Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1886: Training ground (middle)

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Sisiah thinks from the perspective of the special training that the second personality has given her, and believes that the two points said by the second personality do have some truth. When she was studying in regular school, she had seen women clashed because of contradictions. In the conflict, the hair has become a sharp weapon for each other, and it can be grasped accurately by just grabbing it. After that, the test is the strength of both parties and their tolerance for pain.

Ordinary people grab a lot of hair, and it may be difficult to pull them out of their heads. You can change to be a stranger, and do this kind of thing with dozens of times more power... just imagined scenes, Sisia will feel the strange feeling of puffiness coming from her scalp.

At this time, Sisia moved his arms to experience power, and symbolically pinched two or three strands of hair and tore them off. The slight pain at this moment can be regarded as a kind of irritation. If the number increases, it will not tear a piece of scalp apart. But under the momentary strength, the head will also move in a certain direction due to the tugging. At this time, a predictive attack is carried out, and the success rate will increase by several layers.

Looking at the scissors set aside, Sisia picked it up, turned his body left and right, and released the long head into his memory.

In the evening, as Sisia will take the airship of Morgan to the Techers region where the Flame Tribe is located tomorrow morning, Foul organized a small banquet with several newly elected tribal administrators. One is to celebrate the rebirth of the tribe, which Sisiah feels like this, and the other is to bless Sisiah.

The assessment results are not only affecting Sisia, the small tribe of Mandeville has also been completely tied to Sisia since a few years ago.

After the banquet, Sisia, who had a drink of wine, returned to the room with a blush, and stood in front of the cabinet mirror again. The short hair that is flush with her ears really changed her senses. But the main reason is that mental and physical fatigue is not approaching the level of narcolepsy, and the feeling of weakness is mostly gone.

Looking at her own eyes in the mirror, Sisia could feel the spirit and a lot of vitality in them from another perspective. I patted my face, and after my body was under control, the effect of alcohol disappeared immediately. Going to the desk, Sisia opened the book that Fowl had bought two days ago, which was also required by the second personality.

Books on the anatomy of the human body, and medical books related to the structure of the human body.

During the special training, Sisia had a long conversation with the second personality. For past memories, the second personality is not known. All it knows is from the beginning of the sacrificial ceremony.

According to the requirements of the second personality, Sisiah emphasized what she learned in the formal school-related to planting, especially about the mechanical and batch planting of mushrooms, how to effectively and in a short time let some wild mushrooms The species can be artificially grown and produced in large quantities.

Without exception, the evaluation of the second personality is that this knowledge is useless. Because as a stranger, even in the middle and late stages of the first stage, they can still be immune to the toxicity of ordinary mushrooms or fungi.

Therefore, in the wild, it does not have practical significance to identify whether certain plants are toxic.

Sisiah said that she can identify more than a thousand different species and memorize their growth environment and other information. But the second personality evaluation says that it is not a bad idea to treat it as a special hobby in the future.

What follows is how to be selected as a candidate to participate in the sacrificial ceremony. In this conversation, the second personality appeared silent, which Sisia felt. It wasn't until the conversation topic went to the training ground and Sisia started relevant training that the second personality took the conversation.

The evaluation is not high. The second personality says that these trainings are just to ensure the basic activity of the body as a stranger and keep it at the lowest standard.

"Does not have practical training and enhancement significance. I originally thought that the weakness of this body was due to women, but now it seems that it is because during the time in the training field, your so-called training is not professional. The flame tribe is just in Think of various ways to increase your affinity for something. Considering the specific medicine that allows you to inject on time, the answer should be in its raw materials."

"In addition, as newcomers in the training ground, your other identity is the stranger. But during that time, I don't think the courses you mentioned were for the stranger. In other words, they are very unprofessional. They are just For a clear purpose-to improve your affinity with something and serve. Projects that have nothing to do with it should be eliminated altogether."

Sisia only understands the small part of the second personality discourse: "In the training ground, the instructors also taught the use of firearms, as well as fighting skills. They also provided a large number of templates and materials for the development and use of abilities. Correspondingly, The supply of medicament is several times, almost inexhaustible."

After listening to Sisiah’s rebuttal words, the second personality seemed more patient: “From a rational point of view, firearms training is limited to clip-on pistols. If none of the other types are involved, it will be of little use. Or their intention is, yes. When using a clip-on pistol, the timing and accuracy of shooting are extremely perfect, so other firearms do not need to be studied. But the result is definitely not the case."

"As for fighting skills..." Sisia rarely saw the second personality pause and think. "If you show everything during the special training, then I would prefer to call it aerobics."

When the conversation reached "fighting skills", the second personality specifically asked Sisia about the outing practice missions she had said, and asked her to tell the detailed process of one or two of them.

"No matter how I analyze the practical tasks, I feel that they are specially selected to give you confidence. Think about the task process carefully-each team has more than 30 people, but the task goal It's just a small force composed of a dozen people, and it doesn't even have heavy weapons, and the enemy is generally weaker than yours. This kind of task, their original intention is not to achieve actual training effects."

"Maybe the training is too boring, and some people may lose interest. The instructors don't want to see this happening, so they let you find confidence in the practical tasks and think that the training is effective in order to keep the training enthusiasm."

"Moreover, I think one of the information you explained is very important-ceremony participants of different batches and identities will not be grouped together for practical tasks. This may indicate that your batch is more like stocking. , Or experimental batches. If any of you really have extraordinary talents, you will directly raise your status after discovering them, and continue to observe. In this way, no one will be left behind."

"And the ability development materials and medicines you mentioned are probably one of the contents of the investigation. You said that there are many ability materials, but carefully distinguished, they are basic abilities and not precious. After you obtain the corresponding materials and medicines, the instructor There will be a detailed record of the data, and then compare the completion time of the ability development and the number of medicines used to judge the level of talent of each of you."

After listening to Sisiah, it was a little hard to believe: "But we did receive training there."

"From what you have explained and rationally analyzed, there is always only one purpose of the training ground, which is to enhance your affinity with As for the training of you as strangers, one None. Starting from the theoretical knowledge you explained, there is no lesson related to human body structure, so I will come to a skeptical conclusion.” The second personality made a summary judgment at the end.

At the end of the special training, the second personality allowed Sisia not to worry.

"In the evaluation, you don't need to compare with others, just get as high as possible. According to the training courses you have said, the level of other people in the same batch as you is easy to guess. So there is no need to worry."

"Finally, before the battle assessment with the instructor, you need to register a developed ability-that is the physical liberation of the final stage of the special training. I will assist you, on the one hand, to forcibly shield your pain perception and liberate the body's self. Protection limits. On the one hand, it stimulates the short-term proliferation of body tissues and obtains a strengthening effect. I will wake up before the assessment so that I can give you on-the-spot guidance during the various assessments."

"In addition, the name at the time of ability registration has been decided, and it is called'Organism Liberation.' Maybe the instructors have a more academic name, then just listen to it. There will be no effect, just the name is different."

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