Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1891: On-site teaching and body liberation (part 1)

During the waiting time, Cassia told Sisia about some actual combat matters. It happens to be practicing firearms, so most of them are related to firearms.

Basic knowledge, Cassia has the meaning to make some preparations for Sisia to supplement relevant knowledge in the future. After the anatomy of the human body, it will immediately be transferred to firearms learning, during which it is intended to cooperate with physical and strength training. Cassia still remembers all the training courses and methods of the military school in his head, and they will definitely play some role.

Fighting skills and close combat skills, Cassia ranked them last, at least after the simulation battle. These two items require a certain level of basic physical strength to support. And skills and experience are only useful when dealing with more powerful enemies, and can narrow the gap between the basic strength and speed of the two. At present, they will not be very helpful to Sisia.

But Cassia is very clear that in a real battle, the most important thing is information and head. At the current stage of surgery in Sisia, without the support of powerful surgical capabilities such as exoskeleton, skin hardening and scaling, the platinum bullet is the nightmare of all strangers. As for the blue silver bullet, Cassia estimated that the time before Sisia could reach it would be far away.

While recounting this knowledge, Cassia did not forget to think about the plan after the evaluation. I have decided to take the risk and pay a certain price, personally help Sisia complete the assessment, and jump out of this training ground as soon as possible. In the follow-up, it is to raise the status level as soon as possible and obtain more resources. One of the most important points, Cassia hopes that Sisia can find a way to obtain dragon blood.

Although dragon blood is a deadly biological poison for ordinary surgeons, Cassia also wants to try it to see if Sisia can absorb even a little bit with his help. If the experiment is successful, a lot of time can be compressed for other things.

Cassia could feel the urgency of time. Two years have passed since the Southern Forest Incident. What is the situation inside the empire, the current situation of Ye Jielin and others, and so on, all need Sisiah's help to collect. From Sisia, Cassia also learned that the Nature Association and the Church have begun to transport members of various institutions and the army to the backward continent. More detailed information is needed to analyze some things, and this information requires identity and money to obtain.

At the time of observation, when Sisia went to a specific training ground, it was already fenced off. She found a three-story building a thousand meters away and went to the top of the building. There are already a dozen people here waiting for the start of the battle.

"The vision here is very good, and your eyesight can clearly see the movements of those advanced students. When you see those instructors or students you feel powerful, just point them out, and I will give you a judgment result based on them." Second Personality Just before speaking, Sisiah continued to say that among the dozen people on the top of the building, there were a few students who she felt were very powerful.

Cassia looked over and could only respond with "I know". When I went upstairs, I noticed the dozens of people around. When Cassia said this, she wanted to test Sisia’s senses and obtain the criteria of the "powerful" in her eyes, so that after the observation, she could choose some suitable words to tell her. , So as not to feel pressure after knowing the gap with the top power.

The training uniform on his body informed Cassia and Sisia that these people on the top of the building also belong to the batch of senior students. Seeing Sisiah coming up, as if being invaded into a territory that cannot be crossed, more than a dozen eyes fell on Sisia almost at the same time. But since Cassia is now awake, Sisia can't feel this kind of thing at all, and appears calm and calm.

"The level of a team dedicated to carrying heavy firearms and ammunition." Cassia has already commented on the strong in Sisia's eyes. "In battle, if you are proficient in using firearms, you may be able to help build a firepower network. The ability on guns is also not good, it is the burden of wasting bullets in the team."

Follow Sisia's line of sight to look at the battlefield of the senior students. The battle observation seems to be very famous in this training ground, and it has got the attention of the managers. Around the huge venue, the students formed a big circle. There are also a huge number of people like Sisiah watching from high places nearby.

Sisia said that every time he observes, more than half of the instructors will come here. Because after the battle of the senior students, there are still things like the challenge. It is the students from other batches who challenge the senior students, and they will get some extra points based on their performance. And this score often means an improvement in the status level. As for which students are going to challenge, the choice and the right to speak are in the hands of the instructors.

"Because of this, many students who have achieved certain results in training often need to ask the instructor,,,, for this challenge," Sisiah said of additional information at this time. Cassia sighed alone. In his eyes, this training ground was a cannon fodder concentration camp, and even only a few of them could be cannon fodder. There is no reason for this view. What is afraid of in the training ground is not unfairness in resources. Those who are truly talented and capable will obtain resources on their own. But if there is something from Sisiah, then Cassia needs to consider more than just getting good results in the evaluation.

"But because the trainees are all designated instructors, and the instructors in each batch are also fixed. Therefore, in the information I got, among the number of challenges, these transactions will not exist in the first few, and some will be reserved for real strength. People, the rest will be traded."

