation Changes quickly."

"It is true that very soon, especially after the people of the Nature Association came to the alliance, many balances were also broken along with it. And soon there will be two nodes coming. One is the border of the Saint Dorag Empire and several small countries. The conflict has escalated, and the Alliance will send some people over. There may be a source of business there, and you can prepare for it."

"Secondly, a group of top members of the nature association will arrive in the league in a few months. I wonder if you are ready for the impact?" A man said at this moment, seeing that others had little interest, and changed the subject." On the other hand, let’s talk about ourselves. As far as I know, not only the area under my jurisdiction, together with you, it seems that transactions have not been quiet recently. Each has its own different things happening, and many people have been removed."

The man only spoke, and the remaining seven people in the room looked over, with different meanings in their eyes.

But the man didn’t care, and continued: “Everyone has the same identity, so it’s not necessary. I mean, do you need to be quieter recently? Why are the members of the trafficking network cleared out? The reason, isn’t it all because the target person did not go through a detailed pre-investigation, and did not go through a complete evaluation in accordance with the process?”

"The adults handed over this network to our management, and also divided the regions. I think everyone can do their own part." Someone smiled.

The man looked over and smiled back: "Mr. Lowton, I remember that in a year, three sub-members died one after another in the area where you were, and there was a lot of compensation to the buyer. In the report, All your explanations are due to personal grievances, is that true?"

"Mr. Aiqi, what do you mean?" Lorno's tone turned cold.

"Only when I met with the adults yesterday, he specially reminded me that it needs to be quiet and stable in the near future. The sacrificial ritual has changed the alliance internally. Recently, personnel from the two super countries have entered the post-phase continent one after another. The influence is definitely on the ceremony. This is what an adult meant. If Mr. Lowton has any questions, you can ask the adults in person at the reception a week later."

"I don't know if my explanation suits your taste?" Ai Qi still smiled. Seeing Lorton no longer speaking, he turned his head and looked at the end of the crowd sitting around the fireplace-it was a slightly quiet man with a faint smile on his face.

"Mr. Arnome." Aiqi said to the man, "I wonder if you need me to bring something to an adult in this simple party?"

The quiet man looked at Ai Qi with a puzzled expression on his face and did not speak.

"It's still the original words of an adult." Aiqi continued his own words. "The sacrificial ritual has indeed changed a lot of things. It has made some people be favored by the tribe and become the core and focus. It has also reduced the status of many top members before the ceremony. They are no longer the only ones in the tribe. But don’t forget them just because they have been silent in the past two years, and there are no more new news. They are still extremely dangerous people, and they are accumulating Better than the so-called "monsters" after many rituals."

After Ai Qi finished speaking, he looked around the people sitting around the fireplace: "I am the only one who has survived six years ago. I must have experienced the cleaning. Adults don’t want this to happen again, if there is such a thing. The signs, the adults said, he will definitely solve them internally in advance."

After speaking, Aiqi looked at Anomi: "A few days ago, the subordinate personnel in your area disappeared out of thin air, and they also brought close to 300 related parties. This is not a trivial matter. It is very likely. It was the Flame Tribe or Thunder Wolf Tribe that started the action. The adults don’t want to see the follow-up development of this matter. It is cut off, all clues are disconnected at the secondary personnel, and the buyer’s compensation is based on The conditions above the agreement are carried out, and the adults hope to see such a result!"

"Also, the follow-up investigation will be over immediately after this gathering! Now that you already know some of the investigation results, you should understand the significance of these results only by simple analysis-it is not something ordinary forces and teams can do. His beautiful work. The adults did give us more confidence, but the adults also said that he did not want to cause more trouble and enemies out of thin air!"

"I see, UU reading Mr. Ai Qi." Seeing Ai Qi's dissatisfied face, Anomi smiled and nodded.


In front of the mirror in the cupboard in the room, Sisia took off her clothes and used scissors to remove the blood-stained bandages all over her body one by one. Seeing that the skin split caused by the so-called preparations of the second personality had almost healed, and only some red marks had not disappeared, she was relieved.

Putting the blood-stained bandage together and putting it aside, Sisia stood sideways in front of the mirror. Noting the unusually protruding part of her chest, she lifted it up with her hands. In addition to being soft, she did feel a good weight. The hair hangs down, tens of centimeters above the shoulders, and a little bit of light is reflected under the light. After arranging it with his hands, Sisiah remembered the words of the second personality after the special training.

"Singularity can control the growth of the body, some places need to lose weight. Normally it will not be a burden, but in some occasions, it will become a failure and fatal factor. In addition, now you have not kept your long hair to fight. Qualification, even if it’s set up is not good. If you are determined not to rely on your hair as an offensive method in battle, cutting it short will be the best choice."

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