Cassia replied, "I know, and will be added to the basis of the analysis", and once again followed Sisia's line of sight to observe the large number of students around the venue.

The instructors did come a lot. They are all concentrated around the battlefield and are easy to identify. Sisia soon began to explain to Cassia which batch of these instructors belonged to and which ones were strong in her eyes. There are also information about these instructors. For example, a certain instructor was a member of a certain organization of the Flame Tribe, and what is the status of this organization in the tribe.

Or, which instructor has been in a certain team, what important events the team has participated in, etc. There is not much information of this kind. Using the second personality identity, Cassia can let Sisia focus on the ones with the most dazzling identity backgrounds.

"Instructor Trier, it is said that he had been to the front of the border between the Alliance and the St. Dorag Empire, where he was on duty for a year, and then he retreated here. He is one of the instructors of the senior students."

"The man next to him is the instructor Hols, who is also the instructor of the senior students. He once went to the small country to perform a mission. I heard that he was seriously injured later. After he came back for treatment, he did not go back again. He came to this training ground. The instructor with the unusually tall body is..."

Sisiah named six instructors one after another, and Cassia carefully observed that his body was indeed slightly stronger than other instructors around. Judging by Cassia's standards, these instructors who are in the third stage and the people who manage logistics in the military school are not comparable, and there is still a big gap.

In the Imperial Military School, there are only these departments where you can put your own people. As for those who can go to military school, except for coaches and theoretical course teachers who are selected and decided by the Imperial Council, the rest are also evaluated and screened by the various families of the Quartet, and the composition is absolutely luxurious.

At least, as far as Cassia knows, whether it is a Samsung Academy or a one- or two-star academy, its head coach is a five-stage high-level surgeon. Not to mention other coaches, the initial stage of surgery is also four stages.

In terms of experience, the time spent on the front cannot be less than ten years, and there must be a wealth of combat experience. This requires the coaches or teachers of military schools, even the teachers of theory courses, to study their past experiences, everyone is extremely rich.

When you get to know them, you will find that they were not members of the famous knights in the past, or the leaders of institutions such as the Imperial Guards or special operations agencies. In addition, they need to be people who often deal with the dark world, because of this, there will be frequent battles to hone their experience.

Even Cassia thought that he was the easiest, second-class biological language teacher who was able to teach students with a three-stage surgeon. After understanding it, he knew that he was also a four-stage pre-surgery and a creature of the empire. Professor of the Institute. He stayed on the front in his early years, and then moved to the extreme areas of the southern forest and the endless chain of islands in the sea. The experience in fighting the second-class creatures is extremely rich, and there is this teacher among the editors of the military school's information on the second-class creatures.

On the other hand, the training grounds,,, and Cassia are indeed not sure where the students trained here can go after they go out? Because the enemies or allies he came into contact with, only some of the surgeons in the small nations would have such a level.

After seeing the instructors and the so-called senior students one by one, Cassia had no interest in the observation of the battle that was about to begin. I wanted to leave here. Seeing Sisiah's serious expression ready to learn something from it, Cassia really couldn't bear to interrupt her interest, so she could only remain silent on the side.

The instructor who came here was the final judge, and the person who went up to pull the two sides apart when the two sides couldn't control their emotions in the battle.

When they came to the top of the building and waited for ten minutes, two people finally walked to the battlefield. It is uniform clothing, which has been checked in advance, and steel parts cannot be brought. Because it is a competition in martial arts, there are no weapons. It simply tests strength, speed and agility, as well as proficiency in skills and grasp of timing.

Sisia explained the process at this time, but Cassia, who was not interested, could only listen. A dozen other people around him suddenly became serious, making Cassia suddenly feel a kind of absurd ridiculous. However, thinking that he was living in such a training ground now, his slightly relaxed and happy mood was completely replaced by helplessness.

Accepting what was in Sisia's sight, Cassia thought that it was unrealistic to call Sisia's fighting technique aerobics not long ago.

"A two-person dance with strength and flexibility, as well as visual tension and personal emotional expression." Cassia corrected himself, but did not tell Sisia.

"This kick is very good. It directly resolves the opponent's offense and gains time to turn around. It allows you to immediately adjust your body posture. The next time you attack or defend, you can stand in an advantageous position." The dozen people next to it seemed to be. A group, when the front battle was going on, someone opened up to explain.

"The output is also very good, relying on the half-length to force the kick to attack, which is completely unexpected by the opponent. After this kick, there is no immediate pursuit, but the choice of turning back and adjusting is also calm. The opponent is Fast, his body It is more flexible than women, and if you narrow the distance, you will enter the field where Fast is better." Another person immediately took the conversation and shared what he saw.

"Fast's flexibility is indeed terrible. When attacking, he can swing his hands and feet like steel whips. Each attack can get a power bonus from it, and he cannot be evaluated by ordinary strength data." It's a female voice, she has more say when it comes to'flexibility'.

Hearing the conversation on the side, Sisiah took it more seriously.

In her senses and vision, she also saw the kick just now. It's just that she only knows that the sudden kick is very powerful, and she definitely can't make the same action in the same situation to defuse the attack. Just like other people around her, she could see this foot very "through" clearly. She had no similar thoughts and analysis in her head just now, but she felt that this foot would be a bonus point in the eyes of the instructor.

Sisiah let out a sigh of relief. Suddenly he remembered that there was a second personality in his head, and asked: "Did you see the battle just now? From a rational analysis, did the kick just now have a lot of difficulty?"

At the analysis machine, Cassia will shake his head, turn his face to the side, and sigh so as not to be heard by Sisia.

"I have no interest in this kind of battle, which can only be called dancing, and can't even catch up with aerobics. If you really need me to comment on this, and rationally analyze the kick just now, you can only barely say that there is. A kick of strength and momentum, at least this kick knows how to exert most of its own strength. However, in the actual battle against the enemy, this kick may be useful when facing an enemy weaker than yourself. But if the strength is equal , Or an enemy slightly stronger than himself, kicked it out, and when it was retracted, it was already broken."

"There are three high-probability situations. The first is that the sole of the foot is twisted directly from the ankle; the second is that the foot is twisted directly from the knee; and the third is that the enemy takes advantage of the force of the foot to be completely broken. Lifting, exposing the deadly lower body part is one, and standing on one foot is the second. In either case, the pain and the subsequent problems caused by the twisted foot are fatal under the premise of the injury."

"Here does not consider the situation where the lower body is directly hit. As long as it is achieved, the sentence of death can be declared without accident. The lower body is injured, and the pain system is not blocked. Because the body instinct cooperates with the brain to think, it will be in the head on its own Simulate the corresponding pain level. Even if you don’t actually feel the pain, your body will have the characteristics of lower body twitches later, followed by a protective disengagement. To eliminate this situation, some training is required."

"To sum up, the kick just now cannot be kicked out from the beginning. It is extremely dangerous to stay in the air during a battle. And that includes the situation of landing on one foot without a follow-up guarantee. Because staying in the air can only Change your posture without being able to make effective movements. One foot is the insufficient power provided, resulting in a reduction in movement speed. Here, with a little experience, you can judge your attack distance and radius in the next period of time. How much is it."

Sisiah did not immediately answer the conversation. After a while, she thought about the words of the second personality, and then she said in a puzzled manner: "Will the consequences of this kick really be so serious? Because of the one just obtained. Advantage, the first battle seems to have been won. The opponent’s subsequent offense is no longer threatened. Moreover, none of the situations you mentioned just now happened."

When Cassia replied, he thought for a while: "Because neither of them have enough levels..., there is still a lot of room for improvement in their skills. You just assume that it will be the case. It doesn't matter who wins this battle. The important thing is that you are It’s fine if you don’t do this later, and don’t think about other things for the time being."

Sisiah can only nod, because she can indeed simulate the situation of the second personality statement in her head after thinking a few times, which is feasible. But she didn't know how to twist the foot from the ankle and knee.

"Is the battle among the senior students important this afternoon? Or among the senior students who are preparing, there are people with more special status and background?" When thinking, the second personality suddenly asked Sisiah.

"It should be a routine battle competition, right?" Sisia didn't know what the second personality meant for a while. "What's wrong?" When asked, Sisia had a strange feeling. She could feel the second personality. Personality concerns. Even if he moved his gaze away from the battlefield and went to the surrounding crowd, he almost instantly locked the few people under the second personality focus.

"Turn your head right away!" When Cassia noticed that Sisia's eyes were moving towards the position he was paying attention to, it was too late in time. Cassia then remembered that he was observing the outside world, and the actual picture was based on Sisia's line of sight. The two seem to be two different gazes, but the information transmission route is the same route. As the master of the body, Sisia can feel this.

"What's the matter?" Sisia shook his head subconsciously, and immediately looked at the nearby building. But nothing happened, but the second personality spoke with some chagrin in his head, "Maybe it will cause some trouble."

"During the special training, I should have taught you how to observe other people, right?" Second Personality went on to say, full of helplessness.

